
On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

author:Qihan Round Table Pie

Text: Qihan Round Table School

Editor|Qihan Round Table School


On April 9, the South Korean side revealed that the China-Japan-ROK summit will be held in May this year, and the trilateral summit will be held online, which is undoubtedly good news for East Asia and even the whole of Asia, which means that the cooperation between the three countries will be further strengthened and will play a vital role in regional peace and stability.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

However, at this critical period, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol suddenly made a move to confront China and wanted to join hands with the United States to intervene in the South China Sea issue, but at this critical moment, some officials of the South Korean government suddenly resigned en masse.

Why did Yin Xiyue suddenly get into trouble

On April 9, according to a report by the global network, South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Doi-yeol said that the summit agenda of the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea has entered the stage of "final consultation", and it was during this period that Yoon Suk-yeol suddenly ordered the South Korean coast guard to crack down on Chinese fishing boats, but he did not provoke such a day or two.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Last year's remark by Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming that those who bet that the United States won or lost China will regret it in the future caused an uproar in an instant, and the Yoon Suk-yeol government used the issue to concoct a farce.

South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha first said that the Chinese government should not be arrogant and should actively cooperate with the international community to solve problems, and then Park Ji-won, director of the National Security Office, also joined the battle group, claiming that China's hegemonic behavior is worrying and that such acts that threaten neighboring countries cannot be tolerated.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

What's more, some ruling party lawmakers have even clamored for the expulsion of the Chinese ambassador, and Yoon Suk-yeol is so provocative that people wonder why he did this.

In fact, Ambassador Xing Haiming's words did not contain any intention to target South Korea, let alone insult or provoke, but in the eyes of some people, this sentence has become a perfect opportunity to attack China, who ignore the truth and blindly incite nationalist sentiments in an attempt to deflect domestic contradictions.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Sure enough, in his subsequent speech, Yoon Suk-yeol pointed out that China only focused on North Korea and ignored South Korea in dealing with the North Korean nuclear issue, revealing his dissatisfaction and doubts about China, but he not only complained about China, but also always adhered to the Korean style of speech, claiming that South Korea has risen to become a global pivot country.

Yoon Suk-yeol's approval rating has declined

This time, Yoon Suk-yeol blatantly violated China's bottom line and wanted to interfere in the Taiwan issue, but the outcome was a dramatic change, and what is even more ridiculous is that his erroneous remarks have been resisted by many of his own people.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

In fact, during the Taiwan election in January this year, Yoon Suk-yeol did not want to intervene in the Taiwan Strait issue, and after Taiwan leader Lai Qingde took office, the United States sent him blessings, and this time Yoon Suk-yeol, who has been following in the footsteps of the United States, hopes that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can develop peacefully and steadily.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Even so, we must be wary of the fact that Yoon Suk-yeol has often been too rash in dealing with a number of major issues, seriously underestimating the seriousness of the incident, such as his worrying change in stance on Taiwan, and the order to expel the Chinese fishing boat from the South Korean coast guard is not only his shallow understanding of Sino-US relations, but also a "letter of surrender" submitted in exchange for the trust of the United States.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

However, Yoon Suk-yeol has always acted as an "agent" of the United States throughout his political career, and his foreign policy clearly reflects the characteristics of "pro-American, far-reaching China, friendly to Japan, and hostile to North Korea", intending to steer South Korea towards a path of total dependence on the United States.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Last year, the United States announced that it would reduce exports of semiconductor equipment to China, followed by South Korea, but the data released in South Korea on April 9 showed that South Korea's semiconductor exports plummeted by 20%, and Korean media have satirized Yoon Suk-yeol for falling to the United States, making South Korea's economy decline.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Before the South Korean election last year, Yoon Suk-yeol vigorously promoted medical reform in order to get more votes, and once won public recognition and rapid increase in support, but this year the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and doctors across the country have submitted their resignations, leading to the collapse of the national emergency rescue system.

It coincided with a gripping tragedy in which a 2-year-old drowning child was reportedly denied admission to 11 South Korean hospitals and eventually lost his precious life to the sound of ambulances.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Yoon Suk-yeol's approval rating fell instantly, and the South Korean people were filled with grief and indignation, accusing the government of ignoring people's livelihood and disregard for human life, and began to question Yoon Suk-yeol and medical reform.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Looking at the declining approval rating, Yoon Suk-yeol can only forcibly wrestle with China, using China-North Korea relations as a guide to try to stir up national sentiment in South Korea to stabilize his approval rating in South Korea's internal affairs, but his dream is about to be shattered.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

Yoon Suk-yeol's end against China

Yoon's National Power Party failed to achieve the desired results, winning only 90 seats, while the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, won a landslide victory with 161 seats, a result of Yoon's tough foreign policy toward China and the lack of support from domestic voters, which also posed a challenge to his presidency.

On the eve of the China-Japan-South Korea summit, Yoon Suk-yeol ordered a move against China, provoking South Korean officials to resign one after another

So in the next three years, Yoon Suk-yeol will face the dilemma of becoming a "lame president", and will be strongly restricted by the Democratic Party of Korea to effectively implement his own policies, in which case South Korean government officials choose to resign en masse.

For this reason, Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, said that Yoon Suk-yeol's radical China policy has led to tensions between China and South Korea, which has affected the development of South Korea's economy and people's livelihood.

Information sources: 1. - South Korea wants to make trouble? Yoon Suk-yeol made a high-profile inspection of the Yellow Sea Coast Guard and ordered a crackdown on Chinese fishing boats

2. Look at current affairs - the defense ministers of China and Vietnam met at the border, and the South China Sea direction is worry-free, and Marcos Jr. has little time

3. Beijing Daily -- Those who bet that the United States will win and China will lose will definitely regret it in the future

4. Beijing News Network - Yoon Suk-yeol's government and the medical community are dead, and the South Korean ruling party uses medical reform to "turn the tables" before the election?

5. Dawan News - South Korea's emergency system is facing collapse! A 2-year-old drowning toddler dies after being rejected by 11 hospitals

6. Minnan Net - Yin Xiyue, lost!