
The Consumer Protection Center held a key work scheduling meeting for the first quarter of 2024

author:Xiangyang market supervision

On the morning of April 8

Municipal Consumer Rights Protection Center

Held in the first quarter of 2024

Key work scheduling meeting

Wei Haixia, head of the center, presided over the meeting

All middle-level cadres attended the meeting

The Consumer Protection Center held a key work scheduling meeting for the first quarter of 2024

The meeting listened to the work reports of various departments and offices in the first quarter, and conducted a comprehensive combing and analysis of the work carried out.

Since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the Party Group of the Municipal Bureau, the business work has been led by party building, and all departments have worked closely together to actively carry out a series of publicity and education activities on the 3.15 International Consumer Rights Day, and have achieved remarkable results. Carried out the "Optimize the Consumption Environment and Stimulate Consumption Vitality" and "Rest Assured Consumption in Xiangyang" Douyin live broadcast activities, with more than 15,000 viewers gathered in the live broadcast room to watch online; carried out the "3•15 Assured Consumption Jingchuxing.Xiangyang Station" activity, which received enthusiastic responses from the masses; held the "3•15" consumer rights protection press conference and released the 2023 consumer complaint hotspots, typical cases of consumer rights protection law enforcement, and typical cases of consumer complaints; released more than 500,000 3•15 consumer rights protection public welfare text messages to the masses in the city; Stimulating the vitality of consumption", with more than 50,000 participants, "Promoting the construction of linkage mechanism and diversified resolution of consumer disputes", won the advanced model of "Fengqiao-style work method" in the new era of the city, and the "Xiangyang Four Major Actions to Promote the Construction of Consumer Rights Protection Linkage Mechanism" was adopted by the General Administration.

The Consumer Protection Center held a key work scheduling meeting for the first quarter of 2024

Wei Haixia's effectiveness on related work

Give affirmation

At the same time, it is noted

It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the early results

with the lack of highlights of the work that currently exists

Insufficient external publicity

The Consumer Protection Center held a key work scheduling meeting for the first quarter of 2024

Wei Haixia emphasized

All departments and offices of the center should pay close attention to the task indicators, grasp the target nodes, improve the quality of achievements, enhance capabilities, and make every effort to promote the work of the center to a new level.

First, it is necessary to improve the political position and strengthen the theoretical armament. Conscientiously study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of speeches, guide practice, promote work, and shape a positive spiritual outlook through party building.

The second is to improve business capabilities and strengthen system thinking. All things are foreseen, and those who are not prepared are wasted. It is necessary to give full play to the exemplary role of the "key minority" of leading cadres, persist in diligent study, frequent thinking, and good understanding, adhere to the above rate, demonstration and guidance, strengthen scheduling, command from the front, strengthen communication and coordination with higher-level departments, and strengthen departmental linkage.

The third is to improve the pragmatic attitude and strengthen the sense of responsibility. "In his position, seek his position, take his responsibility, and do his job". All cadres should carry forward the spirit of hard work, improve their pragmatic attitude, and implement various work arrangements with high quality with the fine style of "doing things overnight and doing it immediately" and the working state of "never slacking off and moving forward".

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Source: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Editor: Wang Jiali

Editor-in-charge: Liang Long

Audit: Supervisor

Organizer: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Operation: Xiangyang Rong Media Center

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