
The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

author:Yu said that he was still resting
The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

On April 9, 2024, on social media platforms, a self-labeled "Professor Deuterium" who was "a 41-year-old professor of chemistry at Zhejiang University and a doctoral supervisor" said @Russian Embassy in China:

"A piece of advice to Russia, NATO prisoners of war, don't kill, cut off limbs, gouge out eyes, and give them back. Don't cut your tongue, so they will tell others about the horrors of the battlefield."

A netizen commented, "Professor Deuterium's suggestion is good, but the operation is more troublesome."

"Professor Deuterium" replied: "Let medical students do amputations." Just practice your hands. ”

But some netizens objected: "Don't ruin my admiration for intellectuals." ”

The "deuterium professor" also said before: "There is a writer who also writes articles criticizing my idea for being anti-human. This is not unusual, there are many traitors among the literati, so just block them directly...... Literati will not understand this truth, and double-standard traitors do not understand "Yunyun."

If you look at the self-media content of "Professor Deuterium", similar extreme expressions obviously abound - when you see these, you can't help but feel the hairs behind your back, and you also begin to swish coldly: Is it true that a university professor who is so scolded as "anti-human" is still such a cold-blooded, cruel, inhumane, and anti-human thinking in an era that has evolved to a relatively civilized level?

Such people, in fact, have nothing to do with "intellectuals" at all, they are nothing more than some individual and extreme "intellectual scum"!

The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war
The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war
The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war
The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war
The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

First of all, as any individual, including this so-called university professor, of course, can have his own independent views - for example, the view of the "Russian-Ukrainian war", like this "deuterium professor" regards Russia as his father, there is no big problem, it is also the freedom of thought, emotion and cognition of the individual.

Of course, there will be those who disagree with the "deuterium professor" who is overwhelmingly inclined to the Russian mentality, but is on the side of the Ukrainian people, whose territory was first started by Russia, whose territory was occupied, and whose people were devastated by the war - and this is no problem. A society where diverse voices can exist is a testament to our progress in civilization based on core values such as "democracy and freedom".

However, at the national level, the view of this war is obviously to maintain an objective and neutral attitude - especially since China has always adhered to the responsible attitude of "preferring the war to end as soon as possible and peace to come as soon as possible".

As individual citizens, even if they are not fully aligned with the views of the state, they have no problem retaining their own views.

However, as a "professor and doctoral supervisor of a well-known university", and speaking in the public domain, he openly said things that were obviously "inhumane and anti-human", and shamelessly defended himself with the so-called "literati are double-standard traitors" - and some netizens said an extreme rhetorical question to help this "deuterium professor" unravel: "What if we are facing the inhumane Japanese invaders back then?"

The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

Now, then, let's answer this seemingly forceful and seemingly irrefutable question: Do you know that the Chinese Communists and their people's army have always upheld and adhered to the "revolutionary humanitarian spirit." When it comes to the specific treatment of "prisoners," we all know the loud slogan of the Chinese revolutionary army: "Treat prisoners preferentially, surrender guns and not kill them," right?

As a matter of fact, the Chinese revolutionary army's treatment of prisoners of war has fully demonstrated the noble realm of the humanitarian spirit, which is also a major symbol and representative of the progress of human civilization.

Many of our revolutionaries, who are not only military strategists, but also great literati and bachelors, are the "revolutionary humanitarian spirit and thoughts" they hold high also the "traitorous literati" of double standards in the mouth of this "deuterium professor"?

Therefore, when this "deuterium professor" openly said such a cruel treatment of prisoners, he was humiliating, smearing and slandering the "Chinese revolutionary humanitarianism"!

The inhumanity and anti-humanity of wars of aggression can be understood by anyone with a modicum of humanity - but does this mean that a war against aggression can be treated like animals in ancient wars?

The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

Obviously, after the gradual development and progress of human society, the consciousness of human civilization is also advancing with the times, and international law on international prisoners of war has long begun to appear, but it is obvious that people like "Professor Deuterium" are still lagging behind in the era before World War I, and their thinking of "countering violence with violence", or even the idea of doubling violence with "one report for ten returns", will only make violence and war infinitely repeated and endless.

