
As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

author:Enjoy the green dry tone of the mountain

In China's rich and colorful culinary culture, pig's trotters are a much-loved delicacy that is not only nutritious and unique, but also an indispensable dish on the table during traditional festivals.

As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

However, many people will encounter a problem when cooking pig's trotters: pig's trotters are still difficult to remove bones after stewing, and the taste is not soft enough, in fact, it is not difficult to solve this problem, only need to add the right amount of spices during the stewing process, so that the pig's trotters become soft and rotten and deboned, and the more you chew, the more fragrant they are. Next, I will share with you 4 spices that you can put when stewing pig's trotters.

First, let's talk about the grass

As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

Grass cardamom, is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine and seasoning, in the stewing of pig's trotters, the main role of grass is to remove the smell and promote the separation of flesh and bones, its unique aroma can well cover the fishy smell of pig's trotters, while adding a faint fragrance, making the taste of pig's trotters more mellow, and grass cardamom also has the effect of promoting the separation of bone and flesh of the ingredients, making the pig's trotters more soft and rotten and boneless. In terms of dosage, it is recommended to add 1 gram of grass cardamom per catty of pig's trotters.

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Next is bay leaves

As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

Bay leaf, also known as bay leaf, is a commonly used spice, with a strong aroma, in the stewing of pig's trotters, the role of bay leaves is mainly to enhance the flavor and fragrance, its aroma can be well integrated with the oil of the pig's trotters, making the whole dish more fragrant and delicious, and bay leaves also have the effect of removing peculiar smells, used when stewing pig's trotters, can well remove the peculiar smell of pig's trotters.

In terms of dosage, due to the strong aroma of bay leaves, it is generally recommended to add 1~2 bay leaves per catty of pig's trotters. Too much use may cause the aroma to be too strong and affect the taste of the trotters.

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This is followed by cloves

As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

Clove is a small and fragrant spice, when stewing pig's trotters, the main role of cloves is to enhance the taste and remove the fish, its aroma can well penetrate into the meat quality of the pig's trotters, making the taste of the pig's trotters more delicious, so that we can achieve the effect of chewing more and more fragrant when we gnaw the pig's trotters, at the same time, the cloves also have a certain fishy effect, which can effectively reduce the fishy smell of the pig's trotters.

In terms of dosage, although cloves are good but should not be used more, it is generally recommended to add 1~2 cloves per catty of pig's trotters, too much use may make the aroma too strong, affecting the balance of the taste of the whole dish.

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The last one is the white cardamom

As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

White cardamom, also known as white cardamom, when stewing pig's trotters, the main role of white cardamom is to increase fragrance and freshness, its aroma is unique and long-lasting, can well enhance the flavor and fragrance of pig's trotters, at the same time, white cardamom also has a certain spleen appetizing effect, can enhance appetite, in terms of dosage, it is generally recommended to add 1 gram of white cardamom per catty of pig's trotters, you can slightly enlarge some dosage.

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As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

In addition to these four spices, you can also put some gardenias, with the effect of coloring, look more appetizing, in the stewing of pig's trotters also need to pay attention to the grasp of heat and time, generally speaking, pig's trotters need to be boiled over high heat first, and then turn to low heat and simmer, so that the taste of spices can be better integrated into the pig's trotters, at the same time, the stewing time should be long enough, it is generally recommended to stew for at least 2 hours or more, to ensure that the pig's trotters can be soft and boneless.

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Although spices play an important role in cooking, we should also pay attention to the use of too many spices, too many spices will mask the original taste of the pig's trotters, making the stewed pig's trotters bitter.

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As long as these four spices are put to ensure that the pig's trotters are soft and rotten and deboned, the more you chew, the more fragrant they are

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