
A mouthful of old blood? Not necessarily vomiting! Hemoptysis and vomiting blood: distinguish symptoms and focus on health

author:Teacher Wang said health management

Xiao Wang is a young IT engineer who is usually busy with work and has irregular living habits. One day, he suddenly felt a violent cough in the office, followed by a stream of heat gushing out of his throat, and he thought he had bitten his tongue and vomited blood. Xiao Wang suddenly panicked, not knowing the reason behind the symptoms of spitting blood from his mouth.

1. Hemoptysis and hematemesis: distinguish symptoms and deal with them correctly

1. Hemoptysis

Hemoptysis is bleeding from the respiratory tract (including the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi) or lung tissues that is expelled from the mouth by coughing. Hemoptysis is usually accompanied by symptoms such as cough and chest pain, and is bright red in color and sometimes mixed with sputum.

2. Blood vomiting

Hematemesis refers to bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (including the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum) and is discharged from the mouth through vomiting. Hematemesis is usually accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, and is dark red or brown in color, sometimes mixed with food debris.

Xiao Wang's symptoms are hemoptysis. In daily life, we need to learn to distinguish between hemoptysis and vomiting blood in order to deal with it correctly.

2. Possible causes and precautions of hemoptysis

1. Respiratory tract infection: such as pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, sputum, fever and other symptoms are more obvious.

2. Bronchiectasis: manifested as recurrent coughing, sputum production, hemoptysis, and even dyspnea.

3. Tuberculosis: cough, sputum production, hemoptysis, low-grade fever, fatigue and other symptoms.

4. Lung tumors: Older and long-term smokers should be vigilant.

5. Cardiovascular diseases: such as pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, etc.

A mouthful of old blood? Not necessarily vomiting! Hemoptysis and vomiting blood: distinguish symptoms and focus on health


1. Keep the indoor air fresh and avoid smoke, dust and other irritations.

2. Pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent respiratory tract infections.

3. When coughing and coughing up sputum, try to cough it up gently to avoid excessive force that may cause aggravation of bleeding.

4. If the symptoms of hemoptysis are found, seek medical attention in time for symptomatic treatment.

3. Possible causes and precautions of vomiting blood

1. Gastrointestinal diseases: such as gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, intestinal infection, etc.

2. Hepatobiliary diseases: such as liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, etc.

3. Acute pancreatitis: severe abdominal pain, vomiting, vomiting blood.

4. Adverse drug reactions: such as anticoagulant drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.


1. Pay attention to your diet and avoid spicy, greasy, and irritating foods.

2. Maintain a good sleep schedule and avoid overexertion.

3. If you have symptoms such as vomiting and abdominal pain, seek medical attention in time.

4. Follow the doctor's advice, use drugs reasonably, and avoid indiscriminate use of drugs.

A mouthful of old blood? Not necessarily vomiting! Hemoptysis and vomiting blood: distinguish symptoms and focus on health

IV. Conclusions

Spit blood in the mouth, not necessarily vomit. We need to learn to distinguish between hemoptysis and vomiting blood, and pay attention to our own health. When symptoms of hemoptysis or hematemesis occur, medical attention should be sought promptly for symptomatic treatment. At the same time, develop good living habits to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

The data confirms that, according to the Survey Report on the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases among Chinese Residents released by the National Health Commission of the mainland, respiratory diseases and digestive tract diseases are common causes of hemoptysis and vomiting. Lung tumors and hepatobiliary diseases may also cause hemoptysis and vomiting. Therefore, when such symptoms occur, it is important to pay attention to them and seek medical attention in time.

Theoretical support: Medical studies have shown that hemoptysis and hematemesis have a variety of causes, including infections, cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, etc. Correctly distinguishing between hemoptysis and hematemesis can help identify the cause and treat the symptoms. At the same time, developing good living habits and preventing the occurrence of diseases are important measures to ensure good health.

A mouthful of old blood? Not necessarily vomiting! Hemoptysis and vomiting blood: distinguish symptoms and focus on health

5. Health guidance

1. Maintain a good work and rest time, develop regular work and rest habits, and avoid staying up late.

2. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and less spicy, greasy, and irritating foods.

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol to avoid long-term smoking and the harm of alcohol to the body.

4. Keep indoor air circulation and avoid being in smoke, dust and other environments for a long time.

5. Appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

6. Maintain a good mood and avoid excessive tension, anxiety and other emotions.

7. Regular physical examination to detect and treat diseases in time.

8. Pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent infection.

VI. Conclusion

Spit blood in the mouth, not necessarily vomit. We need to learn to distinguish between hemoptysis and vomiting blood, and pay attention to our own health. When symptoms of hemoptysis or hematemesis occur, medical attention should be sought promptly for symptomatic treatment. At the same time, develop good living habits to prevent the occurrence of diseases. On this basis, follow the health guidance to improve the quality of life and protect the health of the body. Let's work together to create a healthy lifestyle and move towards a better future.