
From eating, drinking, playing, and having fun to singing and dancing, play "March 3rd" at your doorstep

author:Guilin Life Network

In order to vigorously promote and inherit the traditional national culture and celebrate the traditional ethnic festival "March 3rd" in Guangxi, various streets and communities in Guilin have recently carried out a variety of activities, inviting residents of all ethnic groups in the jurisdiction to participate in the promotion of extensive exchanges and blending.

Colorful "March 3rd" community activities are on stage

"February day willow drunk spring smoke, March three to the mountains and grass long, the most beautiful is the day of April in the world, a river spring water green as blue ......" April 9 at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with the melodious music sounded, a song and dance team wearing ethnic minority costumes danced, Diecai District Diecai Street held the "tide of March 3, forge ahead on a new journey" theme activity in the vicinity of the Mulong Cave scenic spot. Nearly 100 amateur art lovers and more than 200 people in the jurisdiction participated in the activities.

The reporter walked from the wooden dragon cave to the trail along the river at Dongzhenmen, and along the way you can see the national costume show, Hanfu Zhizichun recitation, pavilion guzheng performance, ancient post bridgehead cheongsam show, color tune and other cultural performances, as well as bamboo pole dance, throwing hydrangea and other special activities. In addition to singing and dancing performances, the activity area also set up a food street, oil tea, rice noodles, youth leagues, zongzi ...... There are all kinds of Guilin snacks.

Mr. Li, a resident of Yiqian Community, saw the news of the theme event from the community residents and quickly signed up. "After I came, I found that the event was very good, lively and festive. Mr. Li said,

On the morning of the 10th, there was lively laughter in the activity room of the Xiaoshantang Village Committee of Jiashan Street, Xiufeng District. On the same day, the village committee carried out the activity of "Guangxi March 3rd Celebration Gathering Colorful National Style".

Under the leadership of Liao Yanjun, secretary of the general party branch of the village committee, the villagers sang and danced in ethnic minority costumes. Everyone made mugwort leaf cake, five-color glutinous rice, and oil tea together, and shared the happiness of the festival.

Liao Jinmei, a local resident, participated in the preparations for the event, buying glutinous rice, ginger, garlic and tea with the village committee staff. She said that in recent years, the village committee has often held various activities to suit the occasion. Everyone chatted and played games like family, which enhanced the residents' sense of happiness and belonging.

The Party Branch of Ronghe Community, Chuanshan Street, Qixing District, the Women's Federation, the Community Family Planning Association, and the Golden Cradle Kindergarten of the New Era Civilization Practice Station have recently launched a series of activities with the theme of "March 3 in Guangxi".

At the event site, there were lively teachers' folk dance performances, children's roller skating dragon dances, violin performances and other programs, as well as folk experience activities such as singing mountain songs, dancing bamboo pole dances, throwing hydrangeas, and painting easter eggs. Everyone laughed and felt the charm of traditional national culture together.

On the 9th, the Jinxiu Community of Beimen Street, Diecai District, together with the Tailian Kindergarten, carried out the activity of "Casting the Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation". Residents participated in ethnic activities such as throwing hydrangeas, stepping on stilts, jumping long ropes, throwing pots, sandbags, cricket shoe competitions, and bamboo pole dances, and immersed themselves in the folk customs of "March 3rd".

A few days ago, the Shuita community launched a theatrical performance of "Singing the Three Nationalities Heart to Heart in March". Dressed in national costumes, the community residents sang "Mountain Song is Like Spring River Water" in the community courtyard, and the audience sang and danced along with the rhythm, which was so lively. Subsequently, the Peking Opera performance "Red Plum Praise" was well received by the residents. After the cultural and artistic activities, the community carried out a quiz on ethnic cultural knowledge, and publicized the knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention, anti-narcotics, anti-fraud, "anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities", care insurance, garbage classification and other knowledge to the residents.

During the visit, this reporter saw that the activities of various communities presented a vivid picture of national unity and family relations. Such activities not only enriched their cultural life, but also allowed them to have a deeper understanding of the traditional culture of the "March 3rd" nation and enhanced their cultural self-confidence.

From eating, drinking, playing, and having fun to singing and dancing, play "March 3rd" at your doorstep

In the farmer's bookstore in Heping Village, Chuanshan Street, children read books on the culture of ethnic minorities in Guangxi under the leadership of their parents. (Photo courtesy of the Heping Village Committee)

From eating, drinking, playing, and having fun to singing and dancing, play "March 3rd" at your doorstep

Residents of the railway community dress up in national costumes and take part in a legging run. Photo by reporter Su Wenjuan

Gathering "March 3rd" The people of all ethnic groups in the community are close to each other

Recently, the Guilin Veterans Affairs Bureau and the Taohuajiang Military Rest House of Guilin City jointly organized a national cultural activity with the theme of "National Unity and Family Relations, Hand in Hand to Celebrate March 3rd". 50 ethnic minorities from the district were invited to participate in the event.

