
Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

author:Demon player

On April 13, 2024, the fifth personality COA VII Global Finals - Group Stage Week 1 and Day 2 matches begin. In the match of the day, HHDG beat Omni with a score of 2 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses (10:6), and here is the match report.

First half of the first game: HHDG Survivors vs. Omni Regulators

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

HHDG's survivors chose undertakers, savages, gardeners, and acrobats, while Omni's regulator, UkJ, chose hermits. (BAN Priest, Perfumer, Aviator, Mercenary)

At the beginning of the game, the hermit chooses to pursue the undertaker and quickly knocks him down and sends him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the undertaker used the coffin to come back to life to save himself, and the undertaker who got off the chair was pinned down for a period of time and then knocked down and sent to the chair. The savage rescued the undertaker, and after the undertaker was knocked down and eliminated, the survivor deciphered the cipher machine.

In the opening battle, the hermit uses teleportation to knock down the wildlings and complete the second capture.

In the first half of the first game, the two sides tied 2:2.

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

Second half of Game 1: Omni Survivors vs. HHDG Regulators

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

Omni's survivors chose aviators, perfumers, acrobats, "psychologists"; tzym, the regulator of HHDG, chose the opera singers. (BAN Gardener, Cheerleader, Mercenary, Undertaker)

At the beginning, the opera singer chooses to pursue the "psychologist" and knocks him out to the chair. At this time, the deciphering progress of the cipher machine on the field was close to three.

In the chair battle, the perfumer carried the injury and saved the "psychologist", and the opera singer played the double fall of the perfumer and the "psychologist", and sent the "psychologist" to the chair. The aviator was injured and saved the "psychologist", and soon after there was a double downfall on the field again, and the opera singer eliminated the "psychologist" by sending the chair.

In the middle of the opera, the opera singer chose to pursue the perfumer, who held him back until the cipher machine was deciphered.

In the opening battle, the opera singer quickly knocks down the perfumer, and then teleports to knock out the aviator, completing three catches.

In the second half of the first game, HHDG led with a score of 3:1.

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

Game 2: Top Half of Game 2: Omni Survivors vs. HHDG Regulators

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

Omni's survivors chose patients, cheerleaders, mercenaries, and lawyers (BAN opera singers), while HHDG's overseer tzym chose Deerhead. (BAN Toy Dealer, Antique Dealer, Aviator, Novelist)

At the beginning of the game, Deer Head chose to chase the cheerleader and quickly knocked him down with his chain claws to send him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the mercenary rescued the cheerleader without injury and helped him carry his wounds, and the cheerleader who got off the chair was knocked down and sent to the chair. The patient carried the wound and saved the cheerleader, and the cheerleader who got out of the chair was knocked out and eliminated.

The mid-stage deer head uses its claws to quickly knock down the patient and send him to the chair. When the lawyer is knocked out, the survivors decipher the cipher machine.

In the opening battle, the deer head knocked the lawyer down and sent him to the chair, and then chose to pursue the mercenary, and the patient took the opportunity to save the lawyer. Then the deer head knocked down the lawyer and the patient successively, completing the three catches.

In the first half of the second game, HHDG led with a score of 3:1.

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

Second half of the second game: HHDG Survivors vs. Omni Regulators

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

HHDG's survivors chose antique dealers, aviators, mercenaries, and cheerleaders (BAN dream witches), while Omni's overseer, Pitstoper, chose opera singers. (BAN Bartender, Prophet, Air Force, Undertaker)

At the beginning, the opera singer chooses to chase the aviator, injuring him and switching to chasing the antique dealer, and using the flash to quickly knock him down and send him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the mercenary was injured and saved the antique dealer, and the antique dealer who got off the chair was pinned down for a period of time and then knocked down and sent the chair. The aviator was injured and saved the antique dealer, and the antique dealer who got off the chair was knocked out and eliminated.

In the middle of the period, the opera singer knocked the aviator down and sent him to the chair, and the cheerleaders carried the wound to save the aviator, and after the aviator who got off the chair was knocked down, the survivors deciphered the cipher machine.

In the opening game, the opera singer quickly knocks down the aviator and sends him to the chair, and then chooses to chase the cheerleader and knock him down. The mercenaries took the opportunity to save the pilot, and the survivors completed the second run.

In the second half of the game, the two sides tied 2:2.

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni

In the end, HHDG defeated Omni with a score of 2 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses (10:6) to win the game.

Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni
Fifth Personality COA VII: HHDG_tzym made his offline debut and helped the team defeat Omni