
A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

author:Enriching the cultural center

In 1986, Lu Hua, who had just completed his studies at the School of Foreign Languages of Sun Yat-sen University, won the favor of the Guangzhou Municipal Trade Bureau with his outstanding talent and became an ordinary employee of the Trade Bureau.

At a trade fair, Lu Hua stumbled upon a bottle of mysterious liquid with a price tag of "six zeros", which sparked her endless curiosity.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Originally just an ordinary staff member of the Trade Bureau, Lu Hua has an extremely strong desire to start a business at this moment. With her excellent English communication skills, she quickly established a cooperative relationship with the American buyers who came to purchase and became a middleman between the two parties.

In the next five years, Lu Hua's snake venom intermediary business made a staggering 9.8 million yuan in profits, making it an industry giant.

This ordinary rural girl, with her wisdom and courage, achieved a gorgeous counterattack from "salary 300" to "assets of hundreds of millions" at an astonishing speed, completely subverting her original ordinary life trajectory.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Despite his humble background, Lu Hua has extraordinary business acumen and insight. With her in-depth knowledge of the snake venom industry, she eventually successfully transformed from an ordinary trade bureau employee to a successful entrepreneur, making outstanding contributions to the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

It is this endless curiosity about the unknown and a keen insight into business opportunities that has allowed Lu Hua to grow from an unknown ordinary employee to a well-known business woman.

She used her colorful life experience to show the world that opportunities are not a godsend, but we need to use wisdom to capture and excavate. With perseverance and courage, anyone can move from the ordinary to the extraordinary and create their own legend.

Lu Hua's snake venom business empire

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

In 2004, Lu Hua took the initiative to break with a long-time American buyer, saying that he would no longer sell any snake venom. Although this decision undoubtedly put heavy pressure on the company's capital chain, Lu Hua did not flinch at all, but relied on the strength of independent research and development of new drugs to launch a fierce game with American buyers.

In the face of Lu Hua's tough attitude, the American buyer initially did not pay enough attention to it, still believing that it was just an excuse for her refusal to cooperate. However, it didn't take long for them to be shocked by the huge snake venom resources in Lu Hua's hands.

In order to ensure the safety of these priceless snake venom freeze-dried powders, Lu Hua has set up a strict monitoring system in a small warehouse with an area of only 10 square meters to ensure that no criminals can approach it.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

She is well aware that once these valuable assets fall into the hands of others, they will inevitably lead to irreparable losses.

In the end, at Lu Hua's insistence, the American buyer had to take the initiative to contact her and give her a one-of-a-kind Hummer off-road vehicle as a gift to show his sincerity for further cooperation.

The negotiations, led by Lu Hua, finally gave her the upper hand in the game with the Americans and became a leader in the industry.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

With his profound industry knowledge, Lu Hua took the initiative to visit Yang Yanjian, a snake venom collection expert in Guangxi, in 2001. Through many in-depth exchanges and studies, she boldly proposed to purchase all of Yang Yanjian's snake venom products for a long time at a price several times higher than the market price.

Faced with the temptation of such lucrative conditions, Yang Yanjian gladly accepted this proposal, and the two sides signed a long-term and effective strategic cooperation agreement.

In the business field full of opportunities and challenges, Yang Yanjian's unique strategic vision and excellent business acumen have undoubtedly brought Lu Hua a vital partner.

Relying on Yang Yanjian's influence, Lu Hua successfully attracted the attention of all snake venom collectors in China, and finally reached the largest commercial transaction in history, achieving a high degree of monopoly in the snake venom market.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Although Lu Hua's snake venom trading business was gaining momentum, in 1999 it was subject to strict export restrictions. Snake venom, which was originally an ordinary agricultural product, was suddenly "upgraded" to a special commodity, and the export procedures became extremely complicated.

However, this did not dampen Lu Hua's fighting spirit. She made a decisive move into the field of medicine, and with her in-depth research on the properties of snake venom, she finally succeeded in developing new drugs for the treatment of cerebral thrombosis and tumors, and successfully got rid of her dependence on American buyers.

It is this spirit of courage to challenge and not admit defeat that has achieved the key to Lu Hua's final ascent to the pinnacle of the industry.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

The road to counterattack

In 1986, Lu Hua, an ordinary employee of the Guangzhou Municipal Trade Bureau, accidentally discovered the precious "black gold" of snake venom at a commodity exhibition.