On the contrary, when human beings face the most brutal war, if they can still stick to the bottom line of human nature and achieve "humane treatment of prisoners of war", it shows that human beings have begun to slowly break away from primitive animal nature and continue to evolve to a more and more civilized level, so that human society can become better in the future, not the other way around!

As a university teacher, "Professor Deuterium", although he labels himself as a "science teacher", but in his self-media, what he posts every day is basically social content, does this also show how barren and backward his knowledge of sociology is?

In particular, most of them are full of extreme thinking, and if such a person becomes a professor, what kind of students will he eventually bring out? It does not mean that a teacher who teaches students professional knowledge is considered qualified. A truly qualified teacher is obviously "preaching and teaching to solve doubts", and "preaching" is in the first place.

However, is the "Tao" preached by this "deuterium professor" to his students the inhumane and anti-human thoughts of these extremists?

The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

A person's ignorance and fearlessness and his thinking of "having sores on the top of his head and pus on the soles of his feet - it is terrible" may not be the most terrible, but it is the most terrible thing for such a person to occupy the important public platforms of university professors, and also use these names and identities to wantonly publish extremist ideas on platforms in the public domain!

And this "deuterium professor" even gave such a vicious idea to the Russian Embassy @ - this can't help but make people think that in history, China and Russia are related to "unbearable to look back at the bright moon".

Among them, for example, in the "Jiangdong 64 Tun Massacre", more than 2,000 Chinese were slaughtered; and in the "Hailan Pao Massacre", more than 5,000 Chinese were killed - then, may I ask "Professor Deuterium": Do you want to ask your conscience about this matter, will you still have such a cruel, cruel and bloody heart of revenge?

Also, recently, Russia once again publicly commemorated the so-called "Zhenbao Island War" - then, if it was in China's Zhenbao Island self-defense counterattack, a soldier was captured by the former Soviet army, may I ask "Professor Deuterium", would you still have such a shameless suggestion in the book "Northern Country"?

Seeing people like "Professor Deuterium" will also remind people of Germany's "Devil Professor" Haber - this professor, like "Professor Deuterium", is also a professor of chemistry, he was originally a Jew, during the First World War, he tried his best to serve the German military government, under its auspices, invented and used poison gas warfare, during the First World War, as a result, 1.3 million soldiers and innocent people were poisoned to death.

The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

But Harbour's wife, Clara, was the exact opposite of him, a very humanitarian, who hated gas warfare and repeatedly urged her husband to stop developing chemical weapons. However, Haber did not listen to the dissuasion, but insisted on going his own way, accelerating the development of more "efficient" killing weapons such as phosgene and mustard gas. His wife, who was particularly disappointed in him and desperate in her indignation, committed suicide in May 1915.

Albert Einstein, a famous scientist who was also Jewish, angrily denounced Haber as "a scoundrel in the scientific world, a mad lackey!"

But after World War I, when Hitler's government came to power in 1933, the Nazis began to persecute and kill Jews. Haber was also forced to leave his homeland because of his Jewish identity, but the infamous name of "Devil Professor" made him carry his life from then on—— do you want to be a "Devil Professor" in China?

It can still be seen from the so-called "high-level intellectual" "Professor Deuterium" that although human society as a whole continues to make progress in civilization, no matter what time comes, it cannot guarantee that the animal instincts of individual people will still emerge, mutate and alienate, and produce the evil consequences of human nature.

Therefore, our country, and even all mankind, must have more consensus on civilization and the rule of law, and only then can we put the primitive human nature in a "cage" through the design of systems and mechanisms -- if we do not restrain and control, and let the wolves of human nature run wild, the self-misery and mutual harm of human beings will obviously be endless and never end! Of course, in the end, it will also backfire on the likes of "Professor Devil" and "Professor Deuterium"!

The self-proclaimed "deuterium professor" of Zhejiang University: Russia should cut off his limbs and gouge out his eyes for NATO prisoners of war

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