
Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops, former British Prime Minister: It is very cost-effective to invest in Kyiv

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

The authorities in Kyiv, Ukraine, are still making a big gamble, just like Kyiv's long-term propaganda, Russia will lose, but Ukrainian officials have publicly stated that Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops if it wants to win against Russia. The remarks of Ukrainian officials have inadvertently disclosed the losses of the Ukrainian army, and if it is indeed necessary to replenish 350,000 troops, it is very likely that Ukraine has lost 350,000 troops, otherwise Ukraine will not have unanimously "won" from February 24, 2022 to the present in 2024. Previously, the West estimated that Ukraine had lost hundreds of thousands of people during the conflict, in fact, it can be seen from the sudden decline in Ukraine's population, and now the Ukrainian authorities in Kiev are no longer afraid to hold a presidential election, because once the election, the voter registration can reveal the true side of Ukraine.

Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops, former British Prime Minister: It is very cost-effective to invest in Kyiv

The Ukrainian military has complained about the lack of Ukrainian troops, judging from the information disclosed by foreign media, the Ukrainian army is only half of the planned strength, obviously there are many problems, and the Ukrainian military is unwilling to disclose relevant information. For the Ukrainian authorities in Kiev, the loss of troops is a secret, but judging from the battle report released by Kyiv, the Ukrainian army has already beaten the rhythm of the Russian capital Moscow, because the results achieved are really amazing. Not only Ukraine is playing up the results of victory, but also Western countries, which has made Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a hero. Regarding the significance of the conflict in the Ukrainian crisis, former British Prime Minister Boris publicly stated that Western investment in Kyiv is very cost-effective.

Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops, former British Prime Minister: It is very cost-effective to invest in Kyiv

Boris declared that Ukraine is fighting for Western countries and Russia, and at the same time, Ukraine does not ask much, and it is clear that Western investment in Ukraine is very cost-effective. Boris's remarks exposed the essence of Western military aid to Ukraine, which is to let Ukraine use the lives of its soldiers to consume Russia's war potential, behind the West's strong support for Ukraine, in fact, Ukraine is treated as a pawn, Boris regards military aid to Ukraine as an investment, is a model for the lives of the Ukrainian people, thus exposing the cold-bloodedness of Western politicians. Former British Prime Minister Boris made a public statement when he shared it with American college students, which immediately attracted the attention of the outside world.

Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops, former British Prime Minister: It is very cost-effective to invest in Kyiv

In fact, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is also very clear about the role of Ukraine, Zelensky has repeatedly publicly declared that Ukraine is fighting for Western countries, and for this reason, Western countries are required to continue to provide weapons and equipment to Ukraine. Judging from the information released by the United States, the United States has only provided Ukraine with $44 billion in military aid, while Russia's consumption in the Ukrainian crisis conflict is far more than $44 billion. Johnson is also proud that the West has not used troops to participate in the conflict in the Ukraine crisis, and the continuous provision of military aid has also created a new posture for the West to deal with Russia.

Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops, former British Prime Minister: It is very cost-effective to invest in Kyiv

In addition to former British Prime Minister Boris's outspokenness, U.S. officials analyzed the necessity of U.S. military aid to Ukraine from the perspective of the interests of U.S. arms dealers, who have publicly stated that 90% of the funds for military aid to Ukraine remain in the United States because U.S. arms dealers are producing weapons and equipment. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also publicly declared that the profits from the weapons and equipment provided by the United States to Ukraine were actually left in the United States.

Ukraine will mobilize 350,000 troops, former British Prime Minister: It is very cost-effective to invest in Kyiv

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