
The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

author:Chuangyi is important

The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

In ancient times, hidden deep among the verdant mountains, there was a small village called Qingxi. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the folk customs are simple, and the villagers live a peaceful life of sunrise and sunset. There was a woodcutter in the village, named Alin, who was strong and strong, and he went up to the mountains every day to cut wood and make a living. Alin has a kind personality and treats people kindly, and the villagers like him very much.

One day, as usual, Alin went up the mountain to chop wood with an axe and rope. The sun shines through the treetops, shining on his solid back, and the air is filled with the fragrance of trees. Suddenly, there was a sound of Suosuo, and Alin followed the voice, only to see a black snake entrenched in the grass, spitting out a letter, and a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Alin was shocked, but he knew that snakes were also spiritual creatures, so he carefully bypassed the black snake and continued to chop wood. After chopping wood, when he was about to go down the mountain, he saw the black snake again. This time, the black snake seemed to be somewhat weak and lay motionless on the ground. Arin took a closer look and found that the black snake had a wound in its abdomen, which was bleeding.

Feeling pity, Alin took out the herbs he had brought with him from his bosom and gently applied them to the black snake. The black snake seemed to feel Arin's kindness, and his eyes flashed with gratitude. Arin placed the black snake in a safe cave and went down the mountain.

However, that night, a sudden disaster befell Qingxi Village. A huge black snake broke into the village and bit people on sight, causing the villagers to panic and flee in all directions. Alin also hurriedly ran home, wanting to protect his wife Xiaomei. However, when he arrived home, he saw that Xiaomei had fallen in a pool of blood, and the huge black snake was slowly leaving.

Alin was so grief-stricken that he picked up Xiaomei's body and wept bitterly. He didn't understand why the black snake he kindly released would take revenge and bite his wife to death. The villagers also rushed to the scene, and they gathered around the bodies of Alin and Xiaomei, and talked a lot. Some people say that it was Alin who angered the snake god and was punished, and some people say that it was Xiaomei's fate and could not be avoided.

The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

Alin's heart was full of doubts and pain, and he decided to find the black snake and ask for clarification. So, he took the axe and set out on a journey to find the black snake. He climbed mountains and mountains, went through hardships, and finally found the black snake in a deep cave.

However, when Arin saw the black snake, he was stunned. Because this black snake is not the small snake he released before, but a huge, majestic snake king. The Serpent King's eyes shone with wisdom, and he looked at Arin as if to say something.

Ah Lin suddenly understood, it turned out that this snake king was here to repay his kindness. The little snake he released before was actually the child of the Snake King. After the little snake was injured in the wild, he was rescued by Alin, so the snake king came to protect Qingxi Village. And what happened tonight was actually a misunderstanding.

The Serpent King tells Arin that he wanted to dispel the plague in the village, but when Mei strayed into his territory, he was injured and killed. The Snake King felt deeply guilty, and he was willing to use his own strength to let Alin and Xiaomei be reborn.

After listening to the Snake King's explanation, Alin had mixed feelings in his heart. He was both saddened by Xiaomei's death and moved by the sincerity of the Snake King. He knelt in front of the snake king and kowtowed three times deeply in thanks.

Subsequently, with the help of the Snake King, Arin and Xiaomei were reborn. They returned to Qingxi Village and continued to live a peaceful life. And the snake king has also become the patron saint of Qingxi Village, protecting the safety and happiness of the villagers.

Since then, Alin cherishes life and family affection even more, and he has won the respect and love of the villagers with his kindness and diligence. And the story of the black snake has also become a good story in Qingxi Village through the ages.

The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

As the years passed, Alin grew old, but he always remembered that bizarre and profound experience in his heart. Whenever night fell, he would sit in front of the house, look at the starry sky, and recall the past when he met, knew and understood the black snake. He knew that that experience not only changed his fate, but also made him understand the true meaning of life - kindness and tolerance are the best qualities in the world.

And that black snake has been guarding this land and the people here in the mountains and forests of Qingxi Village. Its figure sometimes appears in the clouds and mist of the mountains, and sometimes disappears in the depths of the dense forest, as if silently telling a story of redemption and rebirth.