At that time, she was in charge of contacting foreign businessmen who came to purchase, and found a mysterious liquid with a price tag of "six zeros" at the scene. This aroused Lu Hua's endless curiosity, so she did not hesitate to ask questions to the foreign businessmen on the scene.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Through a fluent and smooth conversation, Lu Hua finally learned that this seemingly dangerous item had a huge commercial value that no one knew. It turns out that snake venom is essentially toxic proteins and other important enzymes and toxins.

Although snake venom itself contains toxins, it can be scientifically refined and processed into precious medicines, which have a significant effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases.

This discovery can't help but make Lu Hua have an extremely strong desire to start a business. Although there was no special snake venom trading channel in China at that time, she quickly took the initiative to contact her fellow villagers from Yulin with her excellent English communication skills, and successfully sold snake venom to American buyers.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Over the next five years, Lu Hua's snake venom intermediary business made a staggering 9.8 million yuan in profits, making it an industry giant. With her business acumen and insight, she has gradually built a complete snake venom industry chain.

At that time, the means of communication in China were not as convenient as they are today, and people generally communicated by letter. However, it is precisely this that has become the key to the astute Lu Hua to seize business opportunities.

She found that her Guangzhou Trade Bureau was equipped with advanced communication equipment, so she did not hesitate to call the American businessman and express her intention to be able to supply snake venom on a regular basis.

American businessmen gladly accepted Lu Hua's proposal. In order to further consolidate the cooperative relationship, Lu Hua also prepared 20,000 yuan, found the Yulin fellow who was proficient in snake venom sales, explained his cooperation plan to him in detail, and promised to withdraw only a small commission.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Faced with the fact that there was no institution in China that specialized in purchasing snake venom at that time, and the only way to sell could only rely on foreign buyers, the Yulin villager naturally couldn't resist Lu Hua's suggestion.

However, the road to prosperity has not been easy. In 1999, the state promulgated a strict snake venom export policy, implementing strict control over all kinds of goods, among which the introduction of new restrictions on the export of snake venom is particularly stringent.

Snake venom, which was originally an ordinary agricultural product, was suddenly upgraded to a special commodity, and the export procedures became extremely complicated.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

In the face of this policy challenge, Lu Hua was not hit by the difficulties in front of him, but decisively switched to the field of medicine.

Her in-depth research on the properties of snake venom led to the development of new drugs for the treatment of cerebral thrombosis and tumors, thus completely decoupling from American buyers and eliminating the need to rely on their drug manufacturing technology.

In 2004, Lu Hua broke with American buyers, saying that he would no longer sell any snake venom. This decision undoubtedly put heavy pressure on the company's capital chain, but Lu Hua did not flinch at all, but used it as a force to launch a fierce competition with American buyers.

With the strength of independent research and development of new drugs, she sent a strong signal to American buyers: if the other party is unwilling to cooperate, then she can use the abundant snake venom resources in her hands to produce drugs on her own.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

In the face of such a threat, the American buyer suddenly felt a deep jealousy, and their original attitude of contempt for Lu Hua was swept away, and finally had to take the initiative to contact her and send a unique Hummer off-road vehicle as a gift to show their sincerity.

This negotiation, led by Lu Hua, finally allowed her to take the initiative in the game with the Americans. With his new breakthrough in the field of medicine, Lu Hua has completely gotten rid of his dependence on American buyers and has become an industry giant in the true sense.

From the initial "salary of 300" to today's "assets of 5 billion", Lu Hua's growth trajectory is undoubtedly an exciting legend.

In the face of many difficulties, she never gave up, but with her tenacity and extraordinary business acumen, she overcame various challenges on the way forward again and again.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

It is this endless curiosity about the unknown and a keen insight into business opportunities that has allowed Lu Hua to grow from an unknown ordinary employee to a well-known business woman.

She used her colorful life course to show the world that opportunities are not a godsend, but we need to use wisdom to capture and excavate. With perseverance and courage, anyone can move from the ordinary to the extraordinary and create their own legend.

