
Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

author:Horses and chariots

The navies of the United States, Japan, Australia, and the Philippines conducted a joint military exercise in China's South China Sea on 7 April, and the news immediately attracted widespread media attention and a lot of discussion.

Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

In response to the four-nation military exercise, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) sent military aircraft and warships to conduct combat patrols in the South China Sea, and at first everyone was not concerned about the PLA's countermeasures, but it was not until the four-nation military exercise of the United States, Japan, Australia, and the Philippines, which was originally scheduled to last for two days, was hastily concluded after only one day of the PLA combat patrol, and after the warships of the four countries withdrew from the South China Sea in a gloomy manner, everyone realized that the warships sent by the PLA for combat patrols were not simple.

So what kind of fleet did the PLA send, and why did the navies of the four countries end the exercise so early?

The motives of the four-nation maritime military exercise are not pure!

On the surface, everyone seems to believe that the military exercises of the United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines are aimed at supporting a series of provocative actions in the South China Sea for the Philippines, and the four naval exercises are also in the South China Sea, which is what the Philippines claims as a "maritime economic zone".

The four-nation exercise began on April 7, at the height of Yellen's visit to China, when Yellen had just returned from a visit to the south to Beijing.

Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

Therefore, it is very likely that the four-nation military exercise has the purpose of helping Yellen exert pressure on China, so has the United States achieved its goal through this military exercise? It is not difficult to see from the various strange phenomena that emerged at the end of Yellen's visit to China that Yellen's visit to China was very embarrassing, and the so-called pressure exerted by the United States only added to the laughing stock in vain.

During Yellen's visit to China, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov came to Beijing, and the United States and Russia, two sworn enemies who are now incompatible in the world, gathered in Beijing.

Since the beginning of the South China Sea exercise of the four navies, no one in China has received Yellen anymore, so she can only go on a tour with US Ambassador to China Burns in Beijing.

Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was warmly received when he came to Beijing, and our leaders cordially received him, and the two sides enjoyed very different treatment in Beijing.

And even more unpredictable is that on this day, Ma Ying-jeou, a representative from Taiwan visiting the mainland, also came to Beijing, which further complicated the situation for Yellen.

That's why Yellen said those things that were completely inconsistent with her identity when she faced reporters, which led to Yellen's visit to China not only failed to achieve her goal, but finally left China lonely and embarrassed!

Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

In the South China Sea confrontation, China sent only two warships!

In fact, the main reason why Yellen's visit to China is so lonely is that Yellen and the United States behind him have not taken the right attitude and position in the face of China, and the embarrassment of the four US countries in the South China Sea has completely exceeded Yellen's expectations.

When the four countries announced that they would hold military exercises in the South China Sea, the PLA said on the same day that it would conduct combat patrols in the South China Sea.

Although the fleet sent by the navies of the four countries in the South China Sea is not very powerful, it also includes a military exercise with five warships, and it stands to reason that the PLA must send warships of comparable size if it wants to confront them.

However, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was bold this time, and there were only two warships sent to the South China Sea, a 052D and an 815A electronic reconnaissance ship, with a total tonnage of only about 15,000 tons, and one of them did not have any combat capability.

Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

After entering the South China Sea, the fleet composed of two ships of the People's Liberation Army did not hide or evade, and approached the sea area where the naval exercises of the four countries were held, and even the two fleets were only 6 nautical miles away from each other!

But it is this 815A electronic reconnaissance ship that does not have combat capability that frightened the navies of the four countries into a hurry and fled from the South China Sea, you must know that China's 815A electronic reconnaissance ship, but once set a record of a ship single-handedly challenging the feat of the United States aircraft carrier, these old broken ships of the four countries alliance can not compete with our 815A at all.

So what kind of capability does this 815A have, and what kind of capability will it make the warships of the four countries look like they are facing a great enemy? The electronic reconnaissance ship is known as an early warning aircraft on the sea, and although it does not have much combat capability, it is the most powerful reconnaissance platform on the sea.

That is to say, after the mainland's 815A electronic reconnaissance ship arrives in the sea area, every move and related electronic information of the four navies will be mastered by the mainland, and the weapons and other relevant sensitive data used in their exercises have already been captured by the 815A, which means that the more the four countries' navies exercise in this sea area, the more the data of their related ships will be exposed.

Head-to-head!815A scared off the fleet of the four countries, the South China Sea confrontation won a complete victory, and Yellen left China lonely

If it is just to collect data for reconnaissance, then the navies of the four countries will not be so afraid of it, the problem is that 815A also has a powerful electronic warfare function, if 815A is collecting intelligence when you see that it is unhappy and wants to use force, then sorry 815A powerful electronic warfare capabilities are opened, directly make your warship completely incapacitated!

Therefore, 815A is such a powerful electronic reconnaissance ship, and the ships of the four navies have nothing to do with it, and they can't fight it, and they will also face the leakage of confidential data if they continue the exercise, and in the end they can only withdraw from the South China Sea in disgrace!