
The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

author:Beacon Watch

China and the United States are both influential and powerful countries in the world, and the relationship between the two countries has a very far-reaching impact on the global situation. It is precisely for this reason that successive US presidents have attached great importance to relations with China, and visiting China during their term of office has been a "compulsory course" for almost every US president after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

Since President Nixon, who promoted the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, all subsequent US presidents have visited China during their term of office, and many of them have even visited China more than once, which fully shows that the United States, as the world's largest power, attaches great importance to China. The US president, who has visited China the most so far, may not expect that it is George W. Bush, who has visited China four times, the last of which was on August 7, 2008, when he brought his family to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. Bush Jr.'s father, Bush Sr., visited China less than a month after he officially took office as president, which shows the enthusiasm of Bush and his son for China.

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

Even Trump, who has set off a "trade war" with China, has made an official visit to China and received a warm reception during his four-year term. Now, however, the current US President Joe Biden is very likely to become the first US president since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States to not visit China during his term of office! This undoubtedly highlights Biden's major failure in diplomatic work, especially in diplomatic work with China.

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

Now, according to the relevant US law, Biden's term will officially end in nine months (the next president will be inaugurated on January 20), and the next nine months. Biden's most important job should be this year's US presidential election, so we have reason to believe that it is almost impossible for Biden to make an official visit to China during his current term. Not long ago, the familiar US security adviser Jake Sullivan also pointed out in an interview with relevant media that Biden has no plans to visit China, which is also an important evidence that Biden will not visit China during his term of office.

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

So, we can't help but ask, why is Biden actually "special" and about to become the only US president who has not visited China during his term of office since the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between China and the United States? The author believes that there are many reasons for this problem. First of all, the most direct reason is likely to be the poor results of Yellen's visit to China (for the United States). Yellen's visit to China, many analysts from the outside world pointed out that Yellen is likely to pave the way for Biden's visit to China, but what the United States did not expect is that Yellen put forward the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy industry this time and asked China not to "assist" Russia's inappropriate remarks, China's response is very cold, obviously, at present, Yellen's visit to China did not get the results that the United States wants, since "paving the way", it is not surprising that Biden cannot open the way.

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

Of course, the fact that Yellen's visit to China was a "fruitless return" for the United States is only a superficial or direct reason, and the fundamental reason why Biden failed to visit China is because Biden has always regarded China as the most important adversary of the United States since he took office, and has frequently encircled and blocked China diplomatically, economically, and militarily.

Militarily and diplomatically, the Biden administration has painstakingly woven a large and small "encirclement net" against China around China. In the case of the already "alliance" between the United States and Japan and the United States and South Korea, the United States is not enough, and not only has the Philippines been involved in deliberately causing trouble in the South China Sea, but has even dragged Australia, which is far away in the southern hemisphere, to stir up the situation. In addition, the Biden administration also instigated India to join the so-called "US-Japan-India-Australia Quad Mechanism", with the aim of deliberately provoking India on the Sino-Indian border through India. Even recently, the Biden administration single-handedly concocted the so-called "US-Japan-Philippines Summit", the purpose of this "summit" is to strengthen the military cooperation of the three countries in line with the so-called "Asia-Pacific strategy" of the United States!

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office
The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

Of course, what makes us most indignant is that Biden vigorously promoted the so-called "arms sales to Taiwan" and "military aid to Taiwan" during his term of office, and increased military collusion with local authorities in Taiwan. And in recent years, the most serious incident of US interference in the situation in the Taiwan Strait - Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is also in Biden's term!

On the economic front, the Biden administration's methods are so vicious that they can be called outrageous. On the one hand, the Biden administration is engaged in the so-called "chip alliance" and is pushing Europe to "decouple" from China. In a vain attempt to suppress China in the field of high-tech technology in order to maintain the hegemony of the United States in science and technology, China's path of industrial upgrading has changed. On the other hand, the Biden administration has vigorously supported the manufacturing industry in Mexico, South America and other countries, in an attempt to "poach" the "old business" that China started. In addition, the Biden administration has also established the so-called "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" IPEF, which excludes China, in an attempt to "start anew" outside of China and create another economic system.

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

It can be seen that the Biden administration's attitude toward China has not created the conditions and opportunities for the US president's visit to China, which is the fundamental reason why Biden has become the first US president to fail to visit China since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. In fact, the reason why the Biden administration has done this is because the development of China's economic strength and national strength has reached a stage that makes the United States very panicked and frightened! It is precisely because it is worried that its so-called "global hegemony" will no longer exist that the United States will spare no effort to contain and suppress China!

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

However, time has passed, and it is no longer an era in which the United States is "one big family"! China's demeanor as a great power on the world stage for a long time has won the understanding and respect of most countries in the world. China's friends are all over the world, and whether the US president comes or not, it cannot change the ironclad fact that China is becoming more and more popular in the world, let alone stop the upward trend of China's prosperity and vigorous development!

The first US president to visit China during his term of office? Biden has nine months left in his term of office, and it is almost impossible for him to visit China during his term of office

Long live China!