
The first time I visited Fa Xiao, who settled in the provincial capital, he actually said that I couldn't afford to raise a dog

author:Miss Angelica

When I first visited Fa Xiao, who settled in the provincial capital, I thought it would be a pleasant reunion. However, his words caught me by surprise and plunged me into deep contemplation and emotional turmoil.

He and I have been playmates since we were children, and we have had many happy times together from elementary school to high school. However, as we each chose different paths after graduation, our contacts gradually became scarce. It wasn't until recently that I heard that he had settled in the provincial capital, so I decided to visit him and rekindle my old friendship.

When I came to his home, he warmly invited me into the house and showed me around his new home. The new home is beautifully decorated and exquisitely furnished, and it can be seen that his life has been comfortable. However, while I was admiring his new home, he suddenly uttered the words that shocked me: "You can't afford a dog." ”

The first time I visited Fa Xiao, who settled in the provincial capital, he actually said that I couldn't afford to raise a dog

I froze in place, not knowing how to respond. This sentence was like a sharp sword, piercing my heart and making my heart heavy all of a sudden. I remembered the time we played together when we were kids, the happy times we had together, and the friendship we used to support each other. However, now, he used such a sentence to evaluate me, which made me feel extremely lost and sad.

"Why do you say that?" I couldn't help but ask, my voice trembling slightly.

He sighed deeply, then explained, "Look at you, it seems that life is not very rich. And it costs a lot of money to get a dog, not only for food and medical expenses, but also for all kinds of other trivial expenses. I'm just afraid you won't be able to afford that. ”

I listened silently, mixed emotions welling up in my heart. Although his words are somewhat straightforward, they are also out of concern and kindness. However, in my opinion, this sentence is a question of my ability to live and a challenge to my life choices. I felt a deep sense of grievance and frustration, feeling that I had been misunderstood and looked down upon by him.

The first time I visited Fa Xiao, who settled in the provincial capital, he actually said that I couldn't afford to raise a dog

I think of the hardships and efforts I have struggled in this city, and I think of the little life I have built in this city. Although I don't have the comfort and superiority of his, I use my own hard work and sweat to live what I think is a fulfilling and satisfying life. I know that it does take a lot of thought and money to get a dog, but I believe that as long as I work hard and manage it with my heart, I will be able to do it.

"Thank you for your concern, I'll think about it. I held back tears, smiled reluctantly, and turned away from his house.

When I got home, I lay in bed and couldn't calm down for a long time. His words kept echoing in my head, leaving me in a deep state of self-doubt and unease. However, I also realized that his words, although a little harsh, were also well-intentioned and caring. Perhaps, he was just worried that I would be hurt, and just wanted to remind me to pay attention to the details of life. I can't deny his friendship because of a sentence, and I can't deny my life choices because of a sentence.

I decided to prove myself with actions and make my dreams come true with practical efforts. I decided not to be confused by other people's evaluations, as long as I believed in myself and believed in my own abilities, I would definitely be able to do it. No matter what others think of me, no matter how life challenges me, I will keep moving forward and go on bravely.

The first time I visited Fa Xiao, who settled in the provincial capital, he actually said that I couldn't afford to raise a dog

So, I started my day with a lot of confidence and hope. I know that although there will be many difficulties and challenges in life, as long as I don't give up and as long as I keep working hard, I will be able to overcome everything and meet a bright future that belongs to me.