
Don't use this feature indiscriminately! Many people have been cheated

author:Voice of West Lake

Let the speeding vehicle

"Autopilot" on the highway

The driver dozed off in the car

Do you dare to sit in such a car?

Don't use this feature indiscriminately! Many people have been cheated

In recent years, smart cars have entered thousands of households, among which "autonomous driving" has become the standard configuration of many new energy vehicles.

As everyone knows, the "automatic driving" in the mouth of some businesses is actually mostly assisted driving. When used, it can reduce the driving intensity to a certain extent, but it can never replace the driver, especially when dealing with emergencies.

Recently, similar accidents have continued to occur on highways in many places, all of which are due to the driver's cognitive bias, thinking that he does not need to drive himself after turning on "automatic driving", and even sleeps a lot, and the result is tragic.

In this regard, the Ningbo traffic police reminded the majority of drivers to have a clear understanding of the current assisted driving concept of intelligent cars, and to focus on human control when driving, and put life safety first.

Don't use this feature indiscriminately! Many people have been cheated

The accident that occurred on the Ningbo Expressway on January 3 this year was related to "autonomous driving". The picture in this article is provided by the Ningbo Traffic Police

"Autopilot" suddenly dropped the chain

Pit accidents

"I encountered an incident a few days ago, and now I think about it, I am really scared to death, and the 'autopilot' function really can't be used indiscriminately. Recently, Mr. Wang drove back to his hometown to visit the grave. In order to save effort, he turned on the "autopilot" function on the high speed. Because the road conditions are better, he is distracted when he is driving. In addition, he has been a little tired from work recently, and before he knew it, he was sleepy and closed his eyes......

Suddenly, Mr. Wang felt a pain in his body, and instantly came to his senses, and then found that his wife, who was sitting in the passenger cab, slapped his arm and shouted: "Wake up, wake up, wake up, the car has stopped......" It turned out that his hand let go of the steering wheel, and the vehicle was also slowing down. "Fortunately, I was woken up in time, otherwise it would have been too dangerous to stop on the highway. At that time, there were a lot of cars following closely behind. Mr. Wang said that although the matter had passed, he still had lingering palpitations.

Don't use this feature indiscriminately! Many people have been cheated

"Autopilot" did not detect the warning tube ahead and pressed it under the car

If you want to talk about being pitted by "automatic driving", there have been many cases this year.

Taking Ningbo as an example, on the evening of February 17, on the Ningbo Ring Expressway, a car collided with the isolation warning cone used to close the rear of the accident scene, and then could not move because of a "foreign object" stuck at the bottom. Afterwards, the high-speed traffic police learned that the driver turned on "automatic driving" at that time, and when he found that the road ahead was closed due to an accident, it was too late for manual intervention, and then the above situation occurred.

And on the afternoon of January 3 this year, on the Shenhai Expressway, a vehicle hit the guardrail. When the high-speed traffic police arrived at the scene, the driver still had palpitations. The driver said that he came to Ningbo on a business trip, and after getting on the highway, he turned on the "automatic driving" function. Halfway through, the system unexpectedly quit, and she didn't react in time, causing the vehicle to crash.

"Most of these cases are cases where drivers rely too heavily on so-called 'autonomous driving', driving with their hands off the wheel and losing concentration. When encountering an emergency, they have no time to deal with it, and as a result, they cause danger. The relevant person in charge of the Ningbo high-speed traffic police said.

Don't use this feature indiscriminately! Many people have been cheated

The "autopilot" had an accident and the rear of the vehicle was injured

Driver assistance features

It cannot replace labor for the time being

"Nowadays, the word 'autonomous driving' is often used in words, but the actual application is mostly 'automatic assisted driving' or 'assisted driving'. Around 2020, Level 2 ADAS functions (advanced driver assistance systems) will become widely available, and more and more smart cars will be equipped with this technology. Some industry insiders told reporters that all kinds of exaggerated propaganda also began to emerge from there. Even some car companies and businesses are intentionally or unintentionally blurring the concepts of autonomous driving and assisted driving for the sake of "business".

It is under this propaganda offensive that many car buyers have been fooled and let their guard down after a brief experience of "assisted driving". In fact, the current "assisted driving" of cars is far from the point where the driver can let go of the steering wheel.

Mistaking "assisted driving" for "automatic driving" will pay the "price of blood" if you are not careful—in August 2022, in the southern extension of the Ningbo Airport Elevated Highway, a smart car with the "assisted driving" function turned on collided with the person in front of the vehicle to check the vehicle failure, resulting in one death and damage to two vehicles.

Don't use this feature indiscriminately! Many people have been cheated

Data map: In August 2022, the accident in the southern extension of the Ningbo Airport Elevated Expressway.

The relevant person in charge of the Ningbo Traffic Police Accident Countermeasures Brigade told reporters that only from the perspective of accidents, in many traffic accidents caused by the use of the "assisted driving" function, many vehicles have collided with stationary objects in time or without braking.

"It is dangerous to use 'assisted driving' for 'unmanned driving'. In addition, because it is 'unmanned', it is easy to be 'awkward' in determining the responsibility for the accident - the driver claims that he has no actual driving behavior. ”

Fortunately, the "confusion" in the determination of accident liability has now been clarified.

On November 17 last year, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of Intelligent Networked Vehicle Access and Road Traffic", which clarified the determination of responsibility for "automatic driving" accidents: if a road traffic accident occurs when the function of the "automatic driving" system is not activated, it shall be liable in accordance with the current regulations.

Source: Ningbo Evening News