
More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

author:Huang said
More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Gambling uses the greed for money to lead people into a trap step by step, and finally bankrupt their families and wives, which can be said to be a gambling that destroys everything.

The harms of gambling have scared off a wave of people and saved a wave of people.

With the development of the Internet, young people are immersed in it like they are poisoned.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

The Internet seems to be open and free, but in fact, there are all kinds of ways to make money, and young people with poor discernment skills will fall into the trap if they are not careful.

"Internet scams" are secretive and complex, and people are unexpected. More than 600 million young people have repented only after hollowing out their parents' efforts, which can be said to be more terrible than gambling.

1. Mobile phone live broadcast

When it comes to live broadcasts, we may think of the live broadcast with goods on short videos, where the anchor shouts hard to sell goods.

But these goods are generally cheaper, and if you don't like it, you can return them for no reason within seven days.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

The real streams that are scarier than gambling are the late-night live chats, which are mostly with pornographic content, and female streamers attract fans by dancing, chatting, and singing.

Female anchors will have a unified set of words, through various ways to let fans charge money and give gifts, and many anchors will add fans to WeChat when fans give a certain amount of tips.

Late-night people are in a state of distress and are slow to react, not only is it difficult to detect the deception in the anchor's mouth, but it is also easy to be PUA by the anchor and make irrational behaviors.

In particular, some people with low self-esteem at home, it is difficult for them to gain a sense of superiority in society, family and workplace, and live streaming can help them obtain a false sense of satisfaction.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

They are immersed in it, seeing the anchor as a friend or the perfect lover, and using their savings to reward them with rhetoric. Adult tipping is a voluntary gift, and it is difficult to get it back.

As of 2023, there will be more than 700 million online live broadcast users in mainland China. Men are more likely than women to indulge in live streaming and make the act of rewarding anchors.

In addition to mobile live streaming, game top-up is also an addictive existence. The blandness of real life prompts young people to seek thrill and pleasure in games.

At the beginning of the game, new users will be given a variety of gold coins and equipment, and a tutorial will be prepared for users.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Players become proficient in the game, and after becoming addicted to the game, the operator will launch various equipment.

In order to increase the sense of competition, there will also be rankings in the game, and players will need to constantly buy equipment in order to improve their rankings.

This is a regular operation for all games to make money, and the problem is that the game is very inducing and addictive, and players will throw money into it once they are addicted.

Many minors even steal their parents' money to buy equipment, which has also caused heated discussions in society.

All games should be equipped with anti-addiction features to prevent players from acting irrationally after getting on the head.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

2. Online dating

Online dating has cast a veil on both men and women, and both parties know each other through their voices, and there are also many deceptive routines hidden in it.

A lot of sweet sounds may come from a voice changer, and you never know what the person on the other side of the screen looks like, let alone know what his intentions are.

Attract single men and women through online dating, pretend to have common interests to close the distance, and when you let your guard down, start asking for money for various reasons.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Xiao Zhang in Tongzhou, Nantong fell into a scam because of this, he had a very happy conversation with his online girlfriend, and his online chat girlfriend defrauded money with excuses such as "birthday" and "investment", and immediately blocked people after the money arrived.

This kind of online dating is a kind of fraud, and even a whole black industry chain has emerged, specializing in deceiving single men and women through online dating, and the tea classic scam is one of them.

There are also many fraudsters who will create successful characters, such as Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai, and take advantage of people's vanity to defraud.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

At first, they will buy all kinds of luxury goods for their victims, or use luxury goods to package themselves to deceive trust.

After that, they claim that their business needs cash flow, or trick you into downloading wealth management products.

Many people believe in the scam, no matter how much others persuade them, they don't believe it, and end up losing all their family savings. waited for the online dating "boyfriend" to disappear before he suddenly realized.

Scams such as "pig killing plate" and "naked chat" are very common. Fraudsters are also becoming more sophisticated, and it is easy to be led by the nose if they don't understand the fraud process.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Although the tricks of fraudsters are ever-changing, the final foothold is to "cheat money", they cast a wide net, the amount of fraud is as high as tens of millions, once you encounter strangers who borrow money, you must be vigilant.

3. Stock speculation

Stocks are the ownership certificates of a joint-stock limited company, and once the company is listed, it can publicly issue shares in the market, and the rise and fall of the stock can estimate the market value of the company.

When the stock is highly concentrated in the hands of one person, he becomes a shareholder of the company and has voting rights in the company's operations and decisions.

Ordinary people earn the difference by buying and selling stocks, that is, trading stocks.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Stock speculation is a high-risk and high-return financial investment activity, and many people want to have the vision of Warren Buffett, the god of stocks, and want to get rich overnight through stock speculation.

