
"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally

"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally

In the bustling and hustle and bustle of modern society, everyone longs for wealth and happiness.

But on the path of pursuing these good things, we must always be sober and stick to the right principles.

As the old saying goes:

"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door. ”

The road to wealth is not achieved overnight, and it needs to be down-to-earth in order to be able to operate step by step.

The way of happiness is not the way of the sidelines;

Only with kindness can we reap a happy life.

"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally

Seeking wealth cannot be rushed for quick success

Once upon a time, there was a man named Zhang Youcai in a county in Anhui Province, whose parents died when he was a child, and he was still addicted to gambling money at the age of 40, living a life of eating, drinking and having fun every day.

In the early morning of one day, he left the gambling room, only took five cents, and went to the Li family's porridge shop to wait for food.

In the porridge shop, an old man with white hair caught his attention.

The old man was dressed in simple clothes, the fabric seemed to be very expensive, and a dark brown bag was placed beside him.

Zhang Youcai suddenly had evil thoughts in his heart.

As the sky grew brighter, he followed the old man into an alley, knocked him down and snatched his baggage and purse by taking advantage of his unpreparedness, and then quickly fled the scene.

When Zhang Youcai returned home, he couldn't wait to open his baggage, but he saw a shriveled yellow leather coat, which disappointed him.

But in the baggage, he found a letter.

The letter mentions that this leather coat not only has the magical power of transit, but is also proficient in all kinds of gambling and unpredictable methods.

Zhang Youcai put on his leather coat in disbelief, and suddenly felt a chill hit him.

After a stick of incense, he tried to use props, and he did whatever he wanted, and many never-before-seen gambling tricks appeared in his mind.

After that, Zhang Youcai shined in the gambling house and won a lot of money.

Three months later, he swept away nearly 100,000 taels of silver and antique treasures in a big gamble, and fled to Yangzhou Mansion overnight.

In Yangzhou, Zhang Youcai rose rapidly with his superb gambling skills and became the gambling king of the rich side.

But his appearance became like that of an old man, and he had a group of wives and concubines, but no heirs.

Moreover, the only daughter also died due to the sucking of sperm and blood.

One day, a Taoist came.

He revealed that the leather coat Zhang Youcai wore was human skin, which came from the human portraits drawn by a strange person, and these portraits had extraordinary powers.

"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally

Once clothed in human skin made of this image, it will continuously absorb the blood of the wearer.

Over time, the wearer will not be able to take off the human skin garment on their own.

Fortunately, although Zhang Youcai has been wearing this dress for a long time, it has not yet reached the point where he cannot take it off.

Zhang Youcai begged the Taoist to save him from the sea of suffering.

With the help of the Taoist, Zhang Youcai endured the pain of skinning for half a month, and he finally succeeded in taking off this human skin clothes.

On the occasion of leaving, Zhang Youcai begged the Taoist for guidance.

Out of sympathy, the Taoist gave him a "descendant blessing" and warned him to leave descendants as soon as possible, otherwise he would be cut off from his descendants.

Zhang Youcai carefully followed the instructions of the Taoist.

But after his wife confirmed that she was pregnant, he was lucky, put on the human skin clothes again, and continued to gamble wildly.

Later, his youngest daughter died, and this time, he could no longer take off his human fur clothes.

As the old saying goes:

"If you want to hurry, you can't get there. ”

On the road to wealth, if you are too impatient, you may make wrong decisions.

People who are anxious for quick success can only see the immediate benefits, but cannot see the risks behind them.

In modern society, people may overwork, stay up late at work, or even sacrifice their conscience to obtain some ill-gotten gains in order to gain wealth quickly.

In this way, you may be able to gain some wealth, but it is also difficult to keep.

One day, there will be all kinds of retribution, which will lead to the dispersion of one's own family.

Therefore, only by playing steadily and steadily can we win step by step.

Otherwise, the greed for quick money will eventually come to naught.

"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally
"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally

Ask for blessings, don't go to the left side of the door

Du Zhong was the only son of the Du family in Mawei Village during the Song Dynasty, he was smart and clever since he was a child, kind and filial, and was deeply loved by his family.

When he was ten years old, he suddenly fell ill with a strange disease, and his body was getting weaker and weaker.

Du Taibao and his wife watched their son's increasingly thin figure, their hearts were like knives, and they visited famous doctors, but they never succeeded in curing their son's illness.

One day, a young Taoist priest who claimed to be a Qinglong Taoist passed by Mawei Village.

He is profound, claiming to be able to drive away evil spirits and cure diseases.

After hearing the news, Du Taibao and his wife seemed to see a savior, and hurriedly invited Qinglong Dao people to treat their son.

After some Taoist practices, Du Zhong's condition really improved.

The Du family was overjoyed and grateful.

But not long after, Du Zhong accidentally injured his foot because he was playing on the street.

Du Zhong's grandfather had always been suspicious of the previous Taoist priest's request for blessings.

He thinks that the last Taoist priest's blessing was a sideshow, so his grandson had to pay some price.

He admonished his family not to rely too much on the magic of Taoist priests, but to accumulate good fortune through their own efforts and good deeds.

True happiness is not earned by praying to others, but by one's own good deeds.

Although Du Zhong was young, his grandfather's words were deeply imprinted in his heart.

He studied harder, hoping to bring glory to his family through his own efforts.

A few years later, Du Zhong grew up and inherited the family business.

He has won wide acclaim for his integrity and kindness to his employees and customers.

Under his leadership, the Du family's business grew bigger and bigger, and they became a famous local family.

Du Zhong was not complacent because of this, he always kept in mind his grandfather's teachings, never forgot his original intention, and insisted on doing good.

He often helps those in need, whether it is sponsoring poor students or helping people affected by disasters, he does not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

His good deeds not only won people's respect, but also accumulated rich blessings for the Du family.

"Wealth does not enter the emergency door, and blessing does not enter the side door", the ancestors remember these two words of advice, and the blessings will come naturally

His wife also gave birth to a healthy and lovely son to Du Zhong.

It brought endless joy and hope to the Du family.

There is a saying:

"Integrity and kindness are blessed to be natural. ”

If a person goes the wrong way for the sake of good fortune, it will only bring some superficial benefits for a short time.

In the long run, such gains are often illusory and may even have unforeseen negative consequences.

True blessings should be based on integrity, honesty and kindness.

The blessings that are obtained through proper means and hard work are the most real and lasting ones.

It also brings more peace and contentment to people's hearts.

The blessings brought by the side door and the left road are difficult to stay for a long time;

A person who sticks to the right path will be strengthened in his blessings.

The road of life is long, whether it is seeking wealth or blessings, you need to maintain a normal heart, stick to the right path, and not be impatient.

Money is not in a hurry:

Warning everyone not to rush for quick success when pursuing wealth, to be down-to-earth and willing to work, with wisdom and diligence to create their own wealth;


Remind everyone to stick to the bottom line of morality when pursuing well-being, not to go the wrong way, and to accumulate good deeds with an upright and kind heart, so as to obtain true blessings.

Keep these two pieces of advice in mind and make yourself more determined to take every step of the way in life.

Don't be swayed by momentary gains and losses, and don't be lost by short-term temptations.

As long as you have righteous thoughts in your heart, stick to the right path, and write your own chapter of life with diligence and wisdom, good fortune will naturally come as scheduled.

May you and I be the creators of wealth, the harvesters of good fortune, and reap full happiness in the journey of life.

Author | Purple and round

Picture | Submitted by Ziqiao photography enthusiasts