
Can't you eat spicy food when taking Chinese medicine? What else should I pay attention to?

author:Starry dreams


Can't you eat spicy food when taking Chinese medicine? What else should I pay attention to?

It is generally not recommended to eat spicy food while taking Chinese medicine. Because spicy and irritating foods may react with some ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine, it may not only affect the absorption and exertion of the efficacy of the medicine, but also cause adverse reactions in serious cases. Even if you don't drink traditional Chinese medicine, eating spicy food may irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in abdominal pain, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms, which is not conducive to the recovery of the body. Of course, eating spicy is a personal taste. However, while taking Chinese medicine, it is necessary to pay attention to doing more things that are conducive to the body's recovery.

In addition to paying attention not to eat spicy food, there are some precautions for taking Chinese medicine:

Can't you eat spicy food when taking Chinese medicine? What else should I pay attention to?

1. Pay attention to the avoidance of taking Chinese medicine:

Don't eat spicy food, greasy big fish and meat are not conducive to the role of traditional Chinese medicine, eat raw and cold things to warm the internal organs, and take good care during illness, don't add burden to your body. Patients with jaundice and hypochondria should also avoid eating animal fats and spicy tobacco and alcohol stimulants;

People with weak spleen and stomach should avoid fried and sticky, cold, hard, and indigestible food;

Patients with kidney disease edema should avoid salt, too hot and sour products;

2. Diet Quality:

Try to choose fresh, uncontaminated foods. During this period, eat less takeaway, the quality of takeaway food, the safety of seasonings are not reassuring, and a reasonable diet is very necessary for the recovery of the body.

Can't you eat spicy food when taking Chinese medicine? What else should I pay attention to?

3.分清饭前吃还是饭后吃 :

Different types of Chinese medicine may have different requirements. For example, eating before meals for tonic products is conducive to the exertion of medicinal effects, and it is possible to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and eating after meals can reduce the stimulation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. You should ask when you get your medicine.

4. Give the body time to absorb after drinking Chinese medicine:

Don't exercise vigorously just after drinking, Chinese medicine is generally more bitter, give the stomach time to work, and can also avoid nausea and other discomfort.

5. Medication for special groups

The elderly or infirm people may need a process of increasing the dosage of medicine, and they cannot use strong drugs all at once to prevent the occurrence of deficiency and lack of replenishment.

6. Medication in special periods

Whether a woman needs to stop taking the drug during menstruation is best to follow the doctor's advice and keep it in mind.

Also, during this time, you should maintain a good state of mind. A bad mood can also affect the absorption of the drug.

Can't you eat spicy food when taking Chinese medicine? What else should I pay attention to?