
"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"

author:Small flying hot streaks

The shocking incident took place in a community in Longhua District, Haikou, Hainan Province, in the early hours of April 5. According to related reports, a 26-year-old man, Zeng Mouyu, was in a drunken state and inflicted extremely violent acts on his girlfriend because of some trivial matters. This scene happened in the elevator, the man beat his girlfriend, the situation was very serious, according to people familiar with the matter, the woman was choked and almost out of breath.

"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"
"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"

Surveillance footage

At this tense and dangerous moment, the security guards of the community tried to stop the man's violent behavior, but instead he was attacked by the man. However, instead of deterring, the security guards fought back and successfully subdued the abusive man, while the victim woman also took the opportunity to escape. However, the incident did not end there, and after being subdued by the security guards, the man went downstairs and smashed the car with a knife and vandalized the air-conditioning display of the sentry box, showing his extreme loss of control and violent tendencies.


In the end, the police quickly arrived at the scene after receiving the report, subdued Zeng Mouyu, and criminally detained him in accordance with the law. The incident sparked widespread attention on social media, especially the heroic actions of the security guards, who were praised by netizens. The courage and professionalism shown by the security guards in the performance of their duties provided timely assistance to the victims and prevented further deterioration of the situation.

"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"
"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"
"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"

This incident once again highlights the seriousness of domestic violence and the need for society to pay attention to and respond to such problems. Domestic violence is a social problem that cannot be ignored, which not only causes serious physical and mental harm to the victims, but also undermines social harmony and stability. The prevention and suppression of domestic violence requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society.

"Almost out of breath: beating my girlfriend in the elevator, is this love or hurt?"

First, raising public awareness of the issue of domestic violence is crucial. Many people's understanding of domestic violence is still superficial, believing that it is only an internal problem and does not require outside intervention. However, this notion is wrong. Domestic violence not only causes physical and mental harm to the victim, but also has a negative impact on society as a whole. Therefore, we need to raise public awareness of the problem of domestic violence through education and awareness-raising, so that more people can understand the seriousness of domestic violence and how to prevent and stop it.

Secondly, it is also very important to strengthen the implementation of laws and regulations. Although the mainland has promulgated some relevant laws and regulations, there are still some problems in actual operation. For example, some victims are afraid to call the police or seek help for fear of reprisals or other reasons. Therefore, we need to strengthen the publicity and enforcement of laws and regulations, so that victims know their rights and how to protect themselves, and at the same time, we need to punish the perpetrators harshly and make them pay the price they deserve.

Finally, it is important to provide more support and help to victims. Victims are often severely injured, both physically and psychologically, and they need to receive timely help and support. This includes the provision of temporary shelter, medical treatment, psychological counselling, and other assistance. At the same time, we also need to encourage victims to stand up and ask for help, so that they know that they are not alone and that society has their back.

At the same time, this incident also demonstrates the important role of security personnel in maintaining social order and protecting the safety of citizens. Their bravery and professionalism not only played a key role in this incident, but also an integral part of our society. Therefore, more recognition and support should be given to their work.

Overall, this incident is a cautionary tale of the importance of attention and attention to the issue of domestic violence, while also showing the side of social justice and courage. It is hoped that through such cases, more people's attention to the issue of domestic violence can be aroused, and a more harmonious and safe social environment can be jointly built.