
In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

author:A mystery within a mystery of history
In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

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In 1907, the female revolutionary Qiu Jin was righteous in Xuantingkou, Shaoxing, at the age of 32.

Qiu Jin's sacrifice grieved many revolutionaries, and Li Zhongyue, the county commander of San'in County, who was ordered to kill her, hanged himself shortly after her death out of guilt.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

And Qiu Jin's daughter, who had just turned 6 years old, was extremely sad when she heard this bad time, and from then on she had only one thought in her heart, that is, to avenge her mother. But fate makes people, Qiu Jin's only daughter has a bumpy fate, although she is also a heroine among women, she ended up with a separation of flesh and blood and died alone in her later years.

was disgusted by her grandmother as a daughter, and she suffered a lot

In 1894, Qiu Jin married Wang Tingjun under the arrangement of her parents, and gave birth to a son and a daughter 6 years after marriage, the boy is called Wang Yuande, and the daughter is called Wang Canzhi.

In 1903, Wang Tingjun donated a Beijing official who was in charge of the household department through the relationship of Zeng Guofan's family, and the whole family followed him to the capital.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

At this time, the Qing court was already seriously corrupt, and Qiu Jin was very disgusted by the incompetence and dark corruption of the Qing court, but her husband was immersed in officialdom and gradually became addicted to vices. The husband and wife are not in harmony, but the mother-in-law has a lot of grievances against Qiu Jin.

And because her mother-in-law prefers male grandchildren, she has an extremely serious patriarchal mentality, and while she doesn't want to see Qiu Jin, she also doesn't want to see Queen Sun Canzhi.

In 1904, Qiu Jin decided to go east to Japan to study in order to find freedom and save the country, she couldn't worry about her daughter who had been treated coldly, so she entrusted Wang Canzhi to her friend Xie Diquan's house, and asked the woman to recognize Xie's steproom as her adoptive mother.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin


At that time, Wang Canzhi was only 3 years old, and she often cried after leaving her mother, and because the Xie family had many children, and Mrs. Xie was too drunk to take care of her, Wang Canzhi under the fence was miserable.

Later, Wang Canzhi recalled this period in an article: "I was in rags, my head was full of lice, and I didn't eat a meal, so that I was so hungry that I was skinny and full of diseases. ”

On the other hand, Qiu Jin in Japan became acquainted with a group of democratic revolutionaries, was strongly influenced by the ideas of democratic revolution, and was determined to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish a democratic republic.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin


After Qiu Jin returned to China after completing his studies, he threw himself into the revolutionary movement. At the beginning of 1907, she wanted to take her son to her side, and then take her daughter back to reunite with her family, but the Wang family refused. Soon Qiu Jin was arrested and was righteous at the entrance of Shaoxing Xuanting.

This year, Wang Canzhi had just turned 6 years old, and she had been looking forward to reuniting with her mother, and she was extremely sad when she heard the bad news from adults.

After Qiu Jin sacrificed, the Xie family asked a maid surnamed Deng to bring Wang Canzhi back to the Wang family.

The moment he entered the Wang family, Wang Canzhi's sad childhood life began. First, her father, who had resigned from the capital, was terrified by the murder of her mother, and soon died, followed by her grandmother, who had insulted and abused her for more than a decade.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

Wang Canzhi

After her grandfather's death, her grandmother's dislike of her intensified, and even abused, and the young Wang Canzhi suffered a lot. In this way, Wang Can spent a childhood without maternal love in suffering. This unforgettable childhood memory is the main reason why she developed a stubborn and courageous character.

In 1912, the Republic of China was established in Nanjing, and the idea of democracy and republic gradually took root in the hearts of the people.

In order to avenge her mother, 11-year-old Wang Canzhi was determined to practice martial arts, and she went behind her grandmother's back to worship the "Wang Da Lao" in the family's nursing home as a teacher. "Wang Da Lao" used to be a soldier and had some skills, but seeing that Wang Canzhi was sincere in learning, he also accepted her as an apprentice.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

Wang Canzhi has a tough personality, and as long as she believes in something, she must insist on completing it. She practiced for two or three hours every morning, and after a period of time, she was quite proficient in Tai Chi, Xingyi, Bagua Zhuquan, as well as Qingping Sword, Three-Eyed Fork, Daguan Knife and other equipment.

Not only that, Wang Canzhi also loves to learn, and his poems and prose are all praised. She took her mother's poem "To be a man must be a hero" as an encouragement, she privately changed her name to "Qiu Canzhi", but later generations still called her "Wang Canzhi".

Avenging his mother, only to learn that the murderer is dead

When she was a child, Wang Canzhi was too young, and she couldn't help herself many times, and she could only swallow her anger in the face of her grandmother's coldness. But when she grew up, she had her own thoughts, so she no longer forbears and learns to resist.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

The first thing Wang Canzhi rebelled against was his marriage.

