
The security captain raped the 66-year-old aunt, more inside information was exposed, and the details were outrageous!

author:Clever pineapple e9


Recently, a news about a 66-year-old security uncle who was sexually assaulted by the security captain repeatedly attracted widespread attention on the Internet. This kind of news is embarrassing, and the security captain, as a colleague of the victim, chose to use his authority to sexually assault the victim, which makes people feel indignant and heartbroken. What is even more shocking is that the victim chose to remain silent when she was sexually assaulted for the first and second time, and it was not until the third time that she bravely spoke to her daughter and called the police. In the face of such a thing, we can't help but think about why the victim chooses to keep quiet, and how should we face and deal with it when we are violated? Next, let's take a look at the story behind this incident, and think about and discuss it together. 1. The uncle who was sexually assaulted by the security captain many times In this incident, the victim of the security uncle is 66 years old this year, and the person who sexually assaulted him is his colleague, that is, the security captain. It is learnt that the security captain sexually assaulted the victim many times during his work, and after learning of such an incident, the victim felt very desperate and helpless.

The security captain raped the 66-year-old aunt, more inside information was exposed, and the details were outrageous!

1. Traditional concepts have fueled the arrogance of lawbreakers, no matter what era it is, sexual assault is a very serious matter, and we absolutely cannot tolerate and condone such things. Dark corners are not allowed, and we should give the victims the greatest support and help. However, in this incident, we can see that the victim did not choose to stand up bravely after learning that she had been sexually assaulted, but chose to remain silent and escape. In fact, the reason why the victim has such thoughts is inseparable from the concepts and attitudes around us. In the traditional concept, women who are sexually assaulted will be very discriminated against and blamed, and some people will even think that it is the woman's own problem, thinking that it is the woman's clothes that expose or tempt the man, so that she will suffer such a thing.

Such an idea is undoubtedly very wrong and extreme, and it will not only cause great harm to the victim, but also encourage the arrogance of the wrongdoer, making them feel that what they are doing is right. Therefore, in this incident, the reason why the victim chose to remain silent was also out of fear of such a concept and attitude. In her heart, she may feel that she is a victim, but instead of receiving the understanding and support of others, she will suffer all kinds of criticism and accusations, making her situation more difficult and helpless.

The security captain raped the 66-year-old aunt, more inside information was exposed, and the details were outrageous!

Second, the victims should stand up bravelyOn this issue, we absolutely cannot tolerate and condone it, but need the joint efforts and changes of the whole society. For the victim, she should dare to stand up, and not choose silence and escape because of the perceptions and attitudes of the outside world. Only when she bravely stands up, asks for help and seeks the protection of the law, can the wrongdoers get the punishment they deserve, and can help more people realize that such things cannot exist and cannot be accepted.

Of course, in this process, we also need more people to help and support the victim, to make her feel warm and loved, to let her know that it is not her own fault, and that she should not feel ashamed and guilty about it. Only when she gets more support and encouragement can she face everything bravely and get through the haze and pain in her heart.

The security captain raped the 66-year-old aunt, more inside information was exposed, and the details were outrageous!

Of course, for the whole society, we also need to have a correct understanding and attitude, and we should not blame the victim because of her choice, but should give the greatest understanding and support. Only when the whole society is able to do this, can it be possible to change the traditional concepts and attitudes, and can more people face everything bravely, so that the lawbreakers have nowhere to hide.

The security captain raped the 66-year-old aunt, more inside information was exposed, and the details were outrageous!


Whether it is a man or a woman, when facing the problem of sexual assault, we should have the same attitude and concept, and give the greatest support and understanding. Only when we can all do this can we make this society a better and warmer place. I hope that through such things, more people can be aroused, so that everyone can have a correct understanding and attitude, and be able to face everything bravely, so that love and warmth can fill every corner.

The security captain raped the 66-year-old aunt, more inside information was exposed, and the details were outrageous!

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