
Tomorrow, the seventh day of the third month, "closed", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 3 things

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Hey, hello! Today I have to talk to you about a very interesting topic -- "Closed day"! Some people may say, "Closed day? Isn't this the seventh day of the third month?" Yes, this is the day. In traditional Chinese customs, the seventh day of the third month is a very interesting day, and people say that it is a "closed day" after the seventh day of the first month. Don't underestimate this "closed day", although it seems ordinary, but there is great wisdom hidden in it! Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area: "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses", for themselves, for their children, for the whole family to receive blessings. Let's hope for good luck, wealth rolling in, and boundless happiness!

Tomorrow, the seventh day of the third month, "closed", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 3 things

Learn the ins and outs of "Closed Day".

First of all, we have to understand how the "closed day" came about? In fact, this custom originated in ancient times and is a custom inherited from the folk of the mainland. It is believed that on the seventh day of the third month, everything on the earth begins to recover, and the breath of spring becomes stronger and stronger, so people also begin to "retreat". However, this practice is not about closing the door and hiding at home, but about paying attention to some small details to bless yourself with a safe and smooth year ahead.

Three taboos, keep it in mind!

Come, let's take a look at what three taboos we must not commit in the "closed day" of the seventh day of the third month tomorrow?

Tabo 1: Stimulate eyesight

Well, the eyes are the window to our souls! On this day, don't stimulate your eyesight, for example, don't watch too much TV, and play with mobile phones and computers in moderation. You know, the eyes are very delicate, and if they are overstimulated, it may affect our eye health!

Tomorrow, the seventh day of the third month, "closed", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 3 things

Taboo 2: Travel at night

Yes, it is absolutely necessary to go out at night! Traditional customs believe that going out on the night of the seventh day of the third lunar month tomorrow is tantamount to "opening the door and putting bad luck" and may invite bad things. So, don't underestimate this taboo, it's better to stay at home honestly!

Taboo 3: Moving

Hey, it's tiring to think about! Moving is a big project, but on this day, you must not move! Because legend has it, moving on this day may make the whole family unlucky and cause bad luck. So, if you happen to move on this day, it's better to bear with it and change the day!

An old proverb warns

The ancients left a lot of proverbs about the importance of the day, such as: "The seventh day of the first month is closed and the day is three taboos, and the eyesight travels and moves the ring." This sentence is to remind us that there are three taboos on the seventh day of the first month of March, and we must not treat them sloppily!

Tomorrow, the seventh day of the third month, "closed", reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 3 things


Therefore, tomorrow, on the seventh day of the third lunar month, when the "closed day" is coming, we must keep in mind these three taboos and protect our bodies and family luck! If you still know other interesting "closed day" customs, remember to leave a message to tell me! Finally, I wish you all good health and all the best!

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