
Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

author:Encyclopedia of cat knowledge

Chinese pastoral cats can be seen in rural villages, urban parks, and communities, which are cheap and easy to feed, so do you know what types of pastoral cats there are?

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

1. Tanuki Cat - the ceiling of combat effectiveness in the cat world

Advantages: strong adaptability, not picky eater, good physique

Disadvantages: Wild, relatively independent, not easy to tame

The Tanuki is a native Chinese cat breed certified by the International Cat Lovers Federation. It is mainly tabby, the eyes are green, the wild is relatively strong, the personality is independent, good at catching mice, and it will be more sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment. It is more raised in rural areas.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

2. Sanhua Cat - Liu Yifei in the cat world

Advantages: docile personality, good physique, high IQ

Disadvantages: strong curiosity, weak stomach

Sanhua cat is a recognized beauty in the cat world, the physique is very good, Sanhua cat is also the prototype of the beckoning cat, Sanhua cat is mostly a female cat, only a 1 in 10,000 probability is a male cat. The three-flowered cat is composed of black, orange and white, and they mix and match the three colors, and there will be different kittens, each of which is different.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

3. Xuan Mao - a master of peek-a-boo

Advantages: independent, can bring a good distance, lively and active

Disadvantages: often "stealth" can not be found, the color is dark and powerful

The black cat is what we call the black cat, in ancient times, the black cat is a symbol of auspiciousness, because the whole body is black, it feels very mysterious, at night, it can be perfectly hidden in the night, it is difficult to find it.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

4. Lion cat - Kangxi's love cat

Advantages: good looks, long age, gentle personality

Disadvantages: Hair is easy to get dirty, loves to lose hair, and has poor reproductive ability

The lion cat is the ceiling of the appearance of the pastoral cat, the whole body is snow-white and long-haired, like a small lion, it has a long history of existence, in ancient times it was the exclusive pet of the royal family, the character is gentle, more dependent on the owner, can get along with strangers friendly, will catch mice, the survival ability is very strong, with the pure white long-haired mandarin duck eyes are the most precious.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

5. Jianzhou Cat - Royal Royal Cat

Strengths: Intelligent, athletic, adaptable, loyal

Disadvantages: Wild, temperamental, fierce to strangers

Jianzhou cats were particularly valuable in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and belonged to the royal tribute in ancient times. Its ear contours overlap, there are four ears, two large ears and two small ears, the ears in the ears, more special, also known as the four-eared cat, its physique is strong, it is the ancient rat catcher god cat. Very recognizant, strangers may be injured by mistake if they approach at will.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

6. Cow Cat - Husky in the cat world

Pros: Energetic and clingy

Cons: A bit neurotic, emotionally unstable

The color pattern is composed of black and white, and some cows and cats will grow into anti-natural appearances, while others will be very funny. The personality is lively and very noisy, known as the husky of the cat world, it is curious, very dependent on the owner, and likes to interact with the owner.

Cow cats are energetic, curiosity is also relatively strong, often there will be dismantling behavior, the owner sees it destroying, to stop it in time, and positive guidance, so that it understands right and wrong, if there is progress, you can reward snacks in time.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

7. Orange cat - the fat of cats

Advantages: not picky eater, well-behaved, good physique, loyal

Disadvantages: gluttony, easy to gain weight

It is all orange hair, which is the most common coat color in pastoral cats, orange cats are mostly male cats, 3 times that of female cats, and their docile personalities are very suitable for domestication, and they are very easy to get fat, so there is a saying of "ten oranges and nine fat". Being too obese can easily cause obesity and other diseases.

In addition to taking it to exercise often, the owner can play with the cat stick, and the staple food can also give it a medium-fat cat food to reduce fat intake.

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

Conclusion: Which of the above 7 Chinese pastoral cats is your favorite?

Inventory of the 7 breeds of Chinese pastoral cats, the second one has the highest appearance

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