
She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

author:Meow Xiaoyu Club
She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries
She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

In the 80s, the hit of a kung fu film "Shaolin Temple" made Jet Li a well-known martial arts star.

The melodious and tactful song "Shepherd's Song" in the film also let everyone know the name of a female singer, she is Zheng Xulan.

With her superb singing skills, Zheng Xulan has also become the pinnacle of singers.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

However, the higher you stand, the harder you fall.

A decision to worship foreign countries made Zheng Xulan's originally bright and smooth life fall to the bottom in an instant.

Now she has returned to the motherland, but the former scenery is long gone, from the peak to the eighteenth line, what has Zheng Xulan experienced?

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

How did she worship the foreign?

One song

In 1958, Zheng Xulan was born in a military family.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Since she was a child, she has a good voice and often sings and performs for her family.

But in those days, singing was not a profession to support oneself and one's family.

Therefore, the family didn't think that Zheng Xulan's good voice was of any value, and they still felt that it was a serious thing for her to work in the factory.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

So, after graduating from middle school, Zheng Xulan was arranged to Tianjin No. 3 Gate Valve Factory and started working in three shifts.

However, sooner or later, talented people will be discovered.

In 1977, Tianjin organized a singing competition for employees, and Zheng Xulan won the first place in one fell swoop with her natural voice.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

At the same time, she also received an olive branch from the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe. As a national-level singing and dancing group, it can be said that there are many talents here.

Li Guyi and Zhu Mingying are both old singers here, and Zheng Xulan was invited, so she naturally joined happily.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

In the song and dance troupe, Zheng Xulan is like a fish in water, she is still studying at the Central Conservatory of Music while singing, and her teacher is the famous vocalist Guo Shuzhen.

After returning to the troupe, he was even more busy, often performing and studying all over the world.

At this time, Zheng Xulan was not well known to the public until one day the composer Wang Liping visited. also made the public aware of her.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Wang Liping is an excellent composer who has written many classic songs such as "Vain Eyebrows" and "Funeral Flower Yin".

This time, he wrote a song "Sun Island" for a documentary "Summer in Harbin", and he has been struggling to find a voice that matches the song, so he found Zheng Xulan.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

So, Zheng Xulan was also looking forward to this attempt, and agreed to sing this song without hesitation.

spread in "Sun Island", the social repercussions were very strong, and Zheng Xulan was also well-known to everyone.

Subsequently, Wang Liping created another song that became Zheng Xulan's classic work, which is the episode "Shepherd" in "Shaolin Temple".

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

To this day, this song is still regarded as a classic.

In 1983, in the first CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Zheng Xulan took the stage and sang the song "Shepherd", which shined.

The name was remembered by the audience almost overnight.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

After this song, Zheng Xulan also became the most important "corner" in the song and dance troupe.

Zheng Xulan also became a celebrity in the Spring Festival Gala, and three years later she took the stage again, this time singing a song "Butterfly".

This lingering and poignant song also made the people in front of the screen cry.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

So far, Zheng Xulan has become a new star in the music industry with many songs, and quickly reached the peak of her career.

Unexpectedly, when fame came, love also quietly came.

The pursuit of love is banned

Surrounded by flowers and applause every day, Zheng Xulan has become the idol of many people.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Edward, a young man from the United States, also expressed his mad admiration to her.

Zheng Xulan is also the age to talk about marriage, and when she met the person she liked to show her love, she fell in love instantly.

When Zheng Xulan performed with the song and dance troupe all over the world, Edward would also be by her side.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Not only could I chat with her, but I also explained a lot of interesting things to her.

As a result, Zheng Xulan also relied on Edward's company, and also longed for Edward's free life in the United States.

Coupled with the perennial high-pressure performances, the spirit has been tense, Zheng Xulan is often tired, and only love can keep her away from pressure.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

After a long time, Zheng Xulan suddenly had a bold idea in her heart, she wanted to follow Edward to the United States to study and study away from pressure.

However, the song and dance troupe did not allow her to leave temporarily, but at this time, Zheng Xulan wanted to go to the United States, so she submitted her resignation to the song and dance troupe.

This is the first person in the regiment to resign.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

In Zheng Xulan's thoughts, she thought that even if she quit her job, she still had a skill.

Therefore, during the period of going through the procedures for going abroad, she still wanted to earn some living expenses by performing.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Obviously, she was still naïve, and when she was putting on makeup in the dressing room and preparing to take the stage, the staff's words were like a bolt from the blue:

Your show has been cancelled, and I guess there will be no more invitations to performances in the future.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Zheng Xulan was stunned for a moment, and the next day she found out that she had been blocked, but she was not yet 30 years old, which was the golden age.

Zheng Xulan had no choice but to go to the United States and join her lover Edward.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

However, to her surprise, love is not as strong as she remembers.

