
When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

author:39 HealthNet

The girl in the emergency room passed away after more than 1 hour of rescue, and she was still kissing her boyfriend before the incident.

The boyfriend recalled, "At that time, we were making love, she didn't have anything at all, but after kissing for about a while, I felt that she had no strength, and she hung on me like unloading, I thought she was just tired, but when I saw that the person was unconscious, she couldn't even breathe..."

The doctor said that the patient's vital signs were very weak when he was sent to the hospital, and the boyfriend who accompanied him was overwhelmed by the facts in front of him.

It was observed that there were deep kiss marks on the side of the deceased's neck, and the woman did not have any medical history and traces of trauma before her death, so it is speculated that it may have been sudden death caused by the two kissing!

Many people may wonder "hot kisses can kiss dead people?" How did all this happen, let's take a look at it together.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

1. Can kissing promote heart health?

Kissing is not just a manifestation of the emotions of both sexes, as early as 1950, scientists conducted research on the benefits of kissing, and found that there are some unexpected benefits in the human body after kissing.

Many people may not know that the lips are one of the densest areas of the body's tactile nerve endings. During kissing, peripheral nerves are stimulated, which produce nerve impulses that are transmitted back to the sensory and emotional centers of the brain, and release substances such as endorphins and oxytocin, which have the ability to soothe mood, relieve stress or improve sleep.

Moreover, endorphins, as "natural painkillers", also have a pain-relieving effect while stimulating pleasure, and experts say that they are also analgesic, and the effect of endorphins is equivalent to three times the amount of morphine.

Even so, kissing is not a substitute for painkillers, and if you have pain problems, you should take painkillers.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

Researchers from Michigan State University published a study on how kissing promotes heart health in the journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, and found that most of the heart problems are related to the death of healthy heart cells and the non-regeneration, and the stimulation of the neurohormone oxytocin by kissing can increase the growth of healthy heart cells and promote heart health.

So proper intimacy is indeed good for physical and mental health, but it is important to note that not every part of the human body can be easily touched and kissed.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

Second, there are 3 forbidden areas in the body, and no matter how much you like it, you have to endure it

Like the female deceased in the opening story, it is because during the kissing process, because the boyfriend's kiss constantly compresses the girl's carotid sinus, resulting in the girl's death in the hot kiss. In fact, this thing is on our neck, one on the left and right sides of the Adam's apple 5~6 cm, the size of a soybean-like swelling part, and you can feel the obvious pulse when you touch it.

However, it should not be strongly stimulated, otherwise it will cause reflexive heart function inhibition or heart failure, which may seriously lead to a sudden drop in heart rate, heart failure, rapid drop in blood pressure, insufficient blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain, and even respiratory arrest and sudden death from fainting.

Generally, syncope can occur in about 3 seconds when pressing the carotid sinus, 5 seconds can cause unconsciousness, and 10 seconds can lead to cardiogenic cerebral hypoxia, spasmodic convulsions, and can be fatal if the rescue is not timely.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

In fact, there are many incidents of girls in similar stories, and some forbidden areas in the human body are really untouchable.

1. Ears

In intimate relationships, some people will kiss their ears to increase their intimacy, but in this process, it is likely that they will not grasp the strength well, hurt the soft tissues of the ear, and in severe cases, may even damage the eardrum and affect hearing.

2. Temples

Under the temple is the middle cerebral artery, which may rupture blood vessels in this area and cause intracranial hematoma if blood spills out.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

3. These diseases can be transmitted through kissing, and many people don't care!

Kissing, which may seem like a daily practice, also carries certain risks, knowing that many diseases and harmful bacteria are transmitted through saliva, such as the following infectious diseases.

1. Epstein-Barr virus infection

Epstein-Barr virus infection is also called kissing disease. The virus is mainly transmitted through the process of saliva exchange, so it is easy to get infected during kissing. Experts remind that although this type of virus can heal itself, in a small number of cases, the virus will be latent in the human body for a long time, and can seriously induce serious diseases such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphoma, especially between mothers and infants, and mouth-to-mouth feeding is not recommended.

2. Respiratory tract infectious diseases

Respiratory infections are mainly transmitted through droplets, and saliva exchange is not necessarily contagious, but kissing is also close contact and is also easy to spread diseases.

3. Herpes simplex virus infection

A study published in the journal Science Advancs extracted the genome of herpes simplex virus type 1 from the teeth of ancient European humans, and the dominant lineage of the virus began to change in the Bronze Age and rapidly replaced the earlier strains through viral DNA sequencing. Studies say this may be related to the kissing culture at the time, which indirectly accelerated the spread of the virus.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

In addition to the above-mentioned diseases with a high risk of transmission, there are also some common infectious diseases that also have a similar risk, but the probability is very low and not as dangerous as imagined:

1. Helicobacter pylori

Oral transmission and oral fecal transmission are common modes of infection of Helicobacter pylori, and the saliva of patients will also contain a certain amount of germs, but there is no need to be too afraid, saliva exchange is not the main source of Helicobacter pylori infection.

2. Hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B virus infection is mainly transmitted through blood, mother-to-child and sexual contact, although kissing also has a certain risk of infection, but the infected person is required to be in the carrier of the virus and in the onset stage, the infected person's oral mucosa is damaged, or has not been vaccinated against hepatitis B, and the antibody is insufficient.

When making love, there are 3 areas that are forbidden to kiss, so for the health of both men and women, do not touch them easily

After reading so many kissing risks, some people may have begun to be anxious, but don't worry, in fact, under normal circumstances, proper kissing between the sexes will not have the above dangers, which also reminds everyone not to have intimate contact with strangers at will, otherwise the danger will increase.


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