
Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

author:There is reason and face

Recently, everyone has been "silent" by the United Kingdom again.

British Defense Secretary Shapps wrote in the Daily Telegraph that the "post-war world" has entered the "pre-war world" and China is becoming more and more "belligerent".

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

It is beyond reproach to say anything before and after the war, but if the British insist on saying that China is "belligerent", it is like a crazy bison biting a well-behaved rabbit, and then rightly saying to it: "You kid has a lot of ability, you dare to stare at me!"

There's no reason for the rabbit to stare at the bison, but the bison must be "crazy", otherwise he wouldn't be fine. Just imagine, how could a little rabbit who only cares about eating grass to survive provoke a mad cow?

To this end, the spokesperson of the Chinese embassy said: The Chinese side of the British politician's China-related remarks disregard the facts, confuse black and white, and maliciously slander China, and China firmly opposes it!

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

The spokesman also particularly stressed: Since the founding of the People's Republic of China 75 years ago, it has never taken the initiative to provoke a war, still less has it invaded an inch of other people's land. China is the only country that has written peaceful development into its constitution, and the only one of the five nuclear-weapon states that has pledged not to be the first to use nuclear weapons.

As we all know, the glorious history and the lonely history of Britain have always been "unwilling to be lonely".

From the British Empire, which once looked down on the world, to the small followers of today's "aesthetic obedience", they are either invading other countries, or instigating and instigating wars.

In short: these guys are afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

Shapps, who can be in the position of British Secretary of State for Defense, must be a man full of wealth, but he didn't even read his own history books carefully, so he played the trick of "thieves shouting to catch thieves".

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

The credibility of the "crazy words" of the British should be undoubted with the evidence listed by the British.

According to a study by British historian Stuart Lecock, Britain has invaded nearly 90% of the countries on the planet. In other words, only about 20 of the more than 200 countries have not been touched by the British.

It can be seen that Britain is the "most belligerent country" in the world, and even the "rising stars" such as the United States, Japan, and Germany cannot match it.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

In response to the slander of the British minister, Chinese netizens asked rhetorically: "The British are not warlike, so where do the Chinese cultural relics in the British Museum come from? and who started the Opium War?"

I have to say that this session of Chinese netizens has truly "not forgotten the national shame".

According to statistics, since the Opium War in 1840, China has lost more than 1,000 pieces of cultural relics overseas, of which the "British Museum" in London, England has a collection of 23,000 pieces, which is one of the museums with the largest collection of cultural relics lost in China.

Where did it come from?

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

Looking at the treasures of the mainland in the British Museum, including from the Neolithic Age, Yangshao culture, Shang and Zhou bronzes, Song Dynasty Jun kiln porcelain, Yuan Dynasty blue and white, Ming Dynasty cloisonné enamel, etc., cultural relics almost throughout the entire history of China.

What is even more heartbreaking is that at the entrance of Hall 33 of the Chinese Pavilion of the British Museum, such content has been shamelessly left behind: Chinese has created the most extensive and enduring civilization in the world. Their language, spoken and written in the same form for nearly four millennia, binds their vast country together and expresses a unified culture unmatched elsewhere......

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

It can be recognized that the culture of other countries is excellent, which shows that the British Museum is still quite "generous", but on the other hand, China's glorious history was created by the Chinese people, and who wrote China's history of blood and tears?

It is no exaggeration to say that in the title page of the history of the humiliation of the mainland, the British left a strong mark......

June 28, 1840 is a day that every Chinese should remember. Because on this day, the British, under the guise of "bad trade", aimed their artillery at China. The so-called "unsmooth trade" of Britain is, to put it bluntly, that the export of opium has been hindered.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

At that time, the Qing government and people were languishing under the poison of opium, and many people even went bankrupt due to huge drug money. The Qing government, realizing that the situation was not good, sent Lin Zexu to ban opium as the minister of the Qin Mission, which was tantamount to moving the biggest cake of the British.

The British government, which uses drugs as a "spear", has a heart that is blacker than opium!

After the outbreak of the Opium War, the Qing minister Yishan first signed the "Treaty of Piercing the Nose and Grass" that humiliated the country, and then signed the "Guangzhou Treaty" after the defeat, and then Xiamen, Dinghai, Zhenhai, Ningbo and other cities were captured by the British.

