
From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

author:Yuzu is going to talk about it
From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

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With excellent results, Wang Zhonglei was admitted to the Beijing Youth Political College as he wished. When he was in college, he was rich in five cars, and his personal charm was unmatched.

The fact that he has excellent grades is certainly admirable, but the most attractive thing is his handsome face and the burning temperament exuded by him. I am afraid that countless female students who studied at the Beijing Youth Political College at that time admired and yearned for Wang Zhonglei.

Sure enough, everywhere he went, there was no shortage of beautiful women. However, the young and vigorous Wang Zhonglei didn't seem to care about love, but put all his mind into studying hard.

Although the love letters flew like snowflakes, he methodically rejected them one by one.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

Until one day, a girl named Wang Xiaorong appeared in his life and touched this young student who was completely ignorant of his feelings with his persistent behavior.

At first, Xiaorong, like other girls, wrote a sincere love letter to Wang Zhonglei. However, the difference is that after being rejected, she did not hesitate to retreat, but persevered and continued to pursue.

Watching Xiaorong's text messages drifting in one after another, Wang Zhonglei was finally impressed by her tenacity, and his heart was also moved. It's just that at that time, he was silent about his feelings, but he paid more attention to career development, so he could only politely refuse.

However, this decision also caused Xiaorong's self-esteem to suffer a heavy blow, and in desperation, she could only break this marriage.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

After graduating from university, Wang Zhonglei embarked on the road of entrepreneurship as he wished. However, due to a lack of funds and experience, his career can be described as difficult. He was hit hard by failures again and again, and his former sharpness and self-confidence gradually wore out.

Just when he was about to give up, his brother Wang Zhongjun, who had been away for many years, finally returned triumphantly.

Different from Wang Zhonglei, Wang Zhongjun has accumulated more profound knowledge and insight during his overseas studies, and has also accumulated a considerable wealth with his diligence and wisdom.

At that time, he had as much as $10 million on hand. Seeing the hardships on Wang Zhonglei's entrepreneurial road, Wang Zhongjun did not hesitate at all, and did not hesitate to take out all his belongings and generously help.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

With the full support of his brother, Wang Zhonglei's fighting spirit was rekindled. After careful thinking and detailed planning, the two finally co-founded the later Huayi Brothers Film and Television Media Company in 1994.

From scratch, everything is started from scratch. At that time, they were walking on a dead end, with unknown darkness in front of them and doubts and ridicule from relatives and friends behind them.

But in the face of many obstacles, the brothers were not afraid. They just trembled and encouraged each other, fought alone in a situation where no one cared about them, and opened up the way forward bit by bit with sincere friendship and perseverance.

If it was not surprising that everyone looked down on them at that time, then no one could have predicted that this small team would grow into a supergiant in the entertainment industry in the future.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

Although the process from the beginning to the end was difficult and tortuous, the Wang Zhonglei brothers set up ambitions at the beginning of their business. In order to achieve their ideals, they made a desperate gamble and did not leave themselves any way out.

They firmly believe that as long as they persevere and move forward bravely, they will eventually be able to make up for the people.

The top priority is to quickly build brand awareness and gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. In view of this, Wang Zhonglei bought at a low price and spent $4 million to hire Feng Xiaogang, who was at the peak of his career at that time, to join the company.

This shot is an excellent atmosphere, which can not only start the company's prestige, but also bring a lot of attention to the company with the help of Director Feng's personal aura.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

The road to entrepreneurship is long and arduous, and for Wang Zhonglei, who has no long things, it is inevitable that he will fall into difficulties. Just when he was most trapped and helpless, a familiar figure suddenly came to mind - that is Wang Xiaorong, who had persistently pursued him many years ago.

Recalling the past, Wang Zhonglei's heart couldn't help but have mixed feelings. When she was in college, Xiaorong deeply touched herself with her innocent love, but unfortunately she completely left her feelings behind at that time and focused on her career pursuit, so she rejected Xiaorong's intentions.

Now that I think about the past, I feel a strong sense of guilt.

