
No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

author:Abundance Poker G

In this story about high emotional intelligence and the big picture, I will describe the growth path of a protagonist who learns three important skills that allow him to navigate relationships and ultimately earn people's respect and affection.

No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

My name is Zhang Yun and I was born in an ordinary family. My parents were very strict with me and wanted me to be a responsible person. From a young age, they taught me to control my emotions, to respect others, and to keep an open mind. These teachings left a deep mark on my upbringing.

No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

As a child, I always got along well with my friends at school. I love listening to their stories, sharing my thoughts, and also listening to their troubles. I have found that respecting others does not mean giving up one's own position, but learning to understand other people's perspectives and respect their choices.

No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

The first time I really felt the importance of emotional intelligence was in high school. At that time, I joined the school's debate team. In the course of the debate, I learned how to communicate, how to express my own opinions, and how to respect the opinions of others. I realized that in order to win a debate, you need to rely not only on logic and facts, but also on the use of emotional intelligence to understand the other party's position and find a common solution.

No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

Over time, I got into college. Here, I met many like-minded friends, and together we formed a club dedicated to helping children in underprivileged areas. In the process, I learned how to get along with people from different backgrounds, how to listen to their needs, and how to work with a team to achieve our goals together.

No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

Three things have left a deep imprint on my heart: controlling my emotions, respecting others, and keeping an open mind. These are not only the keys to improving emotional intelligence, but also important factors in shaping the big picture. No matter what kind of people and situations I face, as long as I do these three things, I have won my own respect and trust, and I have also won the recognition and love of others.

No matter who you get along with, if you do these 3 points, you will win, which is high emotional intelligence and a big picture

Perhaps, life is a spiritual journey about emotional intelligence and the big picture. Only by constantly learning and growing can we be comfortable in interpersonal relationships and win more people's hearts.

The story shows how the protagonist Zhang Yun gradually earned people's respect and affection by controlling his emotions, respecting others, and keeping an open mind. These skills not only improved his emotional intelligence but also allowed him to be more successful in his relationships.