
It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

author:Weicheng release


Temperatures are rising rapidly

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) with acute onset and rapid spread

It also ushered in a period of high incidence

Parents with babies at home

Please be careful

Children's hands, feet, mouth, etc

Symptomatic manifestations of the site

If you find any abnormalities, you should see a doctor promptly

Here's what to expect

Hand, foot and mouth disease prevention guidelines

Please check it out quickly!

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

What is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease?

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common acute infectious disease in children aged 5 years and younger caused by a variety of enteroviruses.

It can occur throughout the year, with the peak of spring and summer from April to July, and the peak of autumn from September to November.

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

What are the symptoms of HFMD?

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

It takes about 2-10 days from infection to the onset of symptoms for HFMD, with an average of 3-5 days. The clinical manifestations are mainly fever, herpes on the oral mucosa, maculopapular rash and herpes on the hands, feet and buttocks, and may be accompanied by symptoms such as cough, runny nose and lack of appetite.

Children usually have mild, self-limited symptoms, and a good prognosis, with full recovery after 7 to 10 days. A small number of children with severe disease will have rapid deterioration, neurological complications, and multi-organ failure, which can lead to death in severe cases.

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

How is HFMD transmitted?

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

Hand, foot and mouth disease is transmitted in a variety of ways and is easily realized. The main modes of transmission are:

(1) Close contact transmission, infection through direct contact with the patient's feces, herpes fluid, nasopharyngeal secretions, saliva and contact with contaminated towels, handkerchiefs, dental cups, toys, tableware, feeding bottles, bedding and other items;

(2) Transmission through respiratory droplets, such as coughing, sneezing, etc.;

(3) Drinking or eating water and food contaminated with the virus can also cause infection.

In addition, patients are contagious before the onset of the disease, and the proportion of latent infections is large, usually the most contagious within a week of the onset of the disease.

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

How can hand, foot and mouth disease be prevented?

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

Avoid contact with sick children

Pay attention to hygiene, cleaning and disinfection

Reduce gatherings

It is recommended that children should not be taken to public places with crowds and poor air circulation during the epidemic of HFMD.

Ventilation of the environment

Closed public places and living rooms should be ventilated frequently to maintain air circulation.


EV71 vaccination is recommended for susceptible children ≥ 6 months of age, the sooner the better, and the vaccination schedule is encouraged before 12 months of age for early protection. The EV71 vaccine is not recommended for children over 5 years of age.

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

What to do if you get hand, foot and mouth disease?

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child


Health monitoring

During the period of home isolation and treatment, parents and caregivers should closely observe the condition of the child, who is under 3 years old, has an illness course of less than 3 days, and EV-A71 infection is a high-risk factor for severe disease. If you have a persistent high fever (body temperature above 38.5C for more than 3 days), neurological abnormalities (listlessness, drowsiness, irritability, irritability, or tremors and convulsions of limbs, etc.), you may progress to severe illness in a short period of time, and your child should be sent to the hospital immediately.


Disinfect your home

Clean frequently touched furniture, toys, floors, etc., every day, and disinfect with chlorine-based disinfectant 1-2 times a week. The patient's secretions, vomit or excretions, as well as the articles or environment contaminated by them, should be wiped or soaked with chlorine-containing disinfectant solution in time after cleaning, and wiped or rinsed with water after 30 minutes.


Do a good job of isolation

The time limit for home isolation is 1 week after all symptoms disappear, during which the child should avoid going out, let alone kindergartens and public places where people gather, and avoid contact and play with other children. Quarantine measures should be taken for other children living with them.

It has entered a high incidence period!Please pay attention to the fever of your child

Hand, foot and mouth disease is highly contagious

But it can be prevented and controlled

Take precautions

Take care of your child's health

Let's work together!