
Should you be completely open about your past love history with your significant other?

author:Reliable cheese 8OT

My name is Li Yuxuan, and I grew up in a traditional and warm family. I was instilled in me from a young age the importance of honesty and trust. These values have been throughout my life until I met Chen Zihan.

Zihan and I met on the university campus, he was sunny, humorous, and always made me forget all my troubles. Our relationship quickly warmed up and soon fell in love. However, as time passed, a question came to my mind: should I confess my past to him?

My past is not perfect, and I have had a deep relationship experience. I once loved someone, but ended up breaking up because of each other's incompatibility. This past used to make my heart twist, but I don't know if I should tell Zihan.

"Yuxuan, what are you thinking?" Zihan patted my hand gently.

I looked up and looked him in the eye with a lot of thoughts. "Zihan, between us... Should we be honest with each other about the past?"

He stroked my hair gently. "If that makes us love each other more genuinely, I'm willing to listen and share. ”

My heart fluttered and I decided to tell him about my past.

Should you be completely open about your past love history with your significant other?

"I used to have a very special person. I whispered, "We thought we would always be together, but we ended up missing out because we were too young and immature. That experience taught me to cherish and grow. ”

Zihan listened quietly, didn't interrupt me, just gently held my hand.

"Yuxuan, thank you for sharing with me. His voice was soft but firm, "I know that everyone's past is a part of their story, and your past does not change our present and future. ”

Hearing his understanding and support, the stone in my heart finally landed. Perhaps, honesty and trust are the real cornerstones.

As the days passed, my relationship with Zihan became deeper and deeper. We have learned to listen, tolerate, support and understand each other.

However, an unexpected encounter shattered my peace. I accidentally learned that Zihan also had a story from the past, a story that he had never told me.

"Yuxuan, there is one thing I haven't told you. Zihan's expression was a little heavy, "Before we met, I used to have a girlfriend, and our relationship lasted until I graduated from college. ”

Should you be completely open about your past love history with your significant other?

I had mixed feelings, but I tried to stay calm. "Why haven't you told me?"

He bowed his head silently, "I don't know what to say, I'm afraid you'll mind and think I'm not trustworthy enough." ”

When I heard that, I felt distressed. "Zihan, I believe in you, I won't mind your past. As long as we can be honest with each other and understand each other, it is enough. ”

We embraced each other, and the doubts and estrangements in our hearts seemed to disappear at that moment. Perhaps, everyone has their own hidden pains, but only through honesty and understanding can we face and grow together.

In the end, I chose to believe in Zihan and chose to face the challenges of the future with him. Our love is not perfect, but it is real, full of trust and tolerance.

In the journey of life, we laughed together, cried together, and experienced countless ups and downs together. And whenever I look back, I am grateful for those honesty and trust, which made our love stronger and made us each other's most solid support.

Perhaps, life is a journey, and love is the never-ending beacon that illuminates our way forward and makes us no longer afraid of the darkness.

Should you be completely open about your past love history with your significant other?