
Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

The treatment process of diabetes is long and complex, like a marathon, which requires patients to have enough patience and perseverance, constantly adjust their lifestyle and eating habits, and fight to the death.

In daily life, diabetic patients should not only ensure adequate nutrient intake, but also control the intake of sugar and calories, which can effectively control the development of the disease.

The combination of medicine and diet has become the two major weapons in their fight against the disease. However, no cure for the disease has yet been found.

This makes diabetic patients need to rely on drugs and diet control for a long time to stay alive, which undoubtedly puts a heavy burden on their lives. Therefore, for diabetic patients, dietary control is particularly important. So, can diabetics drink alcohol?

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out


Why do you get diabetes?

Genetic factors

Studies have found that people with a family history of diabetes have a significantly increased risk of developing diabetes. This is because certain genes may cause the body to be less sensitive to insulin or affect the pancreas' ability to secrete insulin. However, even if genetic factors are present, it does not mean that diabetes will occur, as environmental factors are equally critical.

Poor lifestyle

Long-term intake of high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar foods, as well as a lack of adequate physical activity, can lead to obesity, which in turn increases the risk of diabetes.

Obesity increases the body's resistance to insulin and affects the normal regulation of blood sugar. In addition, long-term mental stress and poor lifestyle habits may also lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn can induce diabetes.

Increasing age

As we age, the body's metabolic capacity gradually decreases, and its sensitivity to insulin decreases, making blood sugar regulation more difficult.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out


Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

When the shadow of diabetes hangs over your life, can you still indulge in that glass of wine? The ideal choice is to stay away from alcohol and completely abstain from alcohol to maintain your health.

However, the reality is always challenging, and some people do find it difficult to let go of that attachment to alcohol. In such a situation, all we can do is to try to reduce the frequency and amount of alcohol we drink, and at the same time, we must resolutely avoid the bad habit of alcoholism.

Occasionally, when you have an addiction to alcohol, you can taste it a little, but remember not to overdo it. After having diabetes, continuing to drink alcohol will undoubtedly exacerbate the fluctuations in blood sugar, which can hit the blood vessels hard, thereby increasing the risk of various complications.

Alcohol has the ability to interfere with the effect of hypoglycemic drugs, which may lead to dramatic rise and fall of blood sugar, cause irreversible damage to blood vessels, and increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

In addition, alcohol can cause damage to the liver, leading to an increase in cholesterol levels, which can lead to an increase in blood lipids, further exacerbating the threat to blood vessels. To make matters worse, alcohol can also damage the pancreas, affecting insulin secretion and making blood sugar control more difficult.

Therefore, for diabetic patients, if they cannot completely stop drinking, continue to drink and maintain the original drinking habits, it may accelerate the damage of blood vessels and induce a series of serious complications.

The risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is also greatly increased. Therefore, we strongly recommend that diabetics avoid drinking alcohol as much as possible, even if it is only mildly high, and firmly resist the temptation of alcohol to maintain their health.


Before going to the doctor, rule out these 5 things

Persistently high blood sugar levels are undoubtedly a headache for many people. Before rushing to the doctor for help, we might as well check ourselves to see if there are some common causes that are causing the fluctuation in blood sugar.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Here are five key factors that can affect blood sugar levels, and ruling them out may give you a glimmer of hope on your path to health.

1. Diet is the top priority in regulating blood sugar. Foods high in sugar, fat, and salt are one of the main culprits of elevated blood sugar. Regular intake of these foods not only spikes blood sugar, but can also trigger a range of health problems. Therefore, a reasonable diet and increasing the intake of dietary fiber and high-quality protein are effective ways to control blood sugar.

2. Lack of exercise is also an important cause of blood sugar elevation. Moderate exercise can help the body burn off excess sugar and improve insulin sensitivity, which can help lower blood sugar. Take some time out of your day to do aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, and swimming to rejuvenate your body.

3. Excessive psychological pressure will also affect the stability of blood sugar. Long-term high pressure can lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn affect the metabolism of blood sugar. Therefore, learning to regulate emotions and release stress is essential to maintain blood sugar stability.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

4. Lack of sleep can also affect the regulation of blood sugar. Adequate sleep helps the repair and regeneration of various systems of the body, and plays a non-negligible role in maintaining blood sugar stability.

5. Improper use of drugs is also a common cause of blood sugar elevation. Some medications may affect the secretion and action of insulin, causing blood sugar to rise. Therefore, when using the drug, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions and do not change the dosage or stop the drug at will.