The Wang family and the Zeng Guofan family are cousins, so Wang Canzhi has been married to the Zeng family since he was a child. In a blink of an eye, in 1920, Wang Canzhi was slim, and the Wang family put her marriage on the agenda.

But how could Wang Canzhi be obediently at the mercy of them like this, she secretly left Xiangtan while the Wang and Zeng families were having a happy event, and went to Shanghai to enter a girls' school. At the same time, she did not forget to inquire about the whereabouts of the enemy who killed her mother.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

Wang Canzhi

In 1927, Wang Canzhi graduated from the girls' school, and because she had not yet found the hidden information of the enemy who killed her mother, she continued to stay in Shanghai to search, and was recommended by her mother's friend to take over as the principal of the girls' school.

After Wang Canzhi presided over the girls' school, a high school was added and the university was expanded. However, it was not long before Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution and massacred the Communists and the masses. In desperation, Wang Canzhi returned to Xiangtan, and after winning thousands of yuan from his brother, he went to the United States to study.

Although Wang Canzhi has little time with his mother, his personality and temper follow his mother, and he is determined to become a person like his mother.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

After arriving in the United States, Wang Canzhi applied for the aviation major of New York University, studying aircraft manufacturing and aeronautics. At that time, the United States had very strict requirements for those who applied for the airline exam in terms of age and physique, and the number of female students recruited was very small. Wang Canzhi won a place in this very small number of places.

Because of Wang Canzhi's outstanding performance in studying abroad, she was not only highly valued by her teachers, but also praised as the "Oriental Female Pilot" by people in the American aviation circles, becoming the first woman in China to study aviation engineering technology abroad.

In 1930, Wang Canzhi finally returned to China after completing his studies. However, at that time, China had not yet developed aviation, and her profession was useless, so she had to change her position as a professor and editor at an aviation school.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

Over the years of working outside, Wang Canzhi has never let go of the hatred in her heart, and avenging her mother has become the most important thing in her life. The hard work paid off, and finally in the second year after returning to China, she inquired about Guifu, the murderer of her mother.

Qiu Jin launched an uprising in Shanyin County that year, and the county magistrate of Shanyin County intended to let it go, but the prefect Guifu was killed, and in the end, not only Qiu Jin was killed, but also the Shanyin county magistrate was also dismissed by him.

Later, Guifu knew that the people's grievances were too great, so he asked his companions to be transferred to the Zhejiang Shipping Bureau, and then reappointed as the prefect of Ningyuan, Anhui Province, until he resigned in 1911 and changed his name to "Zhao Jingqi" and quietly sneaked back to Xiangshan, Beijing, incognito.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

After Pu Yi was kicked out of the palace, Guifu knew that there was no hope for the restoration of the Qing Dynasty, so he never came out again and hid in Shenyang, northeast.

After learning of this news, Wang Canzhi was preparing to go to the northeast to seek revenge, but unexpectedly encountered the outbreak of the "September 18" incident, the three eastern provinces fell, and her wish to kill the enemy was not realized. By the time she wanted to find another chance to take revenge, Guifu had already become a pile of loess.

Over the years, Wang Canzhi has been on the road to study, serve the country, and take revenge, and is still single at the age of 32. It was not until 1932 that he agreed to marry Huang Gongzhu, a Cantonese man, under the persuasion of his friend Zhao Heqing.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

Wang Canzhi

After getting married, Wang Canzhi lived a relatively peaceful life, and also had a daughter Wang Yanhua with Huang Gongzhu. It's a pity that Huang Gongzhu only accompanied her for eight or nine years, and died before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

failed to kill the enemy, and her husband left her again, Wang Canzhi couldn't help but feel sad and melancholy.

In 1949, Wang Canzhi was arranged to work as an orphan of revolutionary martyrs, and two years later she proposed to Chen Yi to go to Hong Kong, and Chen Yi agreed. Before leaving, she donated the collected Qiu Jin materials to the Shanghai Museum, but left her only daughter in Shanghai.

After living in Hong Kong for two years, Wang Canzhi moved to Taiwan, but what Wang Canzhi didn't expect was that she would never come back.

In 1967, an old woman died of illness in the bathroom in Taiwan, and she was the only daughter of the revolutionary Qiu Jin

After Wang Canzhi went to Taiwan, he was given a cold reception and was often alone. She wanted to go back to the mainland to reunite with her daughter, but she could not realize it because of the policy of the "Taiwan authorities." One day in 1967, when Wang Canzhi was taking a bath at home after lunch, she suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the nanny immediately sent her to the hospital, but she still could not be rescued.

Wang Canzhi has worked hard for her mother and the country all her life, but in her later years, she ended up with a separation of flesh and blood, which is really bleak.


Ding Yanzhao, the daughter of Qiu Jin, who preclaimed himself "Little Hero", Century, No. 2, 2009

Shi Jian, The Daughter of Qiu Jin: The Legend of Wang Canzhi, Spring and Autumn of Literature and History, No. 1, 2013

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