
Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

author:Three, six, five said three rural

Reading guide:Holiday notice:Dragon Boat Festival 3 days off,No holiday!This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary,4 people have to hide the Dragon Boat Festival

#春日生活打卡季 ##新农人计划2024#

Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

A few days ago, because of the May Day holiday notice, it was said that it was 5 days off in a row, but in fact, it was only one day, and it was a five-day weekend holiday made up, and because of this holiday arrangement, it led to going to work on weekends before and after May Day. Of course, people can only nag in their mouths, and they can't change the holiday notice, they have to go to work when the time comes, and they should rest or rest during the May Day holiday. It's just that the vacation that is put together needs to be extended in a row.

After the May Day holiday, we will usher in the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. Today we also know the latest Dragon Boat Festival holiday notice. The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is closed for three consecutive days, and there is no adjustment of holidays. That is to say, we can take a normal weekend holiday, and we can also take a normal Dragon Boat Festival holiday, which is really good news.

Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four traditional customs festivals in the mainland, and the Dragon Boat Festival is determined according to the lunar time, and it is stipulated that the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of the lunar calendar every year is called the Dragon Boat Festival.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, and the solar calendar is June 10th, which is the main holiday of the Dragon Boat Festival. According to the arrangement of national statutory holidays, the Dragon Boat Festival has one national statutory holiday. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a Monday on June 10, which is a holiday, plus Saturday, June 8, and Sunday, June 9. These two days are two days off on a normal weekend, so this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday time is from June 8th to June 10th, a total of three days. Among these three days, there is actually only one Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and the other two days are weekend holidays. This year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday is not adjusted because it is on Monday, which happens to be connected with the weekend.

Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in mainland China, which has a deep impact on our traditional culture. And the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan and has been passed down from generation to generation. There are many names for the Dragon Boat Festival, such as the Chongwu Festival, the May Festival, the Duanyang Festival and so on.

And during the Dragon Boat Festival, there is special food, such as the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, the dumplings are not only used to eat, but also according to folk customs, people come to the Miluo River to throw the dumplings into the river, in this way to commemorate Qu Yuan to the river. Of course, there are also customs such as drinking realgar wine.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, people will hang wormwood and calamus together on the door or window to pray for blessings and ward off evil spirits. There is also the custom of dragon boat racing and dragon boat rowing during the Dragon Boat Festival. This is what we need to know during the Dragon Boat Festival.

Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

However, the Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and this day is called the evil moon and evil day, and it is infested with five poisonous insects, the weather changes from warm to humid and hot, and some people want to avoid the evil moon and evil day of the Dragon Boat Festival. Specifically, there are 4 people who want to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival. Which 4 people want to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival?

1. The newlywed girl went back to her parents' house to hide the Dragon Boat Festival

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the married woman should return to her parents' home with her children, and bring wine, meat and other items back to her parents' home to save relatives, which is actually called the Dragon Boat Festival.

2. People who are not in good health hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

The day of the Dragon Boat Festival is called the evil moon and evil day, and it is even more called the evil time at noon, and it is also the time when the dampness and poison are the heaviest on this day. On this day, people who are not in good health should hide from the Dragon Boat Festival, especially during the Dragon Boat Festival, and they cannot go out during this time. Stay in the shade of your home.

Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

3. Young children should avoid the Dragon Boat Festival

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, hot and humid weather, evil moon and evil day, and the children's own body functions are not very perfect, in the face of hot and humid weather, we have to hide, do not take children out to the sun. In some places, the forehead of the child is smeared with realgar, and some are tied with five-color ropes on the hands of the child.

4 and 5 belong to the Dragon Boat Festival

This year is the year of the dragon in Jiachen, and this year's five genera of "committing Tai Sui" also have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival, which are the Tai Sui Dragon, the Tai Sui Dog, the Tai Sui Sheep, the Tai Sui Rabbit, and the Tai Sui Cow.

Holiday notice: The Dragon Boat Festival is off for 3 days in a row, and there is no adjustment of holidays! This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and 4 people have to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival

To sum up, this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday notice has been issued, and who wants to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival has also been informed, welcome to leave a message to share your views.