
Enhance legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law

author:Internet information peace

In the past few days, our district has carried out various activities to further firmly establish legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law among the residents.

01 Nanyingmen Street

On April 10, the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, the District Civilization Office, Nanyingmen Street, and Shichangli Community jointly held a legal training meeting on "Bailulian 100 Enterprises and 100 Enterprises to Promote Development".

Enhance legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law

"Bailulian 100 Enterprises and Legal Protection for Development" Legal Training Meeting

At the meeting, Guo Hongsheng, a resident lawyer, popularized relevant legal knowledge about the business format and current situation of private enterprises in the jurisdiction. In view of the common contradictions, disputes and business risks of enterprises, the lawyer also focused on explaining and interpreting typical cases, which provided effective assistance for merchants to avoid business risks, improve management level and improve service quality.

Through this training, enterprises in the jurisdiction have a deeper understanding of the legal provisions involving their own interests, and further improve their ability to operate in accordance with the law and self-discipline.

02 District Prosecutor's Office

A few days ago, the District Procuratorate and Nanshi Street held a signing ceremony for the joint construction of the "Rule of Law Community" to promote the modernization of the governance capacity of the jurisdiction with more powerful judicial guarantees for people's livelihood.

Enhance legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law

The captain of the Nanshi Street Volunteer Service Team signed a contract with the secretaries of each community in turn

At the ceremony, the District Procuratorate and the communities of Nanshi Street respectively signed the "Agreement on the Co-construction of the "Rule of Law Community", successfully opening a new stage of the construction of the "Community Procuratorial Post" with all-round services for the "Rule of Law Community", further promoting the work of the District Procuratorate's "Community Procuratorial Post" to be deeper and more practical, and boosting the construction of the "Rule of Law Community" in Nanshi Street.

It is reported that since 2020, the district procuratorate has given full play to the role of procuratorial functions, actively integrated into the social governance of the city, and took the lead in creating a new era of "community procuratorial posts" in 64 communities in 6 streets in the district, focusing on the concerns of the masses, effectively doing practical things for people's livelihood, and achieving good social results.

Enhance legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law

Before the ceremony began, the Nanshi Street delegation also visited the District Procuratorate

Before the start of the ceremony, Nanshi Street and his entourage also visited the District Procuratorate's Ma Yuanweimin Studio, New Media Studio, Electronic Data Laboratory, Public Interest Litigation Rapid Testing Center, and Heart Whispering Room, and watched the promotional video of Ma Yuan's advanced deeds of "Forever Original Heart".

03 Xinxing Street

In order to further improve residents' awareness and ability to respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law, guide residents to consciously learn and use the "Civil Code" well, and defend their legitimate rights and interests with legal weapons, the Tushan Garden Community of Xinxing Street recently invited the Working Committee of the Peace Zone of the Taiwan Democratic League, the first and second branches directly under the Peace District Committee of the Democratic League, to jointly carry out legal knowledge into the community publicity activities.

Enhance legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law

During the event, Zhao Jin, a lawyer from Tianjin Chenyi Law Firm, gave a lecture on the importance of compiling the Civil Code and the main content of the Civil Code. Through specific cases and common contradictions and disputes in people's lives, the differences between the Civil Code and previous laws and regulations are explained, a variety of ways to resolve conflicts and disputes are explained, everyone is encouraged to solve problems through legal means, and everyone is guided to take the lead in publicizing the Civil Code.

Source: Tianjin Heping Text: Zhang Xinran, Zhang Yanfen Photo: Xue Zhi

Enhance legal awareness and enhance the concept of the rule of law

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