

author:Liangshan Cultural Tourism

Since the beginning of this year, Liangshan Prefecture has focused on the goals of implementing the main line, cultivating business formats, creating bright spots, and improving supporting facilities, planning in advance, taking multiple measures at the same time, and striving to plan and fight the "active battle" to promote the development of cultural tourism in spring.

During the just-concluded Qingming holiday, the A-level tourist attractions in Liangshan Prefecture received a total of 474,200 people, a year-on-year increase of 207.57%, and the ticket revenue was 615,900 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 202.49%. Among them, 36 cultural venues had a total of 13,239 visits, 2,934 services outside the museum, 60 offline activities, 32 online activities, and 1,361 clicks on online activities.

Play the research card well and make field teaching more vivid

In recent years, the education system of Liangshan Prefecture has started from the aspects of red patriotism education, labor practice education, and popular science education, and integrated the design and conception of research routes, and classified the tourist attractions suitable for children's "research and study tours" in the state.

Since the beginning of spring, the "research tour" has set off a new trend in Liangshan. Relying on this good opportunity of the "new position" of practical education, schools in Liangshan Prefecture have successively organized off-campus "research and study tours". Nowadays, the tricks of "research and study tours" that can be learned and played have made the scenic spots in the original off-season lively with the arrival of waves of teachers and students.

In the Xichang Jianchuan Film Museum, teachers and students felt the vitality of Chinese films in the new era and explored the charm of light and shadow art through interactive experience; in the Xichang Satellite Launch Base, teachers and students felt the important weapons of the country and the scientific and technological power of China's aerospace at zero distance; in the Mianning Yihai Sea View Area, teachers and students stopped at the Yihai Alliance Memorial Hall to appreciate the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs; in the Maguo Huopu Tea Garden in Jituo Township, Xide County, teachers and students immersed themselves in the handmade tea process such as tea picking and tea kneading......

"This is an unusual trip, students can not only watch the evolution of birds, bird life and habits, bird ecology and environmental science education and cultural display, but also let students establish the awareness of bird protection and ecological protection from an early age, and know how to respect nature, conform to nature, and protect nature. The relevant person in charge of the Xichang Aiyakang Bird Museum introduced.

In recent years, with the rise of "research tours", thanks to the good ecological environment, Liangshan has become a "research tour" resort with the theme of nature. In 2021, Mianning Yihai Alliance Red Culture Science Education Base, Huili Jinshajiang Party Spirit Education Practice College, and Liangshan Prefecture Aerospace Science Education Base were listed as the first batch of red education research and practice bases for primary and secondary schools in Sichuan Province.

Play a good service card and travel is more warm

At the beginning of this year, based on the resource endowment, characteristic advantages, industrial foundation and development opportunities, Liangshan special cuisine was fully cultivated as a key industry to drive industrial development, polish the city's business card, promote the integration of culture and tourism, and strengthen the county economy, and continue to call for the "Daliangshan Cuisine" brand.

Since February, Liangshan has been "out of the circle" with the popularity of the first Daliangshan Barbecue Festival, and has continuously promoted the upward development of the cultural tourism industry. In order to improve the experience and satisfaction of tourists, Liangshan has made great efforts to optimize services and established the Liangshan Barbecue Industry Association to provide an important platform for the exchange and learning, mutual help and cooperation of barbecue industry operators in the state.

At the same time, from March 1st to March 23rd, Xichang City added free barbecue festival special buses for foreign tourists, and launched 6 million yuan of government Huimin consumption vouchers (barbecue coupons) to put the work.

Recently, in order to meet the growing travel needs of the majority of passengers, Xichang Qingshan Airport has also adjusted some flights and encrypted some popular routes.

The route from Xichang to Luzhou to Ningbo has been increased from 4 flights per week to 1 flight per day, providing passengers with a more convenient travel choice, and the route from Xichang to Mianyang has also been adjusted accordingly, from the previous 4 flights per week to 1 flight per day, and the flight schedule has been optimized, flying to Xichang, Mianyang and Nanjing every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and July, and flying to Xichang, Mianyang and Jinan every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, providing passengers with more flexible travel services.

Up to now, Xichang Qingshan Airport has opened 32 routes and reached 32 destinations, forming a relatively complete route network. In the next step, Xichang Qingshan Airport will continue to increase flight optimization efforts, and will plan to open a number of new routes such as Guiyang and Lhasa to add momentum to the development of Liangshan cultural tourism.

Play a good advantage card to create a high-quality line

In 2024, Liangshan has launched the action of building high-quality tourism routes, and plans to transform the scattered and diversified scenic spots into beads, beads into chains, and chains into pieces from the five-line layout of "east, west, north, south, and central", so as to realize the integrated development of the whole region.

Medium-line tourism: Focusing on Xichang, Dechang, Puge and Mianning, we will support Xichang Qionghai to create a world-class tourist resort, accelerate the construction of Jianchuan Film Museum Settlement, Jianchang Ancient City Phase II, Aerospace Cultural Tourism Industrial Park and other projects, accelerate the pace of creating a 5A-level tourist attraction in Luoji Mountain, enrich tourism, leisure and vacation, sunshine health care, culture and art, sports, festivals and other formats, and create a high-quality health tourism route for Sunshine Hot Spring in Daliangshan.

Eastern Tourism: Focusing on Zhaojue, Butuo, Jinyang, Leibo, and Meigu, relying on the expressway networks of Xizhao, Lexi, and Yipan, we will focus on the development of red resources in Sanhe Village, Huopu Village, and Cliff Village, and natural resources such as Mahu, Gukede, Boshwahei, Longtou Mountain, Le'an Wetland, Baicaopo, and Dafengding, deeply excavate the original ecological Yi cultural resources, develop tourism products such as ethnic customs experience, ecological tourism, and summer recreation, build a high-quality cultural and ecological protection experimental area, and create a high-quality tourism route for the Yi nationality in Daliangshan.

Southern Tourism: Focusing on Huili, Huidong and Ningnan, highlighting the characteristics of warm winter sun, high gorge and Pinghu, supporting the ancient city of Huili to create a national tourist resort, excavating the cultural resources of Sichuan-Yunnan culture, red culture, ancient city culture and farming, promoting the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, launching the Jinshajiang cultural tourism brand, and creating a high-quality tourism route with Daliang Mountain, Sichuan and Yunnan style.

Western Tourism: Focusing on Yanyuan and Muli, we will accelerate the creation of Lugu Lake National Tourism Resort, tap Mosuo culture, Tibetan culture and ecological tourism resources, develop and construct scenic spots such as Shangri-La Lake, Mana Chajin, Oroya Village, and Xianuo Duoji at a high level, develop green ecological tourism and folk culture tourism, develop products such as trekking, off-road self-driving, cultural experience and ecological tourism, and create a high-quality ecological and cultural tourism route for Shangri-La in Daliangshan.

Northern Tourism: Focusing on Xide, Yuexi and Ganluo, we will increase the development of resources such as Xiangling-Lingguan Ancient Road, Qingxi Gorge, Puchang Terraces, and Dadu River Gorge National Geopark, improve the quality of scenic spots such as Wenchang's hometown, and connect ancient towns, ancient villages, and ancient post stations along the line, so as to create a high-quality cultural tourism route on the Southern Silk Road in Daliangshan.


Source | Liangshan government affairs

Comprehensive Finishing | Liangshan Cultural Tourism

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