Chongyang flattered the outside with a tragic ending

Zheng Xulan, who had just gone to the United States, quickly married Edward, and gave birth to their children not long after.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

After giving birth, she became a full-time housewife completely.

But how can a woman who has had brilliant achievements be willing to live such a mediocre life?

So, Zheng Xulan wanted to return to China and continue her career.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

And her husband Edward thought that it was the best choice for her to teach her children, and the two began to quarrel endlessly.

There are many quarrels, and the passion of the past is worn away little by little.

Zheng Xulan looked back and found that she had given up everything and all she got was a life of chicken feathers.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

So, she insisted on this transnational marriage for 6 years, but still chose to divorce.

In 1996, Zheng Xulan embarked on the road back to China alone with her children, and she had nowhere to go in China, so she had to return to her parents' home in Tianjin.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

When she first returned to China, Zheng Xulan thought that she would not have to worry about having no food to eat by relying on her talent, but after some understanding, she found that after she left, the music world had already changed.

Approaching the millennium, it is the time when the entertainment industry is booming, pop songs are rising, and stars from across the Taiwan Strait and three regions are emerging one after another.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

On the domestic stage, the sweet song queen Yang Yuying is more popular. At this time, Zheng Xulan's sadness came to her heart, in just six years, she had already been eliminated from the stage.

Finally, Zheng Xulan could only accept her fate, she gave up the idea of returning to the stage, and patiently found a job as an ordinary clerk to raise her son.

However, singing is still a lifelong career for Zheng Xulan, and as long as she has the opportunity, she still wants to re-enter the stage.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

After her repeated requests, the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe sent her an invitation.

It's hard to get back to glory

But what Zheng Xulan didn't expect was that in addition to her songs no longer being loved by everyone, she also had serious problems with her body.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Zheng Xulan, who was not confused, was found to have intestinal obstruction, and her condition was very serious, and she had to go to the hospital for surgery immediately.

But what I didn't expect was that Zheng Xulan's operation failed.

Because of the doctor's mistake, a part of her originally healthy intestine was cut away, and the original lesion remained in the stomach.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

This condition made her body worse day by day, and she was tormented by pain every day, and for a long time she could only rely on pain tablets to survive.

Sometimes the pain is so painful that I can't eat, so I can only rely on the infusion of nutrient solution to replenish energy.

Of course, it is even more impossible for her to be on the stage of her dreams. The double torture of body and spirit made Zheng Xulan also describe it as withering.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

However, during this period of time, Zheng Xulan did not find nothing, she met her true love.

Separated from the yin and yang of his lover

That is, on the days of her illness, her boyfriend took good care of her.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

also let a beam of light shine into Zheng Xulan's bleak life.

The two fantasized about getting married when Zheng Xulan recovered, and the love nest of the two had just been decorated, as if beauty was right in front of them.

Just when she thought she was about to have her happy time, another piece of news extinguished all her hopes.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

Just like a Korean drama, her boyfriend was found to have mucosal cancer, and the probability of survival is not great.

Hearing the news, Zheng Xulan felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and she was speechless for a long time.

Since then, her boyfriend and Zheng Xulan have lived in their respective hospitals, even if the two are in love, they are separated by death after all.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

In order to let that boyfriend also see his former glory, in 2005, Zheng Xulan endured the pain and held a special concert of "Dream of Red Mansions".

On this day, Zheng Xulan sang at the concert "Vain Eyebrows" and "Funeral Flowers" and other tracks that she wanted to sing before but never had the opportunity to sing.

These songs are full of sad tunes, as if they are also telling her fate.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

At the concert, Zheng Xulan's boyfriend also sat in the audience, he looked at his lover on the stage, imagining her demeanor back then.

After this concert, Zheng Xulan's boyfriend's condition deteriorated and passed away soon after, and the two became lovers forever.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

So Zheng Xulan's world became a ruin, and she wanted to commit suicide countless times to follow her boyfriend.

Fortunately, there are still relatives in this world who care about her and wake her up from the edge of her own life again and again.

At this time, her friend Zhu Shimao introduced her to a doctor and wanted to cure her illness.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

This doctor was also her fan before, and when she saw Zheng Xulan, who is now tormented by life and illness, she couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Fortunately, this operation was very successful, and Zheng Xulan was finally able to get rid of the disease.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

However, now Zheng Xulan has not only come to an end in her career, but also lost her love, and her world has become a dark mess.


Many years later, Zheng Xulan finally realized that her brilliant life had ended when she followed Edward to the United States.

She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

I don't know if Zheng Xulan had regrets and remorse when she dreamed back at midnight.

If she had to do it again, would she still choose this way?

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She is no longer a Chinese national? She became popular by appearing on the Spring Festival Gala, but she squeezed herself dry by admiring foreign countries

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