Alin's story spread throughout Qingxi Village, and even to neighboring villages. People came to Qingxi Village to see the magical black snake. And Arin always received them warmly and told about that thrilling experience. He said: "That black snake is actually a light in my life, and it has made me understand the preciousness of life and the power of tolerance. ”

Under Alin's influence, the villagers of Qingxi Village have also become kinder and more tolerant. They help each other, live in harmony, and create a wonderful home together. And the black snake also seemed to feel the kindness of the villagers, and it never hurt people again, but often secretly protected the village and allowed people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Year after year, Arin finally came to the end of his life. Before he died, he summoned the whole village and told them, "The luckiest thing in my life is that I met that black snake." It made me understand that every encounter in my life is a rare fate. Whether the other person is a human or an animal, we should treat them with kindness and respect. Because in this world, there is no absolute good or evil, only the choices and attitudes of our hearts. ”

When the villagers heard this, they wept one after another. They were saddened by Arin's loss and moved by his wisdom and kindness. They vowed to continue to pass on the spirit of Alin and make Qingxi Village forever full of love and peace.

On the night of Arin's death, a strange light appeared in the sky. Some people say that it was the black snake hovering in the sky, seeing off Alin. And many more believe that it was Alin's soul who ascended to heaven and attained eternal peace.

The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

Since then, Qingxi Village has become more beautiful and rich. The villagers are living happily ever after, and the black snake has been secretly guarding them. When night falls, the villagers always look up at the starry sky and silently recite Alin's name in their hearts, thanking him for the wisdom and strength he has brought them.

And the story of the black snake has also been circulating in Qingxi Village. It has become a mysterious and beautiful legend in the hearts of the villagers, inspiring them to forge ahead and pursue a better life.

Time flies like a song. The story of Qingxi Village has been passed down in the long river of history and has become an eternal story. And that black snake has forever remained in people's hearts and has become an immortal legend. And that black snake, too, gradually became sacred in the legends of the villagers over time. Whenever a grand festival or celebration is held in the village, people will light incense and worship deep in the mountains and forests to thank the black snake for its protection and protection of the village.

One year, Qingxi Village was hit by an unprecedented drought. The fields are cracked, the rivers are dry, and the villagers are in an unprecedented predicament. Just when everyone was helpless, the black snake reappeared. It led the villagers to find a hidden mountain spring, and the spring water bubbled out, relieving the villagers' urgent needs. The villagers were grateful and bowed down one after another, thanking the black snake for saving his life.

The Black Snake is not proud of this, it still silently guards Qingxi Village. The villagers also know that the existence of the black snake is the greatest blessing of their village, and they cherish this hard-won harmony and tranquility even more.

With the efforts of generation after generation, Qingxi Village has gradually developed into a prosperous and rich village. And the black snake has also become an indispensable part of the village. Whenever someone leaves the village to wander far away, they always bring a story about the black snake and tell the outside world how magical and beautiful their hometown is.

The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

And the story of Alin has also been circulating in Qingxi Village. His kindness, wisdom and tolerance have become a role model for the villagers. They often bring their children to Alin's grave to tell his deeds, hoping that the children can inherit his spirit and build Qingxi Village into a better place.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another century has passed. Qingxi Village still maintains its simplicity and tranquility, and the black snake still guards the land. It has witnessed the rise and fall of the village, as well as the efforts and struggles of the villagers from generation to generation.

On a sunny afternoon, a young woodcutter was chopping wood in the mountains when he unexpectedly encountered the black snake. The black snake lay quietly in the sunlight, its eyes shining with wisdom. The young woodcutter was startled, but then remembered Arin's story, and he carefully bypassed the black snake and continued his work.

And at that moment, he seemed to hear a voice ringing softly in his ears: "Kindness and tolerance are the most beautiful qualities in the world." May you cherish this fate and pass on the story of Qingxi Village. ”

The young woodcutter's heart moved, and he bowed deeply to thank the black snake. He knew that this was Alin and Black Snake passing on a heavy responsibility and mission to him.

Since then, the young woodcutter has worked harder, leading the villagers to develop agriculture and improve their lives, so that Qingxi Village will radiate new vitality and vitality. And that black snake has always inspired him to move forward in his heart.

As the years go by, the story of Qingxi Village and the legend of the black snake have been circulating in people's hearts. They have become an important part of the village culture and the eternal pride and pride of the villagers.

The woodcutter released the black snake, but the black snake bit the woodcutter husband and wife to death, and afterwards he knelt on the ground and thanked him

And that black snake has been silently guarding Qingxi Village and its people. It knows that as long as people have kindness and tolerance in their hearts, the world will be filled with love and peace.