
The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading

author:Liu Lingzi candy

Tasting classic poems and telling historical stories, Reiko welcomes your visit.


Lin Hua thanked Chunhong, too hurried. Time is so silent, spring planting, summer long, autumn harvest, winter storage, the change of years, the rotation of four seasons, each season has its own mission.

There are flowers in spring, there are moons in autumn, cool breeze in summer, and snow in winter. Every season has a different kind of beauty, why should it be like Jia Island's "Gongjun doesn't need to sleep tonight, and it is still spring before dawn"?

"The willows on the branches blow less, there is no grass at the end of the world", the catkins follow the wind, the grass is green, there is always endless hope, and the most important thing in life is Su Shi's expansiveness.

Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself. In the twilight of spring, I will send you four poems describing the twilight of spring, and appreciate the optimism and open-mindedness of the ancients.

The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading


One fades the residual makeup from plum powder and applies new red begonias.

It's time to bloom the flowers, and the slightest thorn comes out of the berry wall. ——Song Wang Qi "Spring Twilight Tour in the Garden"


In the twilight of spring, the plum blossoms are like a girl removing makeup, fading the residual red, quietly invisible, the curtain is slowly opened, and the delicate begonia flowers are on the scene, smiling.

The grass and trees in the world are deep, you sing and I appear, twenty-four flowers trade winds, when the flowers are finished, the spring is really far away, to see each other, every other year.

Time goes by, nature is never lonely, when the spring is in the middle of the day, the thorns have quietly climbed the wall, a piece of new green, is so lovely.

Spring is the stage of a hundred flowers, as soon as the flowering period arrives, it will bloom into a flower rush, bloom the color of life, after the flowering period, it will turn gracefully in order to look forward to the coming day.

How good should this natural attitude to life be, not forced, not deliberate, enjoy the flowers when the flowers bloom, look at the grass when the grass is green, beautiful in the heart, and joy everywhere.

Wang Qi is a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, the word is Yiyi, and Xie Fang has an intersection, there are not many surviving poems, "Spring Twilight Tour in the Garden" is unique, the charm is long, and it is deeply loved by the world.

The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading


The grass and trees know that spring will return soon, and all kinds of red and purple will be fragrant.

Yang Huayu pod has no talent, but the solution is to make snow fly all over the sky. ——Tang Hanyu "Late Spring"


It is said that the grass and trees are ruthless, but in the eyes of Han Yu, the head of the eight families of the Tang and Song dynasties, the plants and trees know how to change the seasons.

Even the poplars and catkins, who have no talent, know how to turn into snowflakes and fly in the wind, join the queue to save spring, and refuse to take off their hind legs.

It was a withering late spring, but in Han Yu's pen, it was still a scene full of vitality, the season was coming to an end, there was no sadness and decadence, only the scenery was full of scenery, it was so lively and interesting.

Han Yu lost his father when he was young, and his brother, who raised him when he was a teenager, also left him, and lived a difficult life with his widowed sister-in-law.

Life has abused me thousands of times, and I treat life like my first love. Han Yue has a pure heart, the more frustrated he becomes, the more courageous he becomes, and he can always face all kinds of changes on the road of life with a positive attitude, and never compromises or retreats.

Just like the emotions conveyed by this late spring poem, as long as we have a good heart, repay life with love, not be negative, not confused, and look at things from a different angle, then life will return us to beauty.

The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading


The festival urges each other to be new, and the infatuated children keep the spring. Fang Feixie has to hate, Xia Mu is yin and lovely. ——Song Qinguan "March Obscure Day Occasional Theme"


March is the last day of the third lunar month, so far, the spring curtain call, summer debut, a little careless, a quarter of the time of the year has passed.

Time urges people to grow old, and the infatuated children are struggling to keep the spring, hoping that it can stay longer, but when the seasons are urging, who can keep its footsteps?

In fact, what is there to regret about the withering of a hundred flowers? In summer, the vegetation is luxuriant, and the coolness of the thick shade is just right for people's hearts, and it makes people feel refreshed and relaxed.

This is a little poem full of reason, comparable to Bai Juyi's "The world is full of fragrant flowers in April, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are in full bloom", and there will always be unexpected surprises in life.

It is a natural law that it is difficult to change, and it is the best way to live by going with the flow, and this is also Huang Tingjian's attitude towards life, open-minded, optimistic and bold.

The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading


The spring breeze takes the flowers, and rewards me with the clear yin.

The road is quiet, and the intersection is deep.

The bed is dressed for every rest, and the cane or the secluded search.

Only the North Mountain Bird, after leaving a good sound. ——Song Wang Anshi "Mid-Levels Spring Festival Gala"


In late spring, the gardens in the mid-levels wither, replaced by trees and a quiet path by the pool, and the garden houses are hidden in the grass and trees.

Sometimes the poet opened the bed to rest for a while, sometimes he used a cane to find a hidden place, and the birds of Zhongshan flew in, leaving me with a string of beautiful songs.

In October of the ninth year of Xining (1076), Wang Anshi resigned as prime minister for the second time, served as the judge of Jiangnan, and retired to Jiangning the following year.

Later, Wang Anshi built a garden house in Yuanfengzhong, because this place is seven miles away from Baixiamen and Zhongshan, so it is called the Mid-Mountain Garden.

For the rest of his life, Wang Anshi'an hid here, not in office, and made a living by writing books, and this poem "Mid-Mountain Spring Festival Gala" was composed at this time.

Fading away from the prosperity and adding leaves, the Mid-Levels Garden is endless, full of vitality, no sadness, only full of joy.

The first half was vigorous and full of elegance, and although the second half was gloomy, it was also worth it in the world, and I did what I wanted to do, and I had no regrets in life.

Wang Anshi is sincerely retreating, no matter how much he is unwilling, he will try to let go, and for the rest of his life, he will only be calm, quiet and happy.

The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading


"There is no need to sigh when the red and purple float zero, Dongjunqu is a pedestrian", Lu You occasionally passed by Yang's homeland, saw the red and colorful, and touched his heart, making "Spring Quatrain".

Life is like a reverse journey, you and I are both pedestrians. Therefore, why should we sigh for the falling flowers, which only adds sadness, because Dongjun himself is a pedestrian.

Flowers bloom for a while, and Lu You's perception at that time also applies to us now, because everything has its own laws, and the same is true of the four seasons in the world.

Therefore, going with the flow is the best way to live, just like the four small poems shared above, which are allegorical, full of reason, and delightful to read. #宝藏兴趣攻略#

The spring breeze takes the flowers, rewards me with the clear yin, four twilight spring poems full of reason, you are worth reading