
2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

author:Chongqing and the world
2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

Legend has it that the third day of the third lunar month is the wedding anniversary of Yin Tianzi and his wife, and people are scheduled to hold the Fengdu temple fair on this day to commemorate their love. Every time I go to the temple fair, guests from all over the world come from afar, and it is very lively.

2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story
2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story
2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

Tourists, citizens

"Long guns and short cannons" are in battle


Fengdu temple fair parade

The story of the float

Fengdu folk tale "The Son of a Cloudy Sky Marrying" >>>

Yin Tianzi and Tianzi Niangniang are two mythological characters that the people of Fengdu are more familiar with, and their strange fate is the legend of the "ghost town" that is not old.

Legend has it that the Son of Heaven's name is Lu Ying, a native of Dazhu County, Sichuan, more than 200 kilometers away from Fengdu, and his father is a very wealthy local outsider. Lu Yuanwai and his wife gave birth to a daughter in an elderly age, and they regarded it as a pearl in their palms, and their daughter was not married at the age of eighteen.

This year, Lu Ying followed her mother to Fengdu Famous Mountain to incense, when she lit a pillar of incense and raised her head to make a wish, she couldn't help but look at the grandfather of the Son of Heaven. Lu Ying's cheeks suddenly turned crimson, and she thought to herself, how good it would be if she could marry such a husband in the future.

After Lu Ying returned to Dazhu County, she was in a trance, didn't think about tea and dinner, and died of illness three days later. One day, Lu Ying threw a dream to her parents, saying that she had become the mother of the Son of Heaven in Fengdu, and asked her parents to visit her in a famous mountain.

Lu Yuanwai and his wife came to the Son of Heaven Palace, and when they saw that it was indeed their daughter in the hall behind the Son of Heaven's grandfather, they couldn't help but let out a cry of sadness. A monk who was reciting the sutra understood the reason and comforted him, "Your daughter has become an immortal in the flesh and has become the mother of the Son of Heaven, and now she is under one person and above ten thousand. Even those of us monks have to rely on her, not to mention that you are already relatives of the emperor. Only then did Lu Yuanwai and his wife turn their sorrow into joy and happily returned to Dazhu County. Since then, Fengdu County and Dazhu County have become in-laws. Every year in March, during the incense festival, people from Dazhu County come to Fengdu to visit their daughter.


2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

Open float: Fengdu is located on the bank of the Yangtze River, ancient for Bazi Beidu, known as the 1000-year-old ghost town, 2000-year-old county seat, 5000-year-old Phoenix City, is the world's famous mountain, Pingdu blessed land. As the most important folk cultural activity in Fengdu, Fengdu temple fair originated from the ancient folk incense fair, resumed in 1988 and has been successfully held for more than 20 sessions, in 2014 was included in the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative project list, is one of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government approved and reserved festivals, is one of the cultural exchange projects in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and is an important carrier of Fengdu folk culture. On the third day of the third lunar month, people sang and danced, and held parades and other activities with the theme of "marrying a son on a cloudy day", expressing the working people's yearning and pursuit of a better life.


2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

Love at first sight: On the third day of the third lunar month, enter the incense and pray for blessings, the famous mountain of Fengdu, meet by chance, look at each other, the autumn waves surge, and a seed of love is planted.


2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

Acacia of the two worlds: the mountains have trees and branches, and the heart is happy. In front of Meng Po Village, drink a bowl of acacia water, and get drunk and sober. To pick it up is to put it down, and to taste three lives in one soup. The red line of fate will eventually be intertwined on the other side. Lovers who are haunted by their dreams are no longer far apart.


2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

Fate is determined by three lives: 500 times of looking back in the past life, in exchange for the passing of this life. Just this glance, the phoenix crown and xia have a good fate, and the hand of the son is white. On the bank of Sansheng Stone, on the bridge, there are lovers who eventually become married. "Visit the Fengdu temple fair and tie the three-life relationship".


2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

The group of immortals congratulates: Qin Se and Ming, dragon and phoenix are auspicious. Heaven and earth are the witnesses, and the immortals are the guests. Good days and auspicious days, good couples are natural. The auspicious atmosphere permeates the land of Fengdu, and all the gentlemen present can find their own blessings and sweetness.


2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

The Divine Bird is shaking: the phoenix is flying, and the son is returning. The world's famous mountains, Pingdu blessed land. Only good and harmonious, and work hard. Warmly welcome guests from all over the world, "come to the world's Fengdu, see the world of Fengdu"!

2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story
2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story
2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade|Float Story

The mythical love story of the 2024 Fengdu Temple Fair Parade

It is told in chapters with floats and performances

The cloudy son of heaven and the son of heaven

A legendary love affair of meeting, acquaintance, and love

Let the majority of tourists and friends experience

Through the Three Realms and through the Three Lives

Meet the mythical bird and read the myth

Embark on an unforgettable journey of blessings

April 13 at 7:40 p.m

Fengdu temple fair

Start your first night cruise

Create a dream

A rich atmosphere of mystery and romance

Here you go

Deliver an immersive experience like never before

Make an appointment!!

Walk around!!

来源:看‬丰都‬ 图‬片/丰都记协