
Can drinking liquor prolong life? Is drinking dinner good or harmful to the body? The doctor made it clear once and for all

author:Popular science of Chinese medicine doctors

In China's profound traditional culture, baijiu has always occupied an irreplaceable prominent position, highlighting its profound historical heritage and unique cultural charm. Whether it's a festive feast or a warm reunion of family and friends, baijiu always plays an indispensable and important role, adding a touch of cultural vibe to happy times. It is not only a carrier of emotions, but also regarded by some people as a way of wellness. However, there are different opinions on whether drinking baijiu can increase longevity, and the pros and cons of drinking a glass at dinner for the body, and people have different opinions, so it is difficult to generalize.

Can drinking liquor prolong life? Is drinking dinner good or harmful to the body? The doctor made it clear once and for all

Composition and efficacy of liquor. The essence of baijiu lies in the harmony between ethanol and water, and it also contains a variety of alcohols, esters and other compounds with mellow aroma, and its complex components together create the unique flavor of baijiu. Drinking liquor in moderation can promote blood circulation, stimulate appetite, soothe tired body, and add a touch of leisurely charm to life. In the sea of ancient Chinese medicine, wine was also revered as a treasure of medicine, and its mellow flavor can help the medicine to be more effective, showing profound medical wisdom. However, although baijiu has its unique charm and benefits, it is not the magic elixir of immortality, and people still need to drink it carefully to appreciate its profound charm.

In fact, the alcohol concentration of baijiu is quite considerable, and if you drink too much, it will inevitably cause potential harm to the body, so it is wise to consume it in moderation. Long-term heavy drinking can damage the liver, stomach and other organs, and even lead to serious diseases such as cancer. In addition, the alcohol content in baijiu is like a double-edged sword, although it can bring a moment of pleasure, but it also inadvertently and quietly erodes our nervous system, making our memory gradually blurred and our response slowing down. Therefore, we cannot simply think of baijiu as a panacea for longevity.

Can drinking liquor prolong life? Is drinking dinner good or harmful to the body? The doctor made it clear once and for all

Is drinking baijiu at dinner beneficial or harmful to the body? The mystery of this is actually hidden in the amount and frequency of drinking, and the two are intertwined with each other, and together affect the effect of baijiu on the human body. Tasted in moderation, the essence of baijiu soothes muscles and bones, revitalizes blood and veins, and promotes digestion for subtle benefits to the body. However, if you drink too much, especially on an empty stomach, it can cause irritation to the stomach lining and cause problems such as stomach pain and stomach ulcers. Drinking alcohol at night often disrupts a restful sleep, making it difficult to refresh the next day, affecting the vitality and state of the whole day.

Mr. Zhang, a keen lover of liquor, likes to drink a few glasses at dinner time to savor the mellow and fragrant flavor of it. At first, he felt comfortable and his appetite increased. However, as time went on, Mr. Zhang began to experience stomach pain, nausea, and even symptoms of jaundice. Upon examination by a doctor, he was diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease. This case tells us that even people who have a certain tolerance to liquor cannot ignore the harm of excessive alcohol consumption to the body.

The authoritative voice of the medical community has also provided strong support for it, and agrees with this deeply rooted conclusion. The World Health Organization clearly states that alcohol is a risk factor for a variety of diseases, including liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, among others. Therefore, whether it is at dinner or other times, you should limit the amount of alcohol you drink and avoid excessive consumption.

Can drinking liquor prolong life? Is drinking dinner good or harmful to the body? The doctor made it clear once and for all

In exploring this question, we can also draw on some wisdom from traditional Chinese culture. For example, the ancients advocated the "golden mean", and knew that it was necessary to act appropriately, neither excessively biased nor lacking, and pursued a harmonious and balanced state. These principles also apply to the art of wine tasting, and it is necessary to grasp the balance in order to understand the subtlety. Drinking alcohol in moderation, like a spring breeze, can make the mood happy and promote harmonious communication, but excessive alcohol is like a storm, which is counterproductive, and on the contrary, it will make the mood depressed and hinder communication. In addition, the ancients also emphasized "eating modestly", that is, eating regularly and in moderation. It also reminds us that we need to pay more attention to the health and balance of the body when enjoying good food and wine, so as to achieve a harmonious state of body and mind.

To sum up, drinking baijiu does not directly prolong life, and its effects on the body depend on the amount and frequency of drinking. Drinking liquor in moderation at dinner may be beneficial to the body, but excessive consumption can cause damage to the body. Therefore, we should drink alcohol reasonably according to our own situation and avoid over-reliance on alcohol to seek pleasure or relaxation. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the body's response and health status, and adjust the drinking habits in time.

Can drinking liquor prolong life? Is drinking dinner good or harmful to the body? The doctor made it clear once and for all

In this matter, we must not only follow the advice of medical experts, but also make judgments based on our own life experience and practice. After all, everyone's physical condition and drinking habits are different, and the one that suits you is the best. Finally, let's end with an old Chinese saying: "Wine is less than a thousand cups of confidants, and words are not speculative for more than half a sentence." "While enjoying good wine, don't forget to pay attention to the health and balance of your body.

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