
A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened

author:Wei Sihong


来源 | 宿迁警方微信公众号编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

On the morning of April 10, the 2024 Sihong County Cross-border E-commerce Incubation Class (Phase I) officially opened at the Party School of the County Party Committee, and more than 40 people from the county, including foreign trade enterprise managers, cross-border e-commerce entrepreneurs and foreign trade personnel who are interested in carrying out cross-border e-commerce, participated in the training to help the development of cross-border e-commerce in our county reach a new level.

A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened
A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened

In recent years, the number of cross-border e-commerce enterprises in our county has increased day by day, and cross-border e-commerce talents have emerged in large numbers, and there are 47 enterprises that carry out cross-border business through cross-border e-commerce platforms based on Alibaba International Station, AliExpress, and Amazon, and cross-border network sales will reach 37 million US dollars in 2023, and cross-border e-commerce will show a vigorous development trend.

A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened

This 22-day cross-border e-commerce training will further improve everyone's ability to participate in international competition, help enterprises grasp development opportunities, actively expand new business formats, enable traditional e-commerce enterprises in our county to rapidly transform and expand cross-border e-commerce business, promote the development of new cross-border e-commerce formats in our county, and promote foreign trade to promote stability and quality.

A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened

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A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened

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A quick look at Sihong's desire to start a business: Our county's 2024 cross-border e-commerce incubation class (phase I) has opened

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