
She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

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She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

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A grand wedding

In 2008, a luxury cruise ship slowly sailed in the waters of Yantai, and the ship was filled with a festive atmosphere. Today, table tennis legend Wang Nan, who has won 24 world championships, will hold a grand wedding with her husband Guo Bin.

The boat was packed with family and friends, who gathered to witness the happy moment for the couple. Han Qiaosheng, a well-known CCTV sports host, presided over the wedding in high spirits, and the atmosphere was warm and extraordinary.

Even Japanese table tennis legend Ai Fukuhara and Chinese star Ma Lin were invited to share this joyful moment with Wang Nan.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

Looking at such a grand scene, who would have thought that just a few years ago, Wang Nan had suffered a merciless blow from fate and fought against death? At that time, she was diagnosed with terrible thyroid cancer during a routine physical examination, and her life was severely tested.

Now, she has finally overcome her illness and regained her happiness, and it is truly gratifying to be able to celebrate this new chapter of her life with such joy.

At the wedding scene, the atmosphere was warm and high. As the groom, Guo Bin is dressed in a straight suit, handsome and chic, with a happy look on his face. And the bride Wang Nan is dressed up, with a happy face, beautiful and moving.

When the two slowly walked on the red carpet, they looked at each other and smiled amid the blessings of relatives and friends, and their eyes were full of expectations for the future.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

The wedding ceremony officially began, and the newlyweds, under the guidance of the host, slowly recited their vows and promised each other for life. Wang Nan, dressed in a traditional Chinese dress, spoke in a firm and powerful tone, showing determination between his words: "I will always love you, cherish you, accompany you, and support your ......" and Guo Bin also responded to his wife's promise with a sincere tone, and promised to give his wife a happy and healthy life.

Subsequently, the two exchanged rings, kissed each other in the applause of the audience, and officially entered the palace of marriage. At this moment, Wang Nan seemed to have forgotten all the hardships and tribulations in the past, she just wanted to cherish the happiness in front of her and repay Guo Bin's protection with all her love.

Athletic career

Dating back to 1978, Wang Nan was born in an ordinary working family in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Smart and lively since childhood, she was sent to the local table tennis training camp by her parents when she was 7 years old and started her own table tennis legend.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

In the training camp, Wang Nan showed amazing talent and extraordinary perseverance. She is always more attentive and diligent than other children, mimicking the movements of hitting the ball with interest when practicing, and even waving chopsticks when eating.

These small movements all reveal her fanatical love for table tennis.

Sure enough, Wang Nan's talent quickly caught the attention of the coaches. Only 4 years later, she was successfully admitted to the Liaoning Provincial Table Tennis Sports School with skills that surpassed her peers, opening a new chapter in her career.

Although the family was worried about the challenges she would encounter in the future on the road to sports, they fully supported their daughter's choice.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

During the sports school, Wang Nan met her mentor and national coach Zhang Jingqing, which was a great luck in life. Under Zhang Jingqing's careful teaching, Wang Nan has a bright future and his skills are increasing day by day.

Only 3 years later, she successfully joined the Liaoning provincial team; One year later, the young Wang Nan was honorably called into the national team.

In 1997, at the 44th World Table Tennis Championships, she won the women's singles and women's doubles world championships with unexpected strength! Since then, Wang Nan has embarked on the glorious road of conquering the table tennis world and has become the core of the national team.

In 1998, at the Asian Games in Bangkok, Wang Nan won 4 gold medals in women's singles, women's doubles, women's team and mixed doubles, and became regarded as a "Grand Slam" winner in one fell swoop. In the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Wang Nan made many achievements, winning the team and singles and doubles championships.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

Trough and rebirth

Although Wang Nan has repeatedly achieved impressive results in the table tennis world, his life journey has never been smooth. In 2002, on the field of the Busan Asian Games, Wang Nan suffered a major blow.

At that time, Wang Nan was the number one main force of the Chinese team, and people had high hopes for her. But no one expected that in the decisive battle with the North Korean team, the Chinese team finally lost with a tragic score of 1:3, and Wang Nan personally buried the Chinese people's dream of winning the championship.

This was definitely a result she never expected, and it undoubtedly brought her an unprecedented blow.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

Just when Wang Nan was physically and mentally traumatized, the appearance of a person brought life to her. He is the rich man Guo Bin, the future husband and confidant of life. Guo Bin saw Wang Nan's inner courage and tenacity with a unique vision, and he used practical actions to constantly inject confidence and courage into her and help her get through the trough of life.

In the 2005 Shanghai World Table Tennis Championships, Wang Nan, who was devastated by her opponent, was romantically proposed by Guo Bin with 10,001 roses, igniting her determination to start again.

At that time, the two formalized their relationship, and a vow to spend the rest of their lives together was brewing. Since then, with the strong support of Guo Bin, Wang Nan was able to regain his peak at the 2004 Athens Olympics and the 2008 Beijing Olympics and was crowned again.

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Wang Nan was already at an advanced age, and she had a fierce duel with her young teammate Zhang Yining in the final. Although he lost 1:4 in the end and missed the championship, the hard work of every round reminded Wang Nan of the enthusiasm in the field.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

She said goodbye to her illustrious career and started a new stage of her life.

A test of fate

After the flames of the Olympic Games were extinguished, Guo Bin and Wang Nan thought that they were about to start a new and happy life, but they never expected that fate would give them a heavy blow.

During a routine physical examination, the doctor diagnosed Wang Nan with the terrible thyroid cancer! This bad news was undoubtedly like a thunderbolt from the sky, and it severely crushed Wang Nan. As a once acclaimed athlete, how could she have imagined that her life would be put to such a severe test? Fear and despair surged up in her heart, and she asked herself, is she going to die like this at the peak of her career? Everything came too suddenly and unfairly.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

At the same time, after Guo Bin learned of his wife's illness, he also fell into a very painful situation. Wang Nan was the only love of his life, how could he watch her leave? This bad news was undoubtedly a heavy blow to his heart.

However, compared with Wang Nan's situation in the haze of cancer, Guo Bin quickly came out of his grief and burst out with unprecedented strength.

Fortunately, the operation was finally successfully completed, and seeing his wife out of danger, Guo Bin cried with joy and his eyes were moist. But this is just the beginning, during the long postoperative recovery period, he took care of his wife's diet and daily life wholeheartedly.

In order to make Wang Nan's recovery faster, Guo Bin even taught himself various professional massage techniques, and even honed the operation of some medical equipment.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

In this way, under Guo Bin's careful care and thoughtful arrangement, Wang Nan, who was once brought to the line of life and death by cancer, miraculously regained the hope of life and the courage to be reborn.

This unsung but never-give-up couple used their tenacity and courage to write a touching story.

Family life

Under Guo Bin's careful care, Wang Nan finally overcame the illness and regained the hope of life. After retiring, the loving couple began a happy new life.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

Soon, the two welcomed their beloved children, a lively and lovely daughter, and a smart and clever son, and the home was filled with a warm atmosphere of laughter and laughter.

As a husband and father, Guo Bin uses his actions to explain the importance of his family to him. Whenever his wife and children had any needs, he was always ready for them, even tirelessly.

Guo Bin has full authority to handle all the big and small affairs of the family, for fear that his wife and children will have to work hard. In the dead of night, his wife and children are already asleep, but Guo Bin always picks up the dim light and is busy with chores at home.

When getting along with his daughter, Guo Bin incarnates as a kind father, often tidying up the toys and arranging them into elaborate scenes, so that his daughter has a warm and interesting growth space at home.

She won 24 world championships, but she was diagnosed with cancer after marriage, and her rich husband's actions were touching

Every time he sees the warm picture of Guo Bin's father and son, father and daughter enjoying themselves, Wang Nan will shed tears of happiness, and his heart is extremely grateful to Guo Bin for his dedication and contribution to the family.

With a good husband like Guo Bin who is considerate and takes care of housework, Wang Nan has reduced a lot of burdens and has been able to recuperate and recuperate. She often accompanies her daughter to play games or shares her sports experience and life journey with her son.

As a mother, Wang Nan hopes to pass on her tenacity and courage to her children, inspiring them to face future challenges with an optimistic and positive attitude.

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