
Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

author:Little edamame who loves life

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Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

The incident of beating a hotel owner has recently detonated the entire network, and the situation has rapidly expanded. What is striking is not the degree of injury of the hotel owner, nor the intensity of the conflict between the two sides, but the special identity of the beater, who has the power to "fight in real life":

"I'm not afraid if you call the mayor, the deputy mayor of Zaoyang City is at the same level as me!"

"Zaoyang is a J hair!"

"Let the fire department seal down your hotel tomorrow!"

"What level are you!"

These remarks came from the mouths of three public officials, and were filled with endless arrogance and contempt for ordinary people. Their repeated disdain and contempt for the people are outrageous.

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

▶ Event Recap:

According to the report, Chang Mou, a public official headed by a cadre of the Fuzhou Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, and two other people with the same status brutally beat Mr. Xie, the person in charge of the hotel, under the pretext of a check-out dispute. Shockingly, they were originally dissatisfied with the hotel environment and had successfully refunded and left, but only a few minutes later, they reappeared and asked Mr. Xie to return the money again.

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

Mr. Xie, the head of the hotel, had to turn to Uncle Hat for help, but the police response on February 16 was shocking: of the three involved, the perpetrator, Chang, received only a minor punishment. The result of such a treatment has aroused strong doubts and dissatisfaction among netizens.

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

Netizens were very curious about who these three people were? Finally, after a detailed investigation, it was revealed that the perpetrator, Chang Mou, was the leader of the Taxation Bureau of the Fuzhou Economic Development Zone. One is Chen from the Xiangyang Audit Bureau, and the other is Li from Wangcheng Township. Any one of these three is enough to cause a sensation locally, and either one can make countless people circle around them.

At the time of the incident, Chen faced the hotel owner and shouted aggressively to Chang: "Dare to cause trouble during the Spring Festival, I will clean him up in a few days!"

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

The day after the incident, people from the fire department contacted the hotel owner, Mr. Xie, and although the other party did not exert pressure on Mr. Xie and the hotel as a public official, the owner felt that he had no right to intervene in the matter.

Mr. Xie, the owner of the hotel, obviously could not tolerate the bad behavior of Chang and others! However, on 20 March, Chang's unit actually gave him such a slight punishment: it was only a verbal warning

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

▶ The hotel owner who was beaten was dissatisfied with the verdict and did not hesitate to file an administrative review!

The hotel owner who was beaten was a retired soldier! After rigorous training by the troops, he must have the qualities of firmness, integrity, perseverance, and firm will! His pursuit of justice and fairness is extremely strong! Now that he is attacked and threatened, he will never give up easily! He will resolutely defend his rights and interests and make unremitting efforts to uphold justice!

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

As a state official and leading cadre, he not only beats people but also threatens others, and also tries to evade responsibility.

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

The owner of a retired serviceman's hotel is unwilling to submit a reconsideration! Now that public opinion is becoming more and more intense, the police are under tremendous pressure, because no matter what the result of the reconsideration is, the police will be tested! If the punishment is too light, public opinion will stand on the side of the retired servicemen, and if the punishment is too heavy, it will be difficult for the two public officials to give an account! The retired military boss is eager for a fair and just result, and he needs the public officials to publicly apologize and provide compensation!

▶ Netizen views:

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!
Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!
Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

Some netizens have questioned why the incident in February was not exposed until April? Looking closely at the pictures below, it is not difficult to imagine how poignant the reason is.

Follow-up to the beating of the hotel owner by a public official: The hotel owner filed a reconsideration, and his identity is not simple!

It is expected that the general public will actively participate in the supervision of the handling process of relevant departments, play an active role, and ensure fairness and transparency.

It's still unknown how it will end, but there's no doubt that hoteliers will face a huge challenge in the local environment, what do you think about it?

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