
When the United States digs a big hole, Kishida jumps into it! Every time Japan is able to make the United States fool and fool itself

author:Xiao Si loves to be funny

In the geopolitical arena of the Asia-Pacific region, the relationship between the United States and Japan has always attracted much attention. However, the relationship is not as simple as it seems, but is fraught with complexity and controversy. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the true face of the U.S.-Japan relationship from multiple perspectives, revealing the entanglements of interests and strategic calculations behind it.

First of all, we have to face up to the question: Does the United States really regard Japan as an equal ally? From the dual perspectives of history and reality, the answer is probably no. Japan, as an "important ally" of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, plays more of a role as a strategic pawn of the United States. The United States has taken advantage of Japan's geographical advantages and used it as a bridgehead against China, Russia, and other countries, and has continuously promoted its development in the military and security fields. This relationship between exploitation and manipulation has left a deep mark on many levels.

When the United States digs a big hole, Kishida jumps into it! Every time Japan is able to make the United States fool and fool itself

From a military point of view, the degree to which the United States is arming Japan is staggering. The continuous sale of advanced weapons systems, such as Tomahawk cruise missiles, to Japan has not only boosted Japan's military strength, but also pushed it to the brink of direct confrontation with major powers such as China and Russia. Such a move is undoubtedly a great violation of Japan's sovereignty and independence. Inexplicably, however, Japan seems to have been resigned to this, and has even shown a blind following and dependence at some point.

This dependence does not come without a cost. Japan's economic situation is already in serious trouble. What was once the third-largest economy is no longer in the limelight, and GDP per capita has fallen out of the ranks of developed countries. Against this backdrop, Japan is still increasing its military spending and expanding its armaments, which is undoubtedly a huge overdraft for its economic future. And this overdraft, to a large extent, is to cater to the strategic needs of the United States and maintain its status as an ally of the United States.

When the United States digs a big hole, Kishida jumps into it! Every time Japan is able to make the United States fool and fool itself

However, this relationship is not wishful thinking. The use and manipulation of Japan by the United States also reflects its anxiety and uneasiness in the global strategic layout. With the rise of China and Russia, the United States' hegemony in the world has been challenged like never before. In order to maintain its hegemonic position, the United States has to look for new allies and partners, and Japan is undoubtedly one of the important choices. By intensifying its manipulation and exploitation of Japan, the United States is trying to build an encirclement in the Asia-Pacific region against China and Russia in order to contain its rising momentum.

However, this strategy is not without its risks. On the one hand, Japan, as an independent and sovereign country, cannot endure the manipulation and exploitation of the United States for a long time. Once Japan realizes that its interests have been seriously damaged, it may well choose to part ways with the United States, or even go to the opposite side. On the other hand, China and Russia and other countries will not sit idly by and watch the expansion and hegemony of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. It is likely that they will strengthen their cooperation and jointly address the American challenge and thus break the American encirclement.

When the United States digs a big hole, Kishida jumps into it! Every time Japan is able to make the United States fool and fool itself

In addition, the complexity of the U.S.-Japan relationship is reflected in the cultural and historical differences between the two countries. Although the two countries have close political and military cooperation, there are deep differences and contradictions on cultural and historical issues. If these differences and contradictions cannot be properly resolved, they are likely to have a negative impact on the relations between the two countries and even trigger new conflicts and confrontations.

To sum up, the U.S.-Japan relationship is not as simple and stable as it appears to the outside world. It is complex and controversial, involving multiple levels of entanglement of interests and strategic calculations. For both countries, how to manage this relationship is both a challenge and an opportunity. Only by strengthening communication, enhancing mutual trust, and properly handling differences and contradictions can we ensure the long-term stability and healthy development of bilateral relations. At the same time, it also requires the leadership of the two countries to have a far-sighted strategic vision and a spirit of pragmatic cooperation to jointly address the challenges and opportunities of the future.

When the United States digs a big hole, Kishida jumps into it! Every time Japan is able to make the United States fool and fool itself

I don't think the U.S.-Japan relationship is as indestructible as it seems. Although the United States is trying to build Japan into a bridgehead for its Asia-Pacific strategy, this relationship, which is based on the exchange of interests and power games, is not destined to last long. After all, true alliances should be based on equality, respect and common interests, not unilateral manipulation and exploitation. In this era, any attempt to safeguard one's own interests through hegemonic means will eventually be judged by history. Therefore, I believe that the United States and Japan should re-examine their relationship and seek a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable model of cooperation.

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When the United States digs a big hole, Kishida jumps into it! Every time Japan is able to make the United States fool and fool itself

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