In the midst of the difficulties of starting a business, Wang Zhonglei finally realized the preciousness of feelings and the importance of a warm family. At this time, he decided to put down his body and take the initiative to find his hot lover Wang Xiaorong.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

After many inquiries and twists and turns, the two finally got back in touch.

On a date, Wang Zhonglei sincerely explained his desire to Xiaorong - he is eager to succeed in entrepreneurship, and at the same time, he is eager to enjoy the warmth and happiness brought by marriage in a complete family environment.

Hearing this sincere confession, Wang Xiaorong's heart was suddenly touched to the deepest.

It turned out that since being rejected by Wang Zhonglei many years ago, Xiaorong's heart could no longer tolerate anyone else. As a patient and persistent woman, she never thought of finding a new marriage for herself.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

Now that her sweetheart has personally expressed her desire to reorganize her family, Xiaorong is so lucky that she immediately readily agreed.

However, a marriage is not a one-man show between the two, but also involves the support of both families. Due to the setbacks in the early days of the business, Wang Zhonglei's financial situation has been very poor, and sometimes he even needs to rely on Xiaorong for help.

Faced with such a situation, Xiaorong's parents are naturally resolutely opposed to the two continuing to entangle.

But in the face of her daughter's insistence, Xiaorong's parents' opposition gradually became powerless. They finally resigned themselves to making concessions and allowing their daughter to marry Wang Zhonglei.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

Since then, Wang Xiaorong has not only been a strong backing for Wang Zhonglei's career, but also a spiritual sustenance that he has deeply relied on. It is with Xiaorong's full support that Wang Zhonglei's entrepreneurial road can move forward.

With the full accompaniment of his wife Wang Xiaorong and the financial support of his brother Wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei finally ushered in the dawn on the road of entrepreneurship. After a difficult initial struggle, after hiring the popular movie star Feng Xiaogang, Huayi Brothers Film and Television Company was like a sprouting seedling, quickly taking root and attracting countless celebrities to work.

The first batch of people to join were the students who were on the rise in their careers at that time, including Huang Xiaoming, Huo Siyan, Feng Shaofeng and other hot idol stars. For a while, their joining undoubtedly brought great popularity and attention to the company.

After all, for young audiences, these idol stars are the real sweethearts and box office guarantees.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

Immediately afterwards, some high-level first-line big names were also successfully poached by Huayi Brothers, such as Zhang Ziyi, Zhou Xun and other popular flowers. Their joining has undoubtedly further enhanced the company's brand strength and influence, and made Huayi Brothers' development by leaps and bounds, making them well-known in the industry.

In this way, in just a few years, Wang Zhonglei has jumped from an unknown entrepreneur to the most high-profile figure in the entertainment industry. At that time, no matter where he went, he would be surrounded by groups of artists and stars, as if he was being held in the palms of the stars.

Countless newcomers who have not joined also regard Wang Zhonglei as a stepping stone to the peak of their careers.

With such a battle, the development of Huayi Brothers can be said to be unhindered and prosperous. A series of masterpieces have been released one after another, and the domineering box office results have attracted the attention of the entire industry.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

In this way, with the arrogant posture of the heroes, Huayi Brothers soon became synonymous with the Chinese entertainment industry, and it was unparalleled for a while.

For Wang Zhonglei, this is definitely the most glorious period of career development. When he became famous, he enjoyed the favor referred to by Qianfu, and was surrounded by hundreds of actresses in the circle.

With a harmonious wife and a soaring career, Wang Zhonglei reached the pinnacle of his life in this way, calling for wind and rain.

Power and wealth naturally bring all kinds of temptations, and Wang Zhonglei is no exception. As a popular figure, he began to gradually get lost in the way of life of wandering flowers.

From the pride of the sky to a debt of 6.8 billion, Wang Zhonglei's failure was the loss of a "female star"?

According to incomplete statistics, he has had intimate contact and scandals with countless popular actresses, the most famous of which is the scandal with Huo Siyan.

The sun is shining, but there will be a time when the haze will be overcast. After a flowery life, Huayi Brothers led by Wang Zhonglei has gradually entered a trough.

In 2021, the once dominant film and television giant will sink to a debt of 6.8 billion yuan, and its future is precarious.

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