
Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it


The more relationships I've been about, the more vague the definition of dating becomes, there are too many ways to get along with the opposite sex, and in the end, as long as I go out with a man I have a good feeling, I'm always uneasy without spending a little bit of attention, "Are we dating?", "Is he dating me like me?, or is it too boring?", if you want to know what the other person means, then this article must be bookmarked.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it

For men, this is "dating"


Meet alone + full process + fixed time

As long as both parties take the initiative to ask each other to meet alone, there is a set of established procedures, such as: going to an exhibition, dinner, bar, movie, or even a fixed time to meet, it is a date! If it is just a cup of coffee or just a meal, it is not a real date.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it


Is there any serious dressing up?

Like girls, whether the boyfriend is particularly dressed is also the basis for judgment, and if it is just a meeting of friends, it is normal not to shave his beard.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it


Are there any other things to do after dating?

Does he have any other things to do after you meet? Someone who really likes you will want to get along seriously and usually set aside time to do more things together, if he sits down and says that he will leave in two hours, like a full-body workout suit, ready to wait for someone to go to the gym, it means that he is not very interested in you, and may just use it to fill in the blanks.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it

Men who are serious about you will arrange a date like this


A good dinner is a must

It's definitely "dinner", dinner is a more formal invitation than a coffee or an exhibition, but you can attack and retreat, you can sit down and chat, and you can have a glass of wine if you want. If you feel good, you can go to the bar or watch a movie again, and it is not rude to end the atmosphere and go home directly.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it


There will be activities after dinner

If a man really likes you, he definitely doesn't want to spend time with you for just one dinner, even if he doesn't have a special appointment, he has already arranged after-dinner activities in his heart. Another place to eat dessert, or watch a movie, if you don't have much time, I will also suggest whether to go for a walk in the park together, so it doesn't matter if you just ride a bicycle by the riverbank, I just want to spend more time with you.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it


Ask you to go to an event that must be specially arranged

If you find it difficult to judge his sincerity, there is an almost 90% accurate judgment point: will it be difficult to arrange an event that he asks you to go to? a restaurant that requires a deposit, a handicraft class that must be booked in advance, a picnic where you have to bring your own food, believe me, men are too lazy, when they are willing to do these chores for someone who is not yet a girlfriend, it means that you must have some status in his heart.

Men are actually very simple, and girls who are too afraid of seasickness have to watch it