
Can eating onions lower blood pressure?Suggestion: Eat 4 kinds of foods often to help stabilize blood pressure

author:Dr. Li Xuejun of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

On an ordinary Sunday, Uncle Zhang, as usual, took a walk in the community's small park. During a chance bench encounter, he met Lao Li, a retired elderly man who frequently visited the doctor due to high blood pressure problems. During the conversation, Lao Li mentioned that he recently tried a new method to control his blood pressure - eating onions every day. He said it was advice he had heard on a wellness TV show, and although it sounded a little incredible, he decided to give it a try. After a few weeks, he was pleasantly surprised to find a significant improvement in his blood pressure.

Can eating onions lower blood pressure?Suggestion: Eat 4 kinds of foods often to help stabilize blood pressure

After Uncle Zhang returned home, this topic has been haunting his mind. As an advocate of scientific thinking, he decided to delve into the potential effects of onions and other foods on blood pressure, and whether these methods could actually help people with high blood pressure like him and Lao Li.

The antihypertensive effect of onions: the power behind the science

The magic ingredient of onions

Onions, a common vegetable in the kitchen, are not only a great way to enhance taste, but also hide a medical secret. Onions are rich in sulfur compounds and flavonoids, bioactives that have shown beneficial cardiovascular effects in several studies. Sulfur compounds promote vasodilation and improve blood vessel elasticity, while flavonoids help reduce inflammation levels in the blood, both of which work together to help lower blood pressure.

Scientific research support

In recent years, several scientific studies have begun to reveal the potential benefits of onions for high blood pressure. For example, one study noted that long-term consumption of flavonoid-rich foods such as onions can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Another laboratory study found that onion extract directly promoted vasodilation, thereby reducing blood pressure levels in experimental animals. These findings provide a scientific basis for the antihypertensive effect of onions.

Practical everyday advice

Can eating onions lower blood pressure?Suggestion: Eat 4 kinds of foods often to help stabilize blood pressure

Onions are a great option for people who want to regulate their blood pressure in a natural way. It is recommended to incorporate raw or lightly warmed onions into your daily diet. For example, raw onion slices can be used in salads, or they can be added to stews to retain their nutrients. About half to one onion per day may help keep your blood pressure stable.

Adjust your diet to stabilize your blood pressure: Choose the right foods for a healthier body

Increases potassium content and lowers systemic arterial blood pressure

Potassium is an important mineral that regulates blood pressure in systemic arteries, it helps balance the effects of sodium in the body and promotes urine production, which reduces blood pressure. Foods are rich in potassium sources, including bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, and oranges. Not only are these foods high in potassium, but they also contain other cardiovascular-beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin C and fiber.

Fortify your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, have been shown to be particularly beneficial for heart health, reducing inflammation in blood vessels and preventing blood pressure from rising. Deep-sea fish such as salmon, mackerel, and eel are excellent sources of Omega-3. It is recommended to consume these foods at least twice a week to ensure adequate Omega-3 intake to help maintain vascular health and blood pressure stability.

Options rich in dietary fiber

Oats and whole-grain products are great choices for dietary fiber, which can help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body, which is essential for blood pressure control. Fiber is absorbed slowly, which helps to control blood sugar levels, avoid sharp fluctuations in blood sugar, and indirectly help stabilize blood pressure. The recommended daily intake of 25 to 30 grams of dietary fibre is recommended.

Daily dietary adjustments: Don't just choose the right ones, eat the right ones

Suggested dietary patterns

Can eating onions lower blood pressure?Suggestion: Eat 4 kinds of foods often to help stabilize blood pressure

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most widely recommended dietary patterns because it is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fish, and low in saturated fat, which is very beneficial for controlling blood pressure. This dietary pattern emphasizes the use of olive oil instead of saturated fats such as butter, and the monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Food to avoid

High-salt and processed foods often contain high amounts of sodium and additives, which can cause blood pressure to rise. The intake of such foods, such as preserved foods, cooked foods, and fast foods, should be minimized. Alternatives can be homemade, low-sodium foods, which can control the sodium content of the food while avoiding unnecessary additives.

Can eating onions lower blood pressure?Suggestion: Eat 4 kinds of foods often to help stabilize blood pressure

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