
If you don't drive your car for a long time, you must pay attention to these six points!

author:Changde Double Star Joy

The car is parked for a long time, and the relevant parts and fluids will deteriorate or be damaged.

If you don't drive your car for a long time, you must pay attention to these six points!

1. Open-air parking

If the car is parked in an open-air parking space, the paint will be exposed for a long time, and it will be exposed to the sun and rain, which will cause the paint to fade and oxidize. In addition, insect and bird droppings, floating dust and other factors will also cause the paint to oxidize and become old, and the paint may fall off in wet places. In addition to natural factors, man-made damage must also be guarded against, and vehicle scratches and malicious scratches will also occur.

Suggestion: park the car in the garage to avoid damage caused by external factors; if you do not have the conditions, try to find a cool, ventilated place to park, do not park under the tree or downstairs, to prevent accidents such as falling objects; you need to put a protective cover on the car, so that the paint surface is basically protected. If the car is washed and waxed before it is idle, it will play a better role in preventing oxidation and corrosion.

If you don't drive your car for a long time, you must pay attention to these six points!

2. The battery loses power

Battery failure is a fault that is prone to occur when the car is idle for a long time. Because the battery is charged through the generator during the normal driving of the car, it is easy to run out of power if it is not turned on for a long time. Moreover, when the battery is put to a lower power level, the damage of the battery will be exacerbated, which will reduce the battery capacity and service life, and make the battery scrap early.

Suggestion: During the parking period, start the vehicle once every other week or two weeks, start 5-10 minutes to charge the battery, and unplug the negative pole of the battery for a long time to avoid the battery power deficit. In case the battery is out of power and cannot be started, prepare an emergency starting power supply at home.

3. Flat and deformed tires

When the car is parked, the weight is all borne by the part of the tire in contact with the ground, which will cause the tire contact part to be compressed and contracted and deformed, and the longer the parking time, the more difficult it is to recover, which will lead to the scrapping of the tire, and this situation will bring danger when driving on the road. In addition, the tires of many cars will also have the phenomenon of "slow deflating", most of which are due to tire aging, puncture, poor tire repair, valve aging and other reasons.

Suggestion: If the car is not driven for a long time, the tires should be fully inflated, so that the tires can withstand a certain pressure, and pay attention to check the tire pressure regularly, and inflate the tire in time when the tire pressure is insufficient;

If you don't drive your car for a long time, you must pay attention to these six points!

4. The brake system is corroded

The braking system is idle for a long time, and it is easy to have a chemical reaction with water vapor and oxygen in the air, resulting in rust, which affects the braking performance. In severe cases, it may also directly cause damage to the brake system. Many cars are parked for a long time, and the owner will tighten the handbrake, but the brake system is in a tense condition for a long time, which will cause the brake pads and brake discs to stick easily.

Suggestion: When parking for a long time, do not tighten the handbrake to prevent the brake pads and brake discs from sticking.

5. Oil deterioration

Car fluids include engine oil, brake fluid, antifreeze, steering oil, etc., all of which have a "shelf life". Generally speaking, the shelf life of engine oil in the engine is 1 year, and if the car is idle for a long time, it will exacerbate the oxidation and deterioration of the engine oil.

Suggestion: After the car is reactivated, be sure to check whether the whole car fluid can continue to be used.

6. Clean up the idle items in the car

The car has not been used for a long time, and some idle items in the car have to be cleaned up. Opened food and drinks must be cleaned out to avoid mold and spoilage and pollute the air. Some corners of the car can also be cleaned up with a vacuum cleaner. In addition, lighters and power banks should not be placed in the car, as these can cause an explosion if the temperature inside the cabin is very high.

brief summary

In short, a car should not be parked continuously for more than 15 days. When the time limit is up, the car can be driven out and rotated, so that the parts can be moved, and if it is not opened, the engine can also be started and let the engine run for a while. If you want to use the car again, remember to give your car a comprehensive inspection and maintenance to eliminate potential safety hazards.