
Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

author:Historical bacteria of swallows

(1) You are the first in your professional grades, and you are the first in your overall grades. Actually, there's nothing wrong with it, hahahaha

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(2) Refer to those who split the second generation and won the jackpot in the lottery

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(3) I hope that all the bad luck in this life will be used up, and the good luck will continue in the second half of my life.

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(4) Anger first, many people feel that they can't afford to take a vacation

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(5) You just say that it doesn't hurt when you snap!

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(6) What if you don't want to be young and vigorous? This is a typical example of a person who is about to be stabbed if he floats

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(7) Free medical care requires doctors to queue up according to their priorities, and some diseases that you don't feel well but the doctor judges are not serious either carry them yourself or go to expensive private hospitals.

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(8) If you have diarrhea too hard, you still have to hang up some water! replenish your energy, and it will be very uncomfortable to collapse wow~

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(9) ‬到了一种加了微信,也只会进行业务的可靠程度了![泪奔]

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(10) Can you spot the difference

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(11) How can you still hear a little complacent?

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(12) It is inconvenient for his daughter-in-law to take care of the children, what kind of excitement is this person making around?

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(13) The boy was still just starting out in this business, and he could not hold his breath, hoping that he would arrest them all and sentence them to life

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(14) I still can't forget the tears in the eyes of the old seaweed farmer on the news when the plastic laver rumors spread.

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(15) Well, if it had been put in the past, it would have been very expensive.

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(16) Your hobby is really a bit ......

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(17) 唉,世事难料[捂脸][捂脸][捂脸][捂脸]

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(18) Divorce, must retreat [tears] [tears] [tears]

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(19) There are always some people of bad character who think that if a woman becomes pregnant unexpectedly, she will become a person who has no capital to negotiate and can be manipulated.

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(20) Children's ability to cope with stress is not so good, and it is not a bad thing to add up to a lot.

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(21) Fortunately, I will go crazy on the spot, and no relatives will mess with me

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(22) The price of pork belly has risen so fast, I feel distressed to go home to buy it during the Chinese New Year, but the taste of my hometown is worth it!

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?

(23) You also know the long-distance relationship in the past tense, so let it pass and start a new life

Is it really advantageous to be pretty?