
The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

author:Tree Hole Archives
The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Recently, the United States has begun to make small moves against the Taiwan issue.

Not only did Japan and the Philippines engage in an abstract White House summit.

In order to make its big American brother happy, Japan has openly spread rumors and slandered the mainland.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Subsequently, the mainland came up with three countermeasures in a row to carry out targeted counterattacks.

As a red line on the mainland's red line, Taiwan will not allow any country to make a fuss about it.

The Ministry of National Defense also said that all acts of "Taiwan independence" will be attacked head-on by the PLA!

And "head-on attack" is not only our attitude, but also a strong preventive shot for some forces behind it.

"To each his own child"

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

When Fumio Kishida visited the Philippines in November last year, he talked with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos about strengthening cooperation between the United States, Japan and the Philippines.

Subsequently, it was decided to hold a summit in April this year, with renewed emphasis on the alliance between the three countries.

The main content of the meeting was to strengthen the influence on the Indo-Pacific region and global policing.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

On the surface, it looks reasonable and well-founded, but in fact, the United States, Japan and the Philippines have found an excuse to target China together.

However, everyone can see that these three countries are just having their own ghosts.

Because Japan has always carried the identity of a defeated country in World War II, it has always lacked a "sense of security" in military affairs.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

In order to be able to break through this limitation and become a capable "normal person", it is inseparable from the consent of the United States.

At the same time, China and Japan have many problems since ancient times, and the United States has always regarded China as a "thorn in the flesh."

Japan moved into the Western camp, and the United States chose to turn a blind eye to Japan's military expansion.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Second, in order to be able to make Japan die and use itself as a gunman, the United States has also given Japan many benefits.

Japan is willing to bear the black pot for the United States, and the United States has also given Japan a lot of sweetness, so the two coincide.

Although the Philippines was very sensible before, maintaining neutrality and actively developing trade, it would be beneficial to any country.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

This situation was completely shattered after Marcos took office.

At this time, the Philippines has completely changed its face and has been frequently provoking the South China Sea issue.

Even though the mainland has been calling on the Philippines to remain rational and actively discuss solutions for a peaceful settlement.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

When this reached Marcos's ears, he was labeled "weak".

Needless to say, the United States just doesn't want China to be better, and relies on its hard power to win over the little brother.

Now that the United States, Japan, and the Philippines are sitting together, they are sanctimonious and upholding "justice" for the world, which can be imagined how ridiculous it is.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

At the meeting held at the White House, the United States, Japan, and the Philippines also expressed their views on the Taiwan Strait issue.

They said the Taiwan Strait issue was very important, while warning that no side should use force to resolve the issue.

In other words, what this passage is for the mainland is that the mainland is not allowed to use force to solve the problem.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Subsequently, Japan's Fumio Kishida also took the lead in saying that China's rise has become Japan's biggest challenge in recent years, and East Asia is likely to become the next Ukraine.

This is nothing more than maliciously slandering the mainland's international image on the basis of no theoretical basis.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos also expressed his attitude that the Philippines' position on the South China Sea issue will not change.

Long before the summit, relations between the United States, Japan and the Philippines had already begun to warm up.

In addition to the U.S. support for Japan and the Philippines, the Philippines has also unilaterally provided a lot of assistance to Japan's Self-Defense Forces.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

At the same time, in order to substantially expand the influence of Japan and the Philippines, Japan has also provided 600 billion yen of help to the Philippines.

However, the money was also due to the fact that Japan bought a few more patrol boats and put them on the Philippine side.

Since last year, the Philippines has not only frantically probed the South China Sea issue, but also spread rumors about the mainland to the international community.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Even if the mainland has made many statements, it has been regarded as a deaf ear by the Philippines.

This situation is very abnormal in the light of past experience.

How can such a small country dare to make frequent provocations against the mainland?

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

At the beginning of '23, the United States also made small moves in the 4 newly opened military bases in the Philippines.

The three are located on the southern side of the Taiwan Strait, which makes the "waist board" of the Philippines harder.

So far, there are nine U.S. military bases in the Philippines.


The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

On the Taiwan issue, the mainland has repeatedly reiterated its position, and this issue is a red line within a red line.

In April, the Taiwan side was preparing to conduct a live-fire exercise, and it had no intention of frantically testing on the verge of death.

The mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also made its stand clear at the first time, and both sides are well aware of the significance of this live-fire exercise.

The mainland has already begun to closely monitor Taiwan, and if special circumstances occur, it is bound to suffer a defeat.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

You must know that in 2010, when Japan made a big fuss about the Diaoyu Islands incident.

Zhan Qixiong, the captain of the Chinese fishing boat, drove the "Minjinyu 5179" and fearlessly rammed into the Japanese warship.

This shows the resolute attitude of the Chinese people towards the territory!

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Against this backdrop, the mainland has also chosen to strike hard and not leave any respite for any hostile forces.

First of all, on the 11th, the mainland announced sanctions against two companies in the United States.

Both companies are military-industrial enterprises that have sold military weapons to Taiwan in the past.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

This includes, but is not limited to, freezing the assets of two companies in China, restricting visas, etc.

Subsequently, based on the so-called "overcapacity" during Yellen's visit to China, the central bank issued another 500 billion yuan in loans to boost the market.

This will further suppress the share of American goods in the international market.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

However, these are just some of the appetizers for the mainland, if the US military-industrial complex insists on going its own way.

In the future, there will also be export policies that restrict other essential industries.

The second is that the mainland has stepped up its plans to patrol its maritime areas.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

Including the Diaoyu Islands, the South China Sea, and the Taiwan Strait issue, the mainland will never allow any small group to point fingers.

And Japan and the Philippines will certainly be returned as "problem babies" that have been frequently provoked in recent years.

I believe that Japan is not stupid, and now there are serious problems in the economy of the United States.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

While frantically printing dollars to harvest the world's leeks, Japan is the country that suffers the most.

This is not only painful for Japan, but also for the Philippine side.

If Japan and the Philippines are willing to continue to be used as a weapon by the United States, they will certainly be severely sanctioned by China.

The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

The third is the strong statement made by the mainland's Ministry of National Defense in front of the media.

Any attempt to encircle and suppress China is wishful thinking, and the one-China principle brooks no violation.

If we continue to practice the so-called "Taiwan independence" strategy, it will certainly be a dead end, and the PLA will definitely face it head-on!

And the "head-on attack" is not just talking, I hope that the United States, Japan and the Philippines can recognize their own identities and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.


The United States, Japan and the Philippines have made wild remarks about "Taiwan independence", and China has countered it with three moves, and the Ministry of Defense has responded domineeringly with four words

China's position has been very clear, and we hope that other countries will have a clear understanding of the current international situation.

If China is really provoked, it will definitely be that they will not be able to eat and walk around.