Behind the scenes

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

In 1986, Lu Hua, an ordinary employee of the Guangzhou Municipal Trade Bureau, accidentally found a bottle of mysterious liquid with a price tag of "six zeros" at a trade fair.

This aroused her endless curiosity, so she did not hesitate to ask questions to the foreign businessmen at the scene.

Through a fluent and smooth conversation, Lu Hua finally learned that this seemingly dangerous item had a huge commercial value that no one knew. It turns out that snake venom is essentially toxic proteins and other important enzymes and toxins, which can be transformed into precious drugs after professional refinement, which has a significant effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases.

This discovery can't help but make Lu Hua have an extremely strong desire to start a business. She realized that enterprises that master snake venom resources will have huge commercial value and development prospects.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

As a result, Lu Hua began to build his own snake venom trading network.

With his excellent English communication skills, Lu Hua quickly took the initiative to contact his fellow villagers from Yulin and successfully sold the snake venom to American buyers.

Over the next five years, Lu Hua's snake venom intermediary business made a staggering 9.8 million yuan in profits, making it an industry giant. With her business acumen and insight, she has gradually built a complete snake venom industry chain.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

In order to further consolidate his position in the industry, Lu Hua decided to take more radical measures. With her profound industry knowledge, she took the initiative to visit Yang Yanjian, a snake venom collection expert in Guangxi, in 2001.

Through many in-depth exchanges and studies, Lu Hua boldly proposed to purchase all of Yang Yanjian's snake venom products for a long time at a price several times higher than the market price.

Faced with the temptation of such lucrative conditions, Yang Yanjian gladly accepted this proposal, and the two sides signed a long-term and effective strategic cooperation agreement. Relying on Yang Yanjian's influence, Lu Hua successfully attracted the attention of all snake venom collectors in China, and finally reached the largest commercial transaction in history, achieving a high degree of monopoly in the snake venom market.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

Just when Lu Hua's business empire was in full swing, in 2004 she took the initiative to break with a long-term American buyer, saying that she would no longer sell any snake venom.

This decision undoubtedly put heavy pressure on the company's capital chain, but Lu Hua did not flinch at all, but used it as a force to launch a fierce competition with American buyers.

With the strength of independent research and development of new drugs, she sent a strong signal to American buyers: if the other party is unwilling to cooperate, then she can use the abundant snake venom resources in her hands to produce drugs on her own.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

In the face of such a threat, the American buyer suddenly felt a deep jealousy, and their original attitude of contempt for Lu Hua was swept away, and finally had to take the initiative to contact her and send a unique Hummer off-road vehicle as a gift to show their sincerity.

This negotiation, led by Lu Hua, finally allowed her to take the initiative in the game with the Americans. With his new breakthrough in the field of medicine, Lu Hua has completely gotten rid of his dependence on American buyers and has become an industry giant in the true sense.

In 2009, under the careful planning of Lu Hua, Guangxi Medical University successfully developed a new drug for cerebral thrombosis and tumors. This news fell on Lu Hua's ears like a heavenly sound, and she couldn't help but burst into tears of excitement.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

The hardships experienced before were finally vented and released at this moment.

It turned out that in the previous three years, Lu Hua had spent time meticulously collecting and dry-preparing a total weight of 424 kilograms of snake venom freeze-dried powder, with a total value of 4.7 billion yuan! In order to ensure the safety of these valuable assets, she set up a strict monitoring system in a small warehouse with an area of only 10 square meters to ensure that no criminals could approach it.

Knowing that the snake venom assets controlled by Lu Hua could be used to develop new drugs, American buyers immediately felt deeply jealous. In order to regain the opportunity to work with them, they offered a one-of-a-kind Hummer off-road vehicle as a gift to show their sincerity.

The negotiations, led by Lu Hua, finally gave her the upper hand in the game with the Americans and became a real industry leader.

A rural woman with a monthly salary of 300 earns 5 billion by snake venom, and Americans send luxury cars just to please her

To sum up, Lu Hua's growth trajectory is undoubtedly a legendary business story.

From an ordinary employee of the Trade Bureau to an industry giant who now controls 5 billion yuan of snake venom assets, she has overcome many obstacles on the way forward again and again with her excellent insight and tenacity, and finally achieved today's brilliant achievements.

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