
Don't travel unless you have to! Safety tips have been issued in many countries

author:Overseas Chinese Network of China
Don't travel unless you have to! Safety tips have been issued in many countries

Recently, the diplomatic departments of many countries and embassies and consulates abroad have issued announcements reminding their citizens to pay attention to the current security situation in the Middle East and not to travel to Israel, Iran and other countries unless necessary.

On the 12th, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs advised French citizens not to travel to Iran, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine. The French Foreign Ministry also said on social media that relatives of French diplomats in Iran would be withdrawn to France.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the 12th saying that in view of the current situation in Iran and Israel, it is recommended that all Indian citizens do not travel to Iran and Israel until further notice.

Don't travel unless you have to! Safety tips have been issued in many countries

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the 11th, saying that due to the instability of the situation between Palestine and Israel, Lebanon and Israel, Russian citizens should avoid traveling to the Middle East, especially Israel, Lebanon and Palestine, unless there are extremely necessary circumstances.

The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem also issued a security warning on the 11th, reminding local U.S. citizens to continue to be vigilant and increase security awareness, and at the same time asked U.S. government employees and their families to prohibit private travel outside Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Beersheba until further notice.

Lufthansa extends the grounding of its flights to Tehran

Don't travel unless you have to! Safety tips have been issued in many countries

In addition, Lufthansa announced on the 12th that due to concerns about flight safety, the company will suspend flights between Frankfurt, Germany, and Tehran, the capital of Iran, until the 18th. This grounding period has been extended by five days from the previously announced. At present, Lufthansa and its Austrian Airlines are the only Western airlines to fly to Tehran.

The Chinese Embassy in Israel reminds Chinese citizens in Israel to pay attention to safety

On the 12th local time, the Chinese Embassy in Israel once again reminded Chinese citizens in Israel to closely follow the local security situation and the safety reminders issued by the embassy, always tighten the string of security precautions, insist on not going out unless necessary, resolutely avoid going to high-risk areas and sensitive places, and effectively enhance security awareness, overcome paralysis, strengthen security precautions, and ensure safety.

Don't travel unless you have to! Safety tips have been issued in many countries

The embassy said that at present, China's relevant safety reminder is still in the state of "reminding Chinese citizens not to travel to Israel for the time being", please attach great importance to it and do not go to Israel in the near future. If you continue to travel, you may face a very high security risk and may affect the effectiveness of receiving assistance. In case of emergency, please call the police and contact the embassy in Israel

Source: CCTV news client

Editor: Li Mingyang

Don't travel unless you have to! Safety tips have been issued in many countries

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