On the day of the event, ethnic minority compatriots took the stage one after another to perform and sang songs full of life. The song is full of praise and yearning for a better life. In the food tasting session, Guangxi's special delicacies such as five-color glutinous rice, dog's tongue cake, mugwort leaf cake, sorghum cake, potbelly cake, and oil tea all appeared.

While tasting the food, everyone exchanged their understanding and feelings about the national culture, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. A resident who participated in the event was moved and wrote a poem: "On March 3, the green carpet is loud and vibrant. The old man praises, the children praise, sings and laughs, and is beautiful. Guotai Min'an Splendid Mountain, the whole people enjoy the city and the countryside. ”

On the 10th, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Kongming Community focused on "New Folk Song + Intangible Cultural Heritage + Helping Hands" to carry out the folk theme activities of "Colorful March 3, Inheriting and Strengthening Rural Feelings" and "Advocating New Marriage and Childbirth Culture and Building a Childbirth-friendly Society" in the Seven Star Party Building Theme Cultural Square.

At the event site, the volunteers of the "Helping Hands" Matchmaker Volunteer Service Team of the Community Family Planning Association invited the residents in the audience to participate in throwing hydrangeas and singing mountain songs to match unmarried men and women of appropriate age.

On the 8th, the railway community of Beimen Street, Diecai District was full of joy, and community workers dressed in various ethnic costumes came to the residents and invited everyone to participate in the folk sports meeting of "Building a Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation and Celebrating March 3 Together" in the new era of civilization practice in the railway community.

The sports meeting set up gaiter running, carrying baskets to catch hydrangeas, shuttlecock kicking and other competitions, attracting more than 90 residents to sign up, and the community also invited the district sanitation and urban management staff to join.

The person in charge of the railway community said that the holding of special activities has subtly promoted the unity of the neighborhood, and the community will continue to focus on the needs of residents, further enrich the cultural life of residents, and create a beautiful community family.

The charm of "March 3rd" allows the national culture to be passed on from generation to generation

Recently, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Heping Village, Chuanshan Street, Qixing District, carried out a national reading sharing meeting of "Magnificent 'March 3' and Strong Book Fragrance" in the rural bookstore in the district. Under the leadership of their parents, the children dressed in ethnic minority costumes participated in the reading and sharing activities about "March 3rd".

The volunteers first introduced the origin of "March 3rd" to the children, as well as the characteristics and differences of the costumes of the Zhuang, Yao, Dong and other ethnic minorities. Subsequently, under the leadership of the host, parents and children collectively read picture books about the culture of ethnic minorities in Guangxi, further enhancing their sense of identity and belonging to traditional folk culture.

The Liuhe Community Party and Mass Service Center, together with Guilin Sports School and Guilin Tianjiabing Middle School, recently jointly carried out the theme practice activity of "Guilin Wind and Strong Luck, Building National Feelings Together", fully demonstrating the traditional culture of various ethnic groups.

At the event, the students of Tin Ka Ping Secondary School carried the basket to catch the hydrangea and kick the shuttlecock together. The boys and girls are full of youth and sweat. There were bursts of cheers, cheers, and applause from the scene, and the surrounding residents were also attracted by the laughter and joined in the game.

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Shenglong Community in Beimen Street recently held a parent-child activity of "Happy March 3 'Children' Enjoy National Love" in conjunction with Jinyuetong Kindergarten.

In the parent-child interaction session, the children dressed in ethnic minority costumes, learned ethnic dances, experienced duet singing songs with Zhuangxiang characteristics, and participated in traditional circle dances of the Wa people. The volunteers interpreted the unique styles of ethnic costumes and their cultural connotations in an easy-to-understand way, so that the children could have a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

Recently, under the guidance of the United Front Work Department of the Diecai District Committee and Beimen Street, the Chunjiang Community of Beimen Street, together with the Guilin Forestry Research Institute and the Golden Cradle Kindergarten of Jianghecheng under its jurisdiction, jointly carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the March 3rd of the Zhuang Nationality and Building National Feelings Together".

The song "Mountain Song is Like Spring River Water" of Beimen Street and Chunjiang Community drove the whole chorus, the "March 3" gesture dance brought by kindergarten children was cute and playful, and the residents' chorus "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" was beautiful...... After singing and dancing, the community organized residents to cook food and dance bamboo poles together.

The General Party Branch of Jinhe Community, Beimen Street, recently joined the Third Party Branch of the Guilin City Management and Supervision Detachment and the Beichen Road Branch of the Bank of Guilin to carry out the theme activity of "National Celebration Unity, Skillful Weaving 'Honest Heart Ball'" in the community clean and honest micro square.

On the same day, community volunteers popularized the origin of the "March 3rd" festival and the cultural charm of the Zhuangxiang mascot hydrangea to the parents and minors who participated in the event, and explained the value of "being proud of being honest". Under the leadership of their parents, the children made a "Cheap Heart Ball" together.

One of the participating parents said that the activity was very meaningful, which not only familiarized the children with the cultural knowledge of "March 3", but also cultivated the children's sense of integrity.