
Reminder: Do 3 things well in bed, tonifying the kidney is better than taking Chinese medicine, suitable for both men and women

author:Dr. Sun's class

Mr. Wang, aged 42, is a middle-level executive in a company. Lately he has been feeling tired and in a poor state of mind. His wife found it difficult not only to concentrate at work, but also to have an intimate life at night. Mr. Wang thought that it was a "kidney deficiency", so he began to take various Chinese medicines to nourish the kidney every day. But after a while, he found that the effect was not obvious.

Reminder: Do 3 things well in bed, tonifying the kidney is better than taking Chinese medicine, suitable for both men and women

On the warm recommendation of a close friend, Mr. Wang decided to seek help from a professional TCM clinic. Known for its in-depth study and exquisite skills in traditional Chinese medicine, this clinic is considered one of the most authoritative TCM clinics in the region. After inquiring about Mr. Wang's lifestyle habits in detail, the TCM physician told him that tonifying the kidneys is not just as simple as taking Chinese medicine, but also that there are some small habits in life that are equally important, especially activities before bedtime.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the essence of the kidney, which is related to all aspects of life activities. There is a cloud in "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing": "The kidney, the innate foundation." This phrase implies that the health of the kidneys is essential for the overall functioning of the human body. The kidneys are responsible for many important functions such as filtering blood, maintaining fluid balance, regulating blood pressure, and producing hormones, so their proper functioning is essential for the body's physiological activities and health.

Reminder: Do 3 things well in bed, tonifying the kidney is better than taking Chinese medicine, suitable for both men and women

Modern medical research has also shown that proper bed movement has a significant effect on harmonizing bodily functions. A study on middle-aged couples showed that adhering to scientific bed activities has a positive effect on improving sleep quality, regulating endocrine, and enhancing body immunity. Specific data showed that subjects who adhered to appropriate bed activity in the experimental group had a 20% improvement in overall quality of life scores over three months, compared with only a 5% improvement in the control group. This is enough to show that by changing living habits, especially activities in bed, it can indeed play a role in tonifying the kidney to a certain extent.

Reminder: Do 3 things well in bed, tonifying the kidney is better than taking Chinese medicine, suitable for both men and women

So, what exactly should you do in bed?

The first thing is "wise relaxation". Deep breathing and relaxation exercises before bed can help relieve stress throughout the day, improve blood circulation, and help improve blood supply and function to the kidneys. This can be done by lying flat on the bed, closing your eyes, taking deep breaths, placing your hands on your abdomen, and feeling the ups and downs of your abdomen for at least 5 minutes.

The second thing is "bed drills". Some simple bed exercises, such as "leg stretching" or "cross-legged rotation", not only do not exert too much energy, but can also help relieve back pain and improve kidney function. Doing it continuously for a period of time is beneficial to improve physical fitness and sexual function.

The third thing is "emotional communication". Emotional communication between husband and wife or partners in bed to enhance each other's feelings is also a very good way to replenish the kidney. Because a harmonious partnership can effectively promote the normal secretion of the endocrine system, make people physically and mentally happy, and mentally healthier. This stable emotional connection not only brings spiritual satisfaction, but also regulates the chemical balance within the body, making people feel more happy and satisfied.

Reminder: Do 3 things well in bed, tonifying the kidney is better than taking Chinese medicine, suitable for both men and women

In general, tonifying the kidney is not only a simple increase in material intake, but more importantly, an adjustment of life attitude and way. This modification involves changes in eating habits, adequate sleep, proper exercise, and the maintenance of mental health, which together constitute a comprehensive care and support for kidney health. With the advice of a TCM practitioner, Mr. Wang changed his evening habits and no longer just relied on Chinese medicine. After a period of hard work, he felt a noticeable improvement, not only his physical state was rejuvenated, but his mental outlook was also renewed.

To achieve true health, we must not only focus on a single part or system, but also take care of every cell and tissue holistically to achieve the goal of overall health. By adjusting the details of our lives and improving our quality of life, we can unconsciously reap the benefits of a healthy body and a more enjoyable life. #春日生活打卡季#

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