
The missile bombardment was fierce all night, Ukraine lost its last chance, and Russia had a showdown: it could only surrender unconditionally

author:Bing said

After the Russian missile bombardment for a whole night, the energy facilities of the Ukrainian army were hit hard, and it has actually entered the countdown to defeat, and Russia has finally had a complete showdown with Ukraine, indicating that Ukraine will soon have only one way left, that is, unconditional surrender, Zelensky is really self-defeating this time, completely cut off all his back roads, and lost the opportunity to negotiate peace with Russia.

The missile bombardment was fierce all night, Ukraine lost its last chance, and Russia had a showdown: it could only surrender unconditionally

According to relevant reports, recently, Russia's representative to the United Nations, Nebenzya, publicly stated at a meeting of the Security Council that the Ukrainian government will soon have only one choice left, that is, unconditional surrender, and the Russian side suggested that everyone be prepared in this regard.

I have to say that Nebenzia is really not talking harshly to Ukraine this time, the Russian army has carried out large-scale bombing of Ukraine's electricity, fuel and other energy systems, and a large number of Ukrainian power plants and energy systems have been violently attacked by the Russian army, almost paralyzed, and now Ukraine, not to mention the military production capacity, even basic survival has become a big problem, according to the development of this situation, it is indeed not far from the final defeat and unconditional surrender of Ukraine.

The missile bombardment was fierce all night, Ukraine lost its last chance, and Russia had a showdown: it could only surrender unconditionally

And this statement of the Russian side is actually a complete showdown against Ukraine, now the Russian army has won the victory, the Ukrainian army's anti-aircraft missiles have almost been exhausted, and the effect of the Russian army's strategic air strikes is getting bigger and bigger, especially after the Russian army used 1.5 tons or even 3 tons of super bombs and other "big killers", the Russian army's ability to attack fortifications has also been greatly improved, even if the Ukrainian army's strong defense line and fortress, it is difficult to stop the footsteps of the Russian army's prospects. In this regard, even the US media recently had to admit that Ukraine is now at its most vulnerable in two years, and the Ukrainian army is now facing the danger of collapse and being broken through the defense line by the Russian army.

Therefore, Zelensky, who has repeatedly given up the opportunity for peace talks, has now actually lost the qualification and capital to negotiate with Russia, and the goal that Russia wants to achieve in this Russian-Ukrainian conflict has completely become to make Ukraine surrender unconditionally, oust Zelensky from power, disarm all the Ukrainian army, and seize all Ukrainian territory except for Kyiv and a small part of western Ukraine.

The missile bombardment was fierce all night, Ukraine lost its last chance, and Russia had a showdown: it could only surrender unconditionally

I have to sigh that in the first two years of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russia was really too merciful, and now it is ruthless and starts the "indiscriminate bombing" mode against Ukraine, and the Kyiv regime is actually unable to stand it all of a sudden. On the one hand, now the Russian army has basically destroyed most of the energy facilities and systems in Ukraine through continuous heavy bombardment, countless cruise missiles, hypersonic missiles, drones, etc., such as April 12, the Russian army has almost bombed for a whole day, Ukraine's Donbass thermal power plant and Kharkiv thermal power plant and Tripoli thermal power station in Kyiv Oblast have exploded after being attacked by Russian missiles in recent days.

But this is far from the end, the Russian army will continue to strengthen its efforts to completely destroy Ukraine's only remaining energy system, power plants and fuel warehouses, and achieve a complete victory in this "energy war" against Ukraine.

The missile bombardment was fierce all night, Ukraine lost its last chance, and Russia had a showdown: it could only surrender unconditionally

So, seeing that Ukraine is about to be defeated or even surrender unconditionally, why haven't the United States and the West come to the rescue? At present, the United States and the West, because of the issue of aiding Ukraine, have actually broken out into a state of serious internal strife and contradictions, and have fallen into a state of attacking each other, and they cannot take care of Ukraine at all.

For example, the United States, although Admiral Cavalli, commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, recently asked for the resumption of military aid to Ukraine, making it clear that if there is no military aid, then Ukraine will be defeated, but this proposal was still vetoed by the Republican Party, obviously, in the eyes of Trump and others, since you have said that Ukraine will be defeated soon, isn't it a waste of money to continue to send money to it? It is better to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Russia, end the war in Europe, and wait until Trump takes office, just enough to concentrate all forces and resources in the Asia-Pacific region to contain the real most powerful opponent of the United States in Trump's eyes.

The missile bombardment was fierce all night, Ukraine lost its last chance, and Russia had a showdown: it could only surrender unconditionally

On the European side, there are even more contradictions on the issue of aid to Ukraine, and it is difficult to reach an agreement quickly. Therefore, on the whole, the current Ukraine has actually fallen into a desperate situation of internal and external troubles, and it is no wonder that Russia is now so confident that Ukraine will only have one option left to surrender unconditionally, and if the situation continues to develop as it is now, I am afraid that Russia's prediction will soon become a reality.