Since then, China has been reduced from a feudal country with a large land and resources to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. Seeing that the Chinese are "easy to bully" the imperialist powers, they have stepped into the land of China with iron hooves.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

The "sun never sets" empire will also have a day when "the sun is thin".

In the first industrial revolution, the British were a well-deserved industrial power. It was they who ushered in a new era in which machines replaced manual labor. The improvement of steam engines, the innovation of the transportation industry, and the rapid development of industry and agriculture......

It is undeniable that if the British continue to promote social development with high-tech technology, it will be a blessing for mankind around the world. But they used it to make strong ships and cannons, and then colonized and plundered wildly, constantly encroaching on the territory of other countries to expand their territory.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

At its peak, Great Britain had nearly 40 million square kilometers of land, the world's strongest navy, and a firm grip on control of the seas. It was precisely because of the wealth of the family that the British began to sit comfortably, and naively thought that their "sun" would never set.

The Second Industrial Revolution was quietly coming, and Germany and the United States took advantage of Britain's slumber to engage in scientific and technological development, and caught up with lightning speed.

The colonizers were eventually defeated by colonization!

In the two world wars, although Britain won with difficulty, they lost all their family property and went into debt because of the purchase of strategic materials from the United States.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

Defeated Germany, poor Britain, rich America!

Nowadays, most British people who "do not want to think about or face up" that glorious history will only think that other countries are hindering their country's development, and will not feel that they are to blame.

In the past two years, with the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the British government, under the leadership of the big brother of the United States, has "smelled" the smell of money again.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, the support "provided" by the United Kingdom to Ukraine is second only to the United States, and a large number of advanced weapons include new long-range attack drones, "Storm Shadow" cruise missiles, "Challenger 2" main battle tanks, etc.

In April last year, officials of the British Ministry of Defense openly stated that the "Challenger 2" main battle tanks delivered to Ukraine would contain depleted uranium shells in their ammunition. As soon as this news came out, the international community was also outraged and condemned.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

What is a "depleted uranium projectile"?

To put it bluntly, once this weapon is fired, people and animals will be infected with unpredictable diseases, even if they are not killed, and the contamination of this weapon is permanent.

In the Gulf War, the "coalition" formed by the United States and its younger brothers used more than 1 million depleted uranium shells, and the cruelty of them is self-evident.

The "big brother" is stinky and shameless, and the "little brother" is shameless, he really deserves to be a raccoon dog!

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Britain provided Israel with P8 aircraft, the warships RFA Lime Bay and RFA Argus, and three Merlin helicopters...... What's more, they also sent a company of Royal Marines.

On October 13, local time, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak famously said: We must ensure that Israel "will not be left alone" and stop the further escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

The fact is that since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Britain has not only failed to "stop escalation" as Sunak said, but has turned this war into a "purgatory on earth".

I don't know if the souls who lost their lives in the shelling will "thank" Sunak's eight-generation ancestors under Jiuquan.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

Recently, after the "wolf grandmother" has eaten and drunk enough, she has begun to be kind again.

According to the British iNews website, Sunak issued a statement on April 7 saying that the current round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict "must end". The conflict lasted for half a year, "Israel's wounds have not yet healed", while the "civilian casualties" in the Gaza Strip continue to grow, with "hunger, despair and human casualties on an alarming scale".

Sunak also said that the UK would "continue to support Israel's right to defeat the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) threat", but that "the whole of the UK was appalled by the bloodshed and appalled by the killing of the brave British heroes who fed those in need".

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

Chanting Amitabha Buddha in his mouth, holding a knife in his hand to commit murder, is Sunak a man or a beast?

In response to the "belligerent" China, Sunak claimed on March 25 that China is now showing more and more assertiveness, posing a security threat to the British economy.

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

In the comment area, netizens once again showed a strong talent for language.

It has been said that the most frightening thing is not having a strong opponent, but watching the opponent grow stronger.

Some people ask rhetorically: If you don't work hard, do you still want to curb the development of others?

The words of the following netizen are simply the finishing touch and to the point: buddy has found the wrong person, in fact, the United States is your biggest threat!

Mad Bull Bites Bunny, who is belligerent?

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, who is spared by the sky!

When "belligerent" China becomes "self-confident," it is a great blessing for the mainland and the people. On the other hand, those "belligerent" imperialists are bound to reap the "evil causes" they have planted for themselves and the "evil fruits" that are ripe today.