
The boy was constipated for a year, but the result turned out to be latent spina bifida! The doctor reminded: Don't take constipation seriously

author:Talk about bones

In my medical career, I have come across many cases that seem simple but hide complex causes. Today, I would like to share a story about a boy who was finally diagnosed with spina bifida occult because of constipation that lasted for a year. This case reminds us that sometimes everyday problems can be the tip of the iceberg of bigger health concerns.

The boy was constipated for a year, but the result turned out to be latent spina bifida! The doctor reminded: Don't take constipation seriously

The story takes place a year ago on a hot summer. A 10 year old boy was brought to my clinic by his parents, who were very worried about his chronic constipation problems. They told me that despite trying a variety of home remedies and changing eating habits, my child's condition has not improved significantly. Initially, I took into account that constipation is not uncommon in children and is often related to eating habits and lifestyle. But with further inquiries and examinations, I began to suspect that there might be other medical problems hidden behind it.

Considering the severity and duration of his constipation, I recommend a more comprehensive physical examination, including some necessary imaging tests. Eventually, the MRI results revealed a discovery that surprised everyone – spina bifida occultus. This is a rare condition and is often not easily detected in primary care settings. This finding not only explains the persistence of constipation, but also reveals deeper health issues that need to be addressed immediately.

Occult spina bifida science

What is spina bifida occulta

Spina bifida occultus, medically known as "occult spina bifida," is a spinal problem that is present at birth, usually in a part of the spine where the bone plate does not close completely. Although this condition may not cause noticeable symptoms immediately, in some cases, it may gradually manifest itself as the child grows, such as immobility, paresthesias, or pain.

How to find out through constipation

You may be surprised at the link between constipation and occult spina bifida. In fact, long-term constipation may be due to compression of the nerves in the spinal cord, which is a possible complication in patients with spina bifida occultus. Abnormal structures in the spine may compress nerve roots, affecting nerve function in the lower body, which can affect bowel movements and eventually lead to constipation. Therefore, if a child has persistent constipation problems, especially if regular constipation treatment fails to improve symptoms, the doctor may recommend imaging tests of the spine.

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment for spina bifida occult depends on the severity of the symptoms and the specifics. Mild cases may not require immediate intervention, but regular monitoring is required to see if symptoms progress. Surgery may be needed in cases where symptoms are severe, such as impaired nerve function or severe pain. The goal of surgery is to reduce the pressure on the nerves and restore the normal structure of the spine. Most patients with appropriate treatment can expect a good quality of life and functional recovery.

The boy was constipated for a year, but the result turned out to be latent spina bifida! The doctor reminded: Don't take constipation seriously

Daily precautions for the family

Observe your child's bowel habits

Parents should regularly observe their children's bowel habits. Constipation may not be an occasional problem, but a warning sign of chronicity. Keep track of the frequency of bowel movements, the texture of the stool (such as hardness), and how your child behaves when they have a bowel movement (such as whether there is a painful expression). This information can be very helpful in diagnosing doctors.

When to seek help from a doctor

If your child's constipation persists for more than two weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, or blood in the stool, they should consult their doctor immediately. Especially when constipation problems first appear, they should not be taken lightly, and early treatment can avoid possible serious health problems.

Family coping measures

Dietary modification: Increase the intake of dietary fiber, such as whole-grain bread, oats, fruits and vegetables, to help soften stools and promote intestinal peristalsis.

Stay hydrated: Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Hydration can help soften the stool and make it easier to pass through the intestines.

Regular bowel movements: Develop the habit of trying to have a bowel movement at the same time every day, preferably after a meal, using the body's natural gastrointestinal reflexes.

The boy was constipated for a year, but the result turned out to be latent spina bifida! The doctor reminded: Don't take constipation seriously

Moderate exercise: Increase your child's physical activity to promote gut health. Simple activities such as walking or relaxing outdoor games can help.

Avoid overuse of laxatives: Parents should not give their children laxatives on their own, which can lead to dependence or other health problems.

Through the implementation of these daily precautions for families, it can not only help solve the problem of constipation in children, but also improve the awareness of health management among family members and jointly prevent possible health risks.

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