But most people don't have the capital and vision like Buffett, and basically follow the trend to buy stocks. Stock trading is as addictive as gambling, but there are many risks associated with stock trading.

The real estate industry has been sluggish this year, and the stocks of many listed real estate companies have plummeted. The situation depends on the policy, and after the state introduced the principle of "housing for living, not speculation", the real estate industry shrank significantly.

Many ordinary people do not know how to look at the situation from the policy, and in the end, their families are ruined.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

There is also the uncertainty of business operation, and the internal news of the enterprise has a lag. In order not to lose the market's confidence in the company, the company will hide internal problems and contradictions.

Once the contradiction breaks out and the company's stock price crashes, it is ordinary people who really suffer.

Stock speculation is in the word "gambling", once people have the psychology of a gambler, they will fall deeper and deeper, and use all their belongings to speculate in stocks.

A woman in Wuhan, Hubei Province lost 200,000 yuan because of stock speculation, and her hard work for several years came to naught overnight. There are also many people who borrow money to speculate in stocks, and end up with millions of debts.

Compared with the wealthy, ordinary people are riskier and more costly to speculate in stocks. Wealthy people can choose professional investment and wealth management companies to make money through poor information.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Ordinary people rely more on intuition and market trends, follow the market, if you are lucky, you can make a lot of money, and if you are unlucky, you will lose everything.

The probability of losing money in the stock market is greater than the probability of making money.

4. Digital collections

Digital collections can be regarded as virtual electronic works, which are not physical objects, but digital certificates generated on works using blockchain technology, which are unique and immutable.

Blockchain technology can be applied to video, audio, pictures and text, which can protect the digital copyright of works, which makes digital collections collectible.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Especially when the concept of the metaverse was on fire, digital collections and many metaverse land purchases set off a wave of trends. Major famous groups are vying for layout.

The commonly used payment software also launched digital collections such as "Nine Colored Deer" and "Dunhuang Flying Sky" in conjunction with the Art Museum, and then a number of digital collections were sold out in limited quantities and sold out within ten minutes.

In 2021, the sale volume of digital collections in mainland China reached 4.56 million, with a total value of more than 150 million yuan. Various trends suggest that digital collectibles are the next big thing.

After the explosion of digital collections, various economic disputes began to appear, and illegal financial activities appeared. The Hangzhou Internet Court also openly tried cases related to online communication disputes related to digital collections.

In 2022, the value of digital collections suddenly plummeted, falling by more than 85%.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Everyone buys digital collections not only because it has collection value, but also because the market predicts that it has room for appreciation, and many people buy it with the psychology of making a fortune.

However, there is still a gap between digital collections and real works of art, after all, physical objects can be seen and touched, while digital collections are virtual, with many uncertainties and easy to be depreciated by environmental impacts.

Some criminals have set traps and created scams in response to the digital collectibles craze. They usually use "high returns" as an excuse to pull victims into Tibetan groups.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Eighty percent of the Tibetan friends in the group are trusts, they will promote and introduce the collections, and they also post orders claiming that the money earned from digital collections can achieve financial freedom.

After the victim takes the bait, they will introduce the "official customer service" to further promote it, and they also promise that if the value of the digital collection depreciates, the company will bear the loss.

Victims spend thousands of dollars to buy, and the price of the digital collectible will rise higher and higher at first. After a few months, the company will use various excuses to shirk the deal, and the people in the Tibetan group will disappear.

There are also many scam groups that market ordinary paintings as masterpieces, exaggerate their collection value, and deceive people into the pit by pulling crowds.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

At present, digital collectibles have formed a huge scam.

Investors make money by buying and selling, and the last receiver is a big injustice, not only need to bear the difference in the price, but also bear the loss of both people and money.

When buying digital collections, there are two things that you are most afraid of, one is the authenticity behind the collection, and the other is to beware of the platform running away with money.

Digital collections are a new investment outlet and a new investment scam, and after the popularity of the metaverse declines, its value has also continued to fall.


In the age of the Internet, scammers are emerging one after another, and when we see tricks, scammers are also updating their tricks. The use of high technology to deceive has become a new feature of this era.

More terrible than gambling? Many young people have emptied their parents' hard-earned money, and 600 million people are trapped in it?

Scammers use the anonymity of the Internet to create a perfect image and pull people into carefully woven dreams, with the ultimate goal of swindling money.

The key to identifying a scam is to establish a personal line of defense, but be vigilant about people and things that involve "money", especially strangers you know online.

These strangers may already have your private information and hobbies, and when it comes to investment, financial management and tipping, you should set limits for yourself, and once you find something wrong, you should stop losses and call the police in time.

Relevant departments should also crack down on illegal and criminal acts and keep the hard-earned money of ordinary people for a lifetime.