
Lao Zhen brought new books to Sui to tell the children about "the feelings of family and country in ancient poems"

author:It's 3 pieces of candy

Recently, in several middle schools in Guangzhou, a special lecture has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. The protagonist of this lecture is the famous poetry research teacher Da Lao Zhen, who brought a collision of knowledge and emotion to teachers and students with the theme of "Family and Country Feelings in Ancient Poems".

However, the lecture was not as simple as the outside world imagined. The content of Da Lao Zhen's speech is simple to understand, from the poetry of the pre-Qin Dynasty to the prosperous poetry of the Tang Dynasty, and then to the patriotic chapter of the Southern Song Dynasty. But what is amazing is that he did not just stop at the interpretation of ancient poems, but combined with the current social reality, he conducted an in-depth analysis and reflection on the feelings of his family and country.

Da Lao Zhen mentioned in the lecture that the feeling of family and country is not an empty slogan, but a spiritual force deeply rooted in the blood of every Chinese. By comparing the past and the present, he pointed out that although the times are changing, the connotation of family and country feelings has never changed. He stressed that in today's society, in the face of various challenges and temptations, we should stick to this sentiment and inherit this spirit.

Lao Zhen brought new books to Sui to tell the children about "the feelings of family and country in ancient poems"

However, it was this view of Da Lao Zhen that caused a lot of controversy. Some people believe that he overemphasized the importance of family and country feelings, and even raised them to the level of national spirit, which is to a certain extent an emotional kidnapping. They believe that in today's pluralistic world, everyone has their own values and pursuits, and they cannot simply use the feelings of family and country to unify everyone's thoughts.

Others take a different view. They believe that Da Lao Zhen's viewpoint is a kind of wake-up call to the current social atmosphere. In today's world where material interests are paramount, many people have forgotten the importance of family and country feelings, and even regard them as outdated. They believe that it is precisely this lack of feelings that has led some people to lack a sense of responsibility and mission when facing major problems of the country and the nation.

In addition to the controversy of opinions, Da Lao Zhen's lecture also sparked a lot of discussion in details. For example, in the lecture, he mentioned some of his personal experiences, including how to study ancient poems in depth and how to interact with students. These details give a deeper understanding of his academic attainments and charisma, but they also raise some questions. Some people believe that these details may have been deliberately added by Da Lao Zhen in order to enhance the appeal of the lecture, and the authenticity needs to be verified.

Lao Zhen brought new books to Sui to tell the children about "the feelings of family and country in ancient poems"

In addition, Da Lao Zhen's interpretation of ancient poems in the lecture also caused some controversy. Some of his interpretations are considered too subjective and even contrary to traditional interpretations. This has made some researchers of ancient poetry feel dissatisfied, who believe that Da Lao Zhen's interpretation method lacks a rigorous academic attitude and is easy to mislead the public's understanding of ancient poetry.

To sum up, Da Lao Zhen's lectures in several middle schools in Guangzhou have undoubtedly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. His views, the details, and the way he interprets them have become the focus of discussion. This lecture not only allowed us to re-examine the importance of family and country feelings, but also gave us new thoughts on the interpretation of ancient poems. Whether it is for support or questioning, this lecture undoubtedly provides us with an opportunity to think deeply, so that we can seek truth in the midst of controversy and make progress in reflection.

I think that Da Lao Zhen's lecture is like a cultural feast, which not only allows us to taste the charm of ancient poetry, but also triggers our deep thinking about the feelings of our family and country. In today's society, material civilization is developing rapidly, but the pursuit of the spiritual level is often neglected. With his profound academic skills and vivid speech style, Da Lao Zhen awakened our deep cultural consciousness and national self-confidence. The feeling of family and country is not an outdated topic, but our eternal spiritual pillar. As the popular saying goes, "Don't forget the original intention, you have to always." "We should bear in mind the feelings of our family and country, inherit Chinese culture, and jointly write a chapter of our times.

Lao Zhen brought new books to Sui to tell the children about "the feelings of family and country in